The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 238: what happened?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

After Cui Nuanjun came to Castle Peak City, her expression seemed to give a sigh of relief? !

Then immediately summoned two 50-level shadow guards, and then summoned the mount Raptor, and quickly left here.

Not long after, she came to the ancient road level and looked far, the platform linking the city walls was full of army resurrection idols, densely packed.

At this time, Cui Nuanjun frowned again, because she also saw a large number of players at the same time, and those players were the Super God Guild players.

The Super God Guild did not leave. This was because of Chu You’s order. What was the purpose?

Cui Nuanjun slowly slowed down cautiously. The shadow that was surrounded by players in the Wangcheng was still there. She was reluctant to fall into that situation again, and this is wild, relative to the players in the city, the players here. .. more dangerous!

For this, Cui Nuanjun knows.

When seeing many NPCs still standing on the city wall, Cui Nuanjun seemed relieved. She was just worried that the group of players occupied the level maliciously. If it is a malicious occupation of the level, it can only be said that you can only run away and you can’t go.

But so, Cui Nuanjun was extremely careful, approaching slowly.

"Huh, do you think that person is the woman that Brother Ye Ye said?" Jiu Caier first spotted Cui Nuanjun's figure and said to Lin Luoer immediately.

" seems to be, let's go forward and ask." Lin Luoer and Jiu Caier ran to Cui Nuanjun immediately.

Cui Nuanjun was extremely vigilant in seeing the other player woman coming, and immediately stopped. As long as something is wrong, she will not hesitate to order the Shadow Guard to launch an attack.

Seeing the two gradually approaching themselves, Cui Nuanjun's expression changed slightly at this moment, because she could see that the two people's breath belonged to the same breath as the master! This can only show that they are subordinates of the master, members of ‘sen’! But even so, Cui Nuanjun's vigilance has not alleviated much.

"Are you Cui Nuanjun?" Lin Luoer spoke, and Jiu Caier next to him was curious.

"I am!"

"Well, that's fine, let's go, You Ye asked us to send you over to him!"

"Oh, is it? Please wait!" Cui Nuanjun summoned the falcon directly on the mount, and then took out a piece of paper and quickly wrote a paragraph on it, tied it to the falcon's leg At the last wave of his hand, the Kestrel immediately flew into the sky, and soon disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Lin Luo'er and Jiu Cai'er looked at each other, and they were all surprised in the other's eyes.

Is the little girl who is younger than Jiu Caier/self, and is the hero NPC? Chu You/Yu Ye How did he get it?

If they still know that Chu You has a more petite Du Gu Baoer in reality, I don’t know how she feels...

At this time, Chu You once again saw the black falcon with Qimang in her eyes.

When you opened the letter, Chu You smiled slightly.

This Warm Jun girl is really vigilant!

When Chu You affirmed that Lin Luoer Jiu Caier was his own, and wrote that he didn’t need to be vigilant about these two people in the future, Chu You then thought about it and canceled the need to be vigilant. Instead, it was like this. Write: Except me, we need to be vigilant and sober to anyone in the future!

After doing all this, Chu You flew the Kestrel Eudemons.

On the other side, Cui Nuanjun quickly received the Chu You message from the Kestrel. When he put the Kestrel into the space backpack, he smiled slightly at the two.

"I'm so sorry, let the two of you wait for a long time, and I will follow you."

So under the leadership of Lin Luoer Jiucai'er, Cui Nuanjun came to the level.

At this time, the Super God Guild players had nothing to do. Suddenly, they saw such a unique NPC, and they wanted to get closer. They seemed to want to explore Cui Nuanjun...

This makes Cui Nuanjun very nervous. After all, she is still very weak, with a level of only 1, which is extremely weak.

"What are you doing, scaring people to know if they don't, don't go around and make way!"

"Brother, don't care about the people in your family, the little girl is afraid of life!"

Killing Commander knows that Cui Nuanjun is the boss's hero NPC. I saw him sitting on the edge of the platform, his feet hanging in the air. At this time, he smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said, "How can you stare at your sister like this? The old driver! All give way, the 1st troop, you follow her, give me a good protection for her, two kills, three kills, you open the way ahead to see if there are any remaining evils of Chu!"

In this way, Cui Nuanjun rode a velociraptor under the watch of a group of Super God Guild players and walked through the level like a little princess. Behind her is a player with an army. In front of her, several star-killing assassins have explored the way. Although it is almost impossible to have Chu players in the distance from the level to Chu You, but just in case, I am afraid that several Chu assassins are in stealth, or other hidden dangers...

Fortunately, the team arrived safely at the battleship where Chu You was.

When seeing this warship, the Super God Guild players immediately understood who was helping them to block the enemy’s reinforcements. Thinking of the continuous bombardment that lasted for 10 minutes, one can imagine that a more tragic situation had occurred here. !

The only regret is that the equipment exploded by so many players, because no one picked it up in a short time, disappeared after being refreshed by the system, which is really a pity.

Chu You also found the other party and immediately ordered the battleship to move closer to the shore.

"Okay, you can go back and you will directly go to the Super God Guild!" When Chu You appeared in the eyes of many people, many Super God players greeted each other with a look of excitement, and then chose the guild to return to the city skills. For a time, there were only 4 left. People, three women and one man.

"This is the hero NPC?" Jiu Caier finally spoke.

"Well, don't underestimate Nuanjun, her here is no less than you!" Chu You pointed his head, meaning that Cui Nuanjun's IQ may be higher than your Jiu Caier.

"Wow, is there such a magic?"

"Yes, have you introduced it yet?"

"I've introduced it on the road, don't believe Cui Nuanjun." Jiu Caier's big sister looked at Nuan Jun.

"Well, that's good, you go back to the Super God Guild first, waiting for me there." Then turned around and said to Nuan Jun, "June come in."

Just when Jiu Caier used the skills of returning to the city, and Cui Nuanjun set foot on the battleship, Cui Nuanjun looked back suddenly, and the focus in his eyes was aimed at Jiu Caier, and there seemed to be a different look in his eyes. After that, it returned to normal immediately, and finally no longer looked at it, and went back into the battleship.

In this way, after Lin Luoer Jiucai'er returned to the city, only Chu You and Cui Nuanjun were on the battleship. The battleship moved again and stayed in its original position.

"Xiaojun, your task now is to keep me here. Have you seen the ancient road on the opposite side? Don't let any players get close to it, as long as you get close, just let me go!"

"If you encounter a dangerous situation, drive me with a warship!" Chu You was afraid that the other party would come up with some tricks.

Cui Nuanjun looked around curiously. When he heard this, he nodded. "Nuanjun understands, rest assured that the master will definitely complete the mission!"

"Okay, that's good, then I'm gone!" After that, Chu You used the Guild's return skills.

When seeing the light appearing on Chu You, Cui Nuanjun suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Master waits..."

Chu You immediately canceled her return to the city and looked at Cui Nuanjun inexplicably. "What's wrong? What else..."

Before finishing the words, Cui Nuanjun suddenly took a step towards himself, and then threw himself in his arms...

Chu You only felt a soft body strike, followed by the girl's fragrance.

Cui Nuanjun embraced Chu You with both hands, and grasped the place tightly. The head of the dragon was buried in Chu You's arms.

This was too sudden. Chu You was caught off guard by this scene. Her face flashed blankly for a moment, but she immediately returned to normal.

Because Chu You's height is too high, the petite Cui Nuanjun is only in Chu You's belly. So the position that Cui Nuanjun grabbed his hand was actually Chu You's upper hip.

Chu You dropped his hands, looked down at a soft, thick black hair, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

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