The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 222: One does not stay

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Hey, hey..." Chu You made a weird laughter, and then held the halberd diagonally with one hand, and hurriedly killed the Jin player who had been beaten.

Lin Luoer stood on the kan and looked at Chu You’s figure below, her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was looking at a person again. She suddenly felt that Chu You’s mentality when fighting the player...very different, It looks like a different person.

Fighting strange experience, whether it is BOSS or whatever, is very calm and clear, and it is clear to the chest. But once the object became a player, Chu You seemed to be in a semi-crazy state, and he was extremely murderous! !

I still remember the first time I saw the scene of Chu You. The other party was shirtless, carrying a seedling knife, and the red mango appeared. With a very provocative action, when he spit out the word "roll" to the players who harassed himself, the pair of Shenjun and the current Chu You are extremely close!

Thinking of this, Lin Luoer's cheeks seemed to be faintly red. At that time, the two were very close together, and the special male breath from the other person's naked upper body is now... vaguely memorable.

Lin Luoer lowered his head and smiled slightly. When he raised his head again, his smile had disappeared.

Chu You, what have you experienced in your body?

‘Spin and wave! 'Chu You's attack speed and movement speed increased sharply. Two rotations were completed in an instant. At the same time, the two waves spread with a strong attack blessing force to the radius. Chu You once again completed a round of group seconds, but the lethality and The fluctuation of the dragon's breath cannot be compared. The fluctuation of the dragon's breath is within 25 meters, and the enemy is all in! The rotation wave can only randomly select 18 enemies.

"Fuck me to death!" At this time, a guild boss from Jin Guo reacted from the shock and shouted anxiously.

At the beginning of the second stage of the continuous technique, ‘Scope Fluctuation’, it was still Chu You who took the lead. At this time, he was close to the players of the Jin Kingdom again, and another range of damage spread away.

Good guy! At the final stage of the continuous technique, the "impact wave" has already been triggered. Looking at the warrior player who is running towards him, Chu You slammed on the ground and the surrounding players kneeled again.

In such a short period of 4 or 5 seconds, the number of players in Jin Dynasty dropped sharply from 800 to more than 600.

"Run, he's a night!" A player finally reacted and recognized who the person was. Such a scene can be created in "The World", and he can't think of a second person.

"Yes, I am 17, but the opponent's level is a question mark, the gap is too big!" All of a sudden, players have backed away, but they have not yet formed a collapse.

"Death, death, death!" Chu You relied on her powerful attributes and scroll blessings, as well as the passive state of the slaughter dance, and moved quickly. In the process, she quickly wielded war halberds, one by one, one by one, and was cut in All the players on the body are killed in seconds, and no one can carry the first knife!

You really can't imagine how perverted Yeyou is!

This is a slaughter, this is a feast that has entered the slaughter frenzy. Chu You, however, is an extremely enjoyable process of quickly harvesting life.

Is Chu You's blood volume decreasing? Yes, it's just a little bit. Lin Luoer is completely relieved, there is no need to add blood at all, just stand and watch the battle.

Jiucai'er is different. After releasing the big move, she started throwing fireballs. When she discovered that fireballs could not kill players of 12th and 13th level in seconds, she changed her way and used her newly learned skill,'Fire Fork'. Similar to fireball, it throws fireballs, except that this skill has a flame tail, which is more harmful and cools for 2 seconds.

No one soon entered Jiucai's range, so she jumped decisively.


"Ouch, it hurts me." Jiucai'er jumped straight, and the injury occurred at the moment of landing. Lin Luo'er smiled and cast the water healing magic in his hand. With a slight wave, Jiu Caier was full of blood.

Lin Luoer locked Chu You's figure again.


'Snapped! ’The sense of hit is extremely stimulating and the players in front of the damage range all fall to the ground, which also includes a 16th-level blood cow player! It is the boss of a guild.

"Lying trough, Brother Niu fell."

"Brother Niu was spiked!"

With the repeated mass killing of the range, the players here finally can't bear the fact that they see it. The deep sense of fear and powerlessness fills their hearts, they can no longer produce a heart of resistance, and the trend of collapse explodes.

"Oh, I can't escape!" With the bloodthirsty cold mang, killing another person is over, Chu You disappeared in place at the moment, and the next moment, he appeared directly in the other party's collapsed crowd, and his hands Zhongran has a white breath...

‘Phantom Doppelganger’, issued a doppelganger to the player with the greatest distance in front of him, and then waved out the incarnation avatar skills to the players who were suddenly avoiding them because of their sudden appearance.

Face me, you are just a **** opposite!

Panlong Battle Halberd weapon is a telescopic weapon, how can it be avoided within 3 seconds?

In an instant, many figures exactly like Chu You appeared here. They inherited Chu You’s powerful attributes. You must know that Chu You is at level 27, and the avatar inherited 40% of the owner’s attributes. Although it only exists for 20 seconds, it harvests this. General scene, enough!

At the scene, there are 7 more Chu You, plus the body, a total of 8 butchers are madly harvesting the player's life, don't forget, there is a Jiu Caier who is playing more and more.

After watching all of their avatars come into contact with the crowd, Chu You launched a "strike"! In an instant, 8'Yu Ye' used range skills in different directions at the same time. This... is another large-scale group second slaughter!

A cold hum rang in the heart, Chu You summoned the Velociraptor, jumped on the mount and drove forward, and he really wanted to stay!

Straight to the front, when you came to the enemy running at the front, the mount instantly disappeared into fog and disappeared. Chu You did not have any stagnation due to inertial obstruction, and her feet landed firmly behind the opponent's 3 meters.

The eyes are already cold, hold the weapon tightly, and suddenly stab forward! The thick and sharp dragon horn instantly penetrated the opponent's body.

"桀桀...." In the grinning, using a perspective eye, Chu You has an assassin who can observe the state of primary invisibility.

Rotating fluctuations-range fluctuations! All die to me!

At this time, Chu You noticed that some people with anxious expressions also summoned the mount, but the look of the mount was obviously the cheapest one.

‘Atomization! ‘The second-level supernatural power range is 60 meters.

Chu You appeared again on the side of the mount player, and because of the gray fog, all players here lost their sense of direction for a while...

"I said, you don't want to escape any of them." The instantaneous range skill was issued, knocking the players riding on the horse to the ground, and the mount was turned into fog and entered the player's backpack.

The first skill was played by the spinning skills. Now, Chu You uses the second one. Then, the continuous skill triggers...

It was not only Lin Luoer who watched this unilateral massacre of players from Jin Kingdom, but also two others!

These two are the assassins lurking here.

What is the world's first player? ! What is Huaxia God-level gangster? ! They finally had the honour of witnessing this today, the powerful man who has been hidden in the clouds and is about to turn into a legend!

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