The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 237: Cui Nuanjun's intelligence

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Here, this is the token of the Bookstore. You can use this thing to enter the Bookstore of the Wangcheng in the future!" Cui Nuanjun took the token passed by the other party, touched it, smiled and hid it, "Little girl Thank you, Master."

"Where and where, this is a normal transaction, you deserve it, huh, huh, in the future I hope to speak a lot of words in front of Master Sima." The Ministry of Industry official smiled and saluted each other with Cui Nuanjun.

After that, Cui Nuanjun returned the same way, and her purpose of coming here had been achieved. When she stepped out of this palace, no one could hear it, but the bird song she could hear was heard in her ears.

Cui Nuanjun raised his head abruptly, the happy expression on his face was more exuberant. I saw that in the air, a black bird flew towards him very quickly. This bird was a flying Eudemons, Kestrel, which brought the owner Chu You's message.

This black falcon landed on Cui Nuanjun's weak shoulder with great precision, its claws did not hurt her master.

After opening the letter and seeing the message written by Chu You on the paper, Cui Nuanjun immediately set off and walked towards the teleportation array, while she was followed by two 50-level shadow guards.

"Huh? That girl seems to be an NPC?!"

" didn't say I didn't pay attention, it's really an NPC!"

Because of the PVP battle, many players have entered the Yanguo Capital City. At this time, five players saw the fast-moving Cui Nuanjun on this road.

Cui Nuanjun's set of red neon clothes (ancient Hanfu), coupled with a face that people couldn't help but take a look at, quickly caught the players' attention.

Identifying the player and the NPC is actually very easy. If you want to lock in advance, if you don’t, you can’t see anything unusual in terms of appearance. Of course, appearance equipment is also a method of identification.

"Lying trough, what is an NPC running for in a hurry?"

"And the NPC girl is so slick, let's say hello, look like that, maybe you will get the task?"

"Go around...Go over."

Several players blocked Cui Nuanjun's road with excitement, forcing Cui Nuanjun to stop.

"Little sister, are you going there in such a hurry? Do you need help from your brothers?" A player smiled, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. This NPC little girl, Nima, was so touching.

"No, please ask me to let me pass." Cui Nuanjun was polite.

"Yeah, don't you really need the help of your brothers? My brother can go to the sky and the ground can go to the ground. There is nothing that the brother can't do!"

Cui Nuanjun frowned for the first time, the master's orders were still in his ears, and he could not be delayed any longer.

"If you don't let go, I'm welcome!"

"Poof!" One player couldn't stand the appearance of Master Cui Nuanjun and was amused. The others were also smiling, and found this NPC very interesting.

"Yo, Kaineng can't make a big deal with his brother? It's not polite to make a big deal, is it..." Before the words were finished, a shadow of the knife flashed before everyone's eyes.

A shadow appeared behind the player, and there was blood on the short knife in his hand.

‘呲’ The sound of a certain liquid spouting suddenly sounded. The player who had just finished spitting a lot of blood around his neck, and then the whole person fell to the ground. This scene shocked the other four players. They never thought that the lovely girl in front of him would kill someone if he didn't agree!

Moreover, killing people in the safe area! Who gave you the rights? ?

Cui Nuanjun didn't seem to be intimidated by the murder scene. He looked very calm and took a step from the player's body, then moved under his feet and quickly left here. The Shadow Guard turned into a Wind Shadow and also disappeared here.

At the same time, Chu You, who is far away from the ancient road, received a prompt from the system.

System: Your hero maliciously kills the player in the king, your immunity -1.

Seeing this message, Chu You's expression suddenly froze.

Cui Nuanjun was completely blocked by the player when he was still 100 meters away from the teleportation array, because there were more players here, those players were all curiously looking at the little girl in red in front of her, and some went up with Cui Nuan Jun talked.

Cui Nuanjun kept her frowning seriousness. At this moment, her eyes flashed and she used her home skills directly.

"Yoyo, well, that seems to be the skill of returning to the city."

"Lying trough, NPC can actually use the back to town skills?"

"This NPC is awesome."

In an exclamation, Cui Nuanjun disappeared here, and then appeared in the sunset villa of the city of Yunding.

There is no one here.

"Let's go here later! Wait... I seem to remember something..." Cui Nuanjun muttered to himself while walking, his eyes were full of thinking.

But when she came to the guild skill **** tree, Cui Nuanjun stopped and looked at the main trunk, then somehow the firelight suddenly appeared, and a total of 6 of these firelights faded Blue and cyan, at this time constantly flying around the trunk under the **** tree.

Cui Nuanjun stared at the lights of fireflies, approaching slowly with half a noise, and raised his hand to grab quickly, as if he wanted to catch one of the fireflies, but did not catch it.

The 6 fireflies are still flying according to their running trajectory. The movement of Cui Nuanjun just seems to have no effect on them.

Just when Cui Nuanjun frowned and wanted to catch, suddenly, suddenly, Cui Nuanjun opened his eyes wide and became the boss, and there was incredible in his eyes, which seemed to be invaded by an inexplicable fear Now!

"" Cui Nuanjun stepped back slowly, whispering to himself while shaking his head, his eyes were extremely empty at this moment.

At this time, the heel was accidentally tripped to the ground, and Cui Nuanjun sat down on the ground. At this moment, her eyes recovered, no longer empty.

Cui Nuanjun immediately got up, patted the dust that was not on his body, glanced at the six fireflies with a fear, and finally ran towards the teleportation array without looking back.

At the teleportation array, Cui Nuanjun saw that Qingshancheng's teleportation channel was gray, which proved that Chu You didn't open this channel. Why does this gray transmission channel appear since it has not been opened? This is because the members of ‘Xian’ have appeared in the teleportation array of Aoyama. As mentioned earlier, as long as the members of the guild come to an unfamiliar teleportation array, then in the eyes of the management, a gray teleportation channel will appear.

Cui Nuanjun hurried to the market building again, where she exchanged strategic resources for opening a transmission channel.

In the end, Cui Nuanjun exercised his butler's right for the first time and opened this transmission channel to Qingshancheng!

System: Your hero Cui Nuanjun has opened a transmission channel to Castle Peak City!

Another systematic message appeared in Chu You's eyes.

Not bad, Nuan Jun, you really surprised me! Chu You showed a relaxed smile. Before that, Chu You still wondered whether she would go back to the city to fight with the players who blocked Cui Nuanjun!

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