The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 233: Tactical cooperation

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You turned his head slightly, focusing on the players of Chu Kingdom that had just appeared.

After waiting for almost 10 minutes, the target prey finally arrived here!

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. Chu You was looking forward to the scene when the battleship's cannon roared.

Nima, come on, hurry up and give your brother points!

At this moment, Chu You didn't wait long. With the passage of time, the army of Chu players officially entered the shelling range of the battleship!

"Feng Yun, you see that the battleship is pretty good. You see that the main muzzle is so big. It must be amazingly powerful. Do you want to send someone to swim over? Take down the battleship?" said a player of the battle spirit family, full of eyes Is curious.

"The matter is important, and we will wait until the matter of today is resolved."

Not only did the two men see the battleship, as long as the players from the Chu Kingdom who appeared on this route saw it. When many players walked with curious eyes and looked at it, this huge sail warship suddenly opened fire!

"Boom, boom!" The dense shelling sound rang here in an instant. The Chu players who originally kept the team walking on the ancient road were attacked by intensive artillery shells of Chiyou No. 1, especially the main guns before and after the battleship. The shells sent out fell on the ancient road and exploded with huge sparks.

In Chu You's field of vision, Chu players are already in a range of shelling and killing, and some players are even blown up into the sky.

At this moment, Chu You's personal points are increasing again!

"Lying trough, how could that warship attack us?"

"Is it a battleship bought by the Super God Guild?" The players of the Chu Kingdom behind were frightened, and they still couldn't believe the battleship attacking their side. Because this is difficult to accept! The addition of battleships has obviously exceeded the common sense of players.

The Soul of War was instantly killed by a second. No one could survive this intensive artillery fire. Especially in the face of a group of early game players, the lethality of the battleship is extremely terrible.

At this time the battleship began to move, and the muzzle was aimed at the player on the slope. Those players who felt that they were being targeted by the battleship's cannon were extremely frightened and wanted to run back, but they were also players behind. How did they run? On the left is a huge mountain, on the right is Xuanhe, and behind it is an endless army!

Soon the battleship attacked again, and the sound of shelling was deafening, and the sound came from far away. This sound was even heard relentlessly at the soul of the war in the ancient road.

"Fengyun, what's happening on your side?" War Soul frowned mercilessly, and at the same time had a bad hunch in his heart.

After half a ring, I still didn't hear the other party's reply. War Soul relentlessly opened his friends' bar. Then his eyes widened and his pupils shrank suddenly, because the war soul in the friends bar was already in a state of death.

The soul of war instantly reminiscent of You Ye, must be him, yes! Otherwise, in addition to what Ye Ye could create just now, he couldn't think of a second person!

"Slot it!!!" The soul of the battle roared relentlessly.

"He... is he!" When the Soul of War is seconds, he is stunned, he is at a loss, this sudden death comes without warning! Suddenly the screen turns gray, and all game functions are disabled. After observing it from the perspective of the soul, he chose the resurrection with great anger and grief, and the characters appeared directly in the territory of Chu. Why not wait for the priest to resurrect?

Don't you see that this journey is full of the players of the Chu Kingdom, and it can't pass at all, and by observing the muzzle of the warship aimed at the player behind, it is obviously impossible to want the pastor to come over!

Moreover, War Soul Fengyun also knows that there must be a large number of people talking to himself at this moment. He can't lie down here forever, so he chose to resurrect, and once he was resurrected, War Soul Fengyun broke his tongue!

"Relentless, does the other party have a warship? I fucking, we are blocked, we can't pass it!"

"Battleship? Is there still a warship in this game?"

"Yeah, a huge sail warship, dozens of cannons and two main guns, who died in the past."

"Which way is that?"

"It's just a wavy shape, that part of the place can't go around, if you want to go, you can only rush forward!"

The soul of the war soul is quickly remembered, and the shadow of a battleship appears in the memory. Thinking of the unrelenting face of the soul of war here became unbearable, I did not expect it, I really did not expect that You Ye actually had that thing, how did he get it?

War Soul's relentless fists squeezed tighter and shouted: "Let everyone rush over to me, can ride horses, use skills to sprint, use avoidance to avoid, anyway, let all People get there quickly!"

"Do you believe in labor and capital? His artillery is unlimited!"

"I get it!" Feng Yun immediately asked the alliance leaders and the guild boss to tell them to retreat and return to the high ground. Then tell them the way the war soul relentlessly spoke.

At the ancient road where Chu You is located, the Chu players here are extremely chaotic. The players behind only know that something big happened in the front, but they did not retreat, and the players in front squeeze to the back desperately.

Chu You, however, had been controlling the bombardment of the warship until all the Chu players on this **** of several hundred meters were bombarded as scum. In this short period of time, Chu You's points have increased by more than 1,000.

When all Chu players retreated to the ancient road in the highlands, Chu You's warship shelling distance was not enough, and the shooting stopped.

"Lin Luoer, have you arrived?"

"Here it is!" Lin Luoer and his party also came to the ancient road checkpoint.

"Okay, immediately follow the leader to kill them to form a team, and then take care of Jiu Caier and the leader, you come over!"

"Kill the Commander, now you can open the city gate, afraid of an egg!" Chu You watched for a while while no Chu players came over, so she took the time to arrange it.

On the other side, after the killing commander brought these people together, after calling the Centurion to communicate with the guard of the city gate, the city gate opened in the eyes of more than 1,500 players from the Chu Kingdom! At the same time, the killing commander called another centurion to bring over 50 25-level Samsung elite NPCs. These NPCs will provide combat assistance for the Super God Guild for 2 hours.

Below this gate, members of the Super Divine Guild were packed. The eyes are provocative!

"The coward of Chu, opposite, some kind of come over and beat us!"

"Yeah, aren't you crowded? Thousands of people still can't take 400 of us here? It's a joke!" After being ordered by the killing commander, some people started to provoke the opponents of the Chu Kingdom and wanted the other person to come to the city Fight, this will be helped by the NPC shooter on the city wall.

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