The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 234: I am so bombarded that you doubt your life

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Autumn, what are they doing?" War Soul can relentlessly feel the restlessness of its own players. From the beginning, the fire in the hearts of the players of Chu Kingdom has not been able to vent, and it has been blocked to stop here. Now the other party's super **** guild even opened the door to provoke themselves.

The soul of war is merciless and there is fire, and this fire is bigger than all players, no one is more stressed than him. But even this war spirit relentlessly suppressed the inner restlessness, did not issue an attack command, but asked the military division beside him.

"The night is blocked on the ancient road, we can't get reinforcements. The super **** guild ahead relies on the checkpoint and the temporary resurrection point of the troops. They can charge us wirelessly. This tactic is used to consume our living power and wipe us out. , Chaoshen Guild finally merged with You Ye on the ancient road." Qiu Mu said his thoughts.

"But it’s not impossible, you don’t dare to come out. I think it’s because of the NPC, and the resurrection point is very close, you can continue to reinforce, and if we attack and cannot occupy the level, there will be a lot of casualties. There is no way to save, so we can only wait for them to charge!" Qiu Mu's eyes flickered and continued.

"Only after they have launched a counterattack, we counterattack the past, their resurrection point is a distance away from here, it is impossible to get effective reinforcements, and they have few people, so we must persevere, and we have to step back and wait for them When we came up, we counterattacked, and after the resurrection was eliminated, we won the level in one fell swoop!" This is Qiu Mu's response tactics. If Chu You hears it, he will be impressed.

War Soul relentlessly immediately agreed with Qiu Mu's tactics, ordering the player not to be impulsive, and all backing away!

This made the people of the Super God's Guild even more scolded, but only slowly moved forward at the foot, and did not launch an attack, because the killing commander was waiting for the reinforcement of the NPC, as long as 50 NPCs arrived, they could launch an attack!

At the ancient road where Chu You is located, the players above are still a bit chaotic, but much better than before. Those dead players have chosen to resurrect, and then spread from the battle square to the north of Yan Kingdom.

With the speed of his mount, War Soul Fengyun soon joined the main force. They immediately started to organize.

As for Chu You, he listened to the report of the killing commander, and then looked at the time again. Thinking appeared in his eyes. He was not thinking about the current situation, but the next stage...

"Do you understand now? Everyone can mount the horse, and their physical strength is full? Now...follow me!" War Soul Fengyun shouted loudly. At the same time, this command was conveyed layer by layer. Let all Chu players know what to do!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Yun knew that although he had taken the lead, he was probably the first to die! And he is ready to die.

Don't you just die once and experience a little bit, afraid of a hairy hair! I cheered for myself. With a cry, War Spirit and a group of horseback riders rushed past first. Note that they are not rushing out together, but one after the other, so as to avoid everyone from being killed by a group of shots. .

"Oh, it's really a group of stupid!" After finishing, Chu You launched the shelling without hesitation!

At this moment, Chu You's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became more chilled, because he noticed that behind this group of mount players, the main forces of the Chu Kingdom were also running, so don't even think about it, they are Go here in one go!

Okay, okay! You guys are great, so I’m welcome to send me points! Chu You revealed his sarcasm, and then continuously produced shells in the shells warehouse, trying to be saturated in the shells warehouse. For a while, the strategic resources on his body were exhausted.

Correspondingly, the battleship is bombarded continuously, without stopping, after playing round after round, the endless loop begins!

See if you have more people or I have more artillery shells!

‘Booming! 'This intensive and continuous bombardment made the soul of the warfares far away in the level extremely ugly. When he heard the bombardment at the beginning, he knew that the main force had started, and then gradually, his face began to look hard, because The sound of the guns never stopped, and now it is a cheeky expression.

He suddenly realized that this was probably a huge tactical mistake!

"You, go and see what's going on there and see if anyone is coming." The anxiety of the heart can't be concealed, the command and management personnel in the friends bar have died, and then resurrected to Chu, they don't understand the scene. Happening. So immediately sent a few people with mounts to look over.

In fact, there is no need to look at it, because the sound of artillery continues, and there is still no player coming from the other side of the ancient road.

Yes, no Chu player can rush out of the death path, they all died in the distance of the bombing range. Chu You produced shells while watching the scene opposite.

The main force of the Chu State is now like a moth slamming the fire, even though the front is the realm of death, it continues to rush forward. That piece after piece of players charged, piece after piece of players fell, that scene... extremely stupid.

At the other end of the shelling, no player rushed out, none!

At this time, the figure of the Chu Kingdom player finally appeared on the other side of the highland. He was the person sent by the soulless war soul. When he saw the scene of the shelling, he silently recorded the video. After 1 minute, he I turned it off, and then I didn’t look at it anymore.

"How's it going?"

"Can't come, don't even think about coming over, they can't come!"

This news is very painful and uncomfortable if someone is hammered in my heart! The soul of war relentlessly looked at it, without a word for a while.

In the eyes of other players, this is more like the expression of suspicious life.

"Don't be so pessimistic, there is still a way, ruthless." Qiu Mu said at this time again, his tone full of comfort.

"any solution?"

"Wait until the crack opens again, you personally lead the War Soul Elite Unit, and then contact other players from the five countries to cooperate with you..."

Before the words were finished, War Soul shook his head relentlessly: "No, only 500 people faced the 400-person Super God Guild and the night, plus their guardian beast, two walls, it is impossible to eat. Even It’s not enough to help players from the five countries."

"After listening to me, I mean, after the cracks are opened a few more times, assemble 5000+ players, and then rush over together, and at the same time order other players to still come from the direction of the ancient road. You Ye will definitely fight against us in their guild, and the number of players from the ancient ways will only increase. By that time, what else are you afraid of?" Qiu Mu finished his thoughts in one breath. .

"So what should I do now?" The soul of the battle relentlessly heard some emotion.

"Tell the player in the direction of Gudao not to come over, but also don't leave, because this can contain You Ye and make him go nowhere!"

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