The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 235: 1、2、3!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"What about us?"

"I have a plan for the time being, do you think when they see us using the back-to-city skills, guess what action they will make?" Qiu Mu smiled with a knife hidden in his smile, and that look made the soul of the war soul merciless, and he immediately understood The meaning of Qiu Mu.

"You mean, they are willing to rush out, and then we fight back with one blow?"

"That's exactly it!"

"Haha, this is indeed a good way, so don't they hook?"

"It's okay, let's go back to the city!"

"Okay, just do it!" War Soul's merciless face finally had a smile, and immediately sent a message on the alliance channel: "Everyone listens well, don't talk anymore, listen to me, now we are going back, but! But Listen, we are pretending to return to the city, the purpose is to lead them out, then we counterattack the past, killing them all the way to the resurrection point, occupying the level, if they don’t come out, we will return directly to the city!"

"Do you know?! Don't make a noise, just deduct 1 on it!"

Suddenly on their alliance channel, many of the Chu players here entered the word ‘1’ with their thoughts on them, indicating that they all understood.

"Okay, now I count 123. When I count to 3, everyone starts the skills of returning to the city!"

"1, 2, 3!" After that, War Soul relentlessly used the back-to-city skills first, and the characters immediately showed light, which is a unique effect of the back-to-city skills. Let people know at a glance what the other party is doing.

There is a time process for using the return to city skill. After 10 seconds, it will be transferred to the currently bound town. During this period, there can be no interruption, otherwise you cannot return to the city.

At this moment, the 1500 Chu players here used the back-to-city skills one second at a time before and after, and suddenly a large-scale light appeared here.

This phenomenon surprised the players of the Super God Guild.

"Boss, they are about to run away!"

"Yeah, you can't miss such a good opportunity!"

"Boss, pick up the heads! They will return to the city after 10 seconds."

Several anxious super-god players shouted anxiously at this time, urging the boss to command the attack, and their bodies couldn't help but walked forward a few steps, it looked very urgent.

However, the vast majority of super-god players did not say anything. Although there was shock in their eyes, they did not interfere with the idea of ​​killing the commander when they were experienced in the game. After all, there are 1,500 people in the other party, but from afar, it is a large crowd of players.

At this time, all of them used the skills of returning to the city suddenly, without any noise, and there was a strange feeling in it.

"Everyone listens well, 123, rush me, and turn them over!" The killing leader suddenly yelled, especially the 123 sounds, which were very fast!

Killing Commander did not fail to notice the abnormality of Chu players, and gave him confidence that the 50 25-level Samsung elite NPCs have arrived here! This has to be pushed for a while!

The super-god player, who was originally kept in a high concentration, immediately charged the Chu players who had retreated 200 meters away after hearing the cry of the killing leader!

The soulless smile of War Soul grew colder in the light. Haha, really happy! They actually got hooked!

According to the excitement in his heart, the soul of war sent mercilessly on the alliance channel immediately: "Attention, pay attention! Listen to my slogan, don't give the labor and capital back to the city!!!"

"1, 2, 3! Everyone counterattacked me, counterattacked me, killed me all the way, rushed into it, occupied it!!!" Because everyone was prepared in advance, the scene was very quiet, this At that time, the soul of war was not sent in the alliance, but it roared loudly, full of momentum, which could be heard by all Chu players here.

At this moment, even the Super God Guild players who rushed out across the board heard that they suddenly ‘giggled’ in their hearts and secretly screamed badly. This is the rhythm of fooling!

I saw the original player position of the Chu Kingdom, which canceled the return to the city at that moment, withdrew their weapons one after another, and roared to the killing Super God Guild player to roar back. 1500 people are acting at the same time, the scene is quite spectacular!

"Don't be afraid, continue to rush me! We have reinforcements!" Seeing that there was a pause in front, the killing commander also roared loudly.

At this time, the Super God Guild players have rushed out of the long bridge, and on the side of the fight with the Chu players, the momentum of both sides is very sufficient.

The roar of warships in the distance is still continuing, and here is a fierce battle, a war of life and death!

From the perspective of God, the Super God Guild retreats from time to time, not after the player retreats but after the player dies and falls to the ground, the players of the Chu Kingdom continue to advance!

Then when pushed to the bridge, it could not be pushed, because the players of the Chu Kingdom came into contact with the 50 25-level Samsung elite NPCs from the Yan Guo reinforcement, and the two sides waged more intense battles here.

At the rear of the battle, there is a resurrection point of the troops within the level. A large number of Super God Guild players are resurrected here. After the resurrection, the priest adds a certain amount of blood and then continues to join the battle through the city gate. Some players even take their backpacks Drinking a bottle of blood potion.

"All nurses give blood to the NPC!" The commander kills the commander. Actually, he doesn't need to command him. Many priest nurses are already adding blood to the NPC in front of them, but the speed of blood loss is a bit fast. It looks very anxious. Yes, after all, there are about 1500 Chu players in the opponent.

The soul of the war is ruthless and Qiu Mu didn't even think that the NPCs of the level will also rush out to fight together. They didn't even think that those NPCs in Yan Kingdom were obtained through specific missions, and they still had a certain time. They were not NPCs in the level.

These NPCs are extremely powerful, which is beyond doubt for current players, and NPCs are different from experience monsters, they have certain intelligence, and have a restraint attribute bonus for player damage. This is a natural advantage for NPCs against players.

Gradually, the fighting unit on the side of the Super God Guild stabilized its position, and gradually pushed towards the Chu side.

The players of Chu Kingdom are getting less and less killed. Even if they fall down, even if there is a priest resurrected, but only 10% of their own state, they can’t afford the players a few knives at all. The priest cast a resurrection technique. They also waited silently. They did not choose to resurrect the first time. They waited for their side to come back up. The body was on our side before they could choose to resurrect.

However, this kind of waiting eventually turned into despair, the players of Chu Kingdom retreated, and the Super God Guild pushed forward with bravery.

Seeing this, the players of the dead Chu Kingdom did not say anything, canceled the Revival of the priest, and chose to return to the city.

Different from the death of one player in the Chu Kingdom, the Super God Guild will die and resurrect immediately at the level. Although there is a distance of a few hundred meters, it is only a distance of one hundred meters. God's player's life is greatly guaranteed.

In the end, under the passionate explanation of Qin Suwan, under the constant and infinite charge of the Super God Guild, the players of the Chu Kingdom finally showed a decline.

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