The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 249: Thoroughly cool, heart flying

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You waved her hand and moved first.

Almost 100 Weeping Soul players riding on the mount rushed out of the open city gate. Because of the angle, it seems that it is rushing out continuously.

Chu You kept walking against the wall, but when turning around and entering the city gate, a pair of horseback riders nearly hit themselves. The distance between the two was almost ten centimeters.

There was no superfluous expression on his face, some still calm, he still walked by the wall, and quickly passed the gate position.

Followed by Chu You, Jiucai'er, she passed the city gate in a precarious manner.

However, there is no doubt that such a high probability accident will definitely happen, even in the middle and late stages of the game, this phenomenon can not be avoided.

It may be that the super-god players are eager to enter, and there is a phenomenon of side-by-side sneaking behind, which causes a horse-riding warrior to hit one of the super-god players.

I saw the mount "Bang" of the crotch player's crotch turned into fog and disappeared, the player immediately fell to the ground, and the super-god player also fell to the ground, the blood of both sides There was a slight drop.

"Daro, how did you do this? How did you fall?"

"Lying trough, I'm **** stuck!!" The Soul Weeping player who fell on the ground was also confused, and there was nothing in front of him. Why did it feel like it hit a certain object at that moment, it felt extremely strange.

"Poof!" A super-god player couldn't hold back...

"Who the **** is laughing?"

"Lying trough, who is touching me?" The weeping soul player who was dismounted was taken aback, as if he had just been touched by someone, but there was nothing around him.

"Hey, hello! Don't you always stand at the gate of the city? I want to close the gate!" The vice president roared loudly when he saw this phenomenon.

This is not to say okay, as soon as he talked about Chu You locked him.

At this moment, the Soul Weeping Player reached out his hand curiously and pressed it against the wall. A very amazing scene appeared on his face. His hand was not pressed against the wall. There was an object in between, and this object It seems to be moving...

Just when this strange atmosphere was about to reach a critical point, Chu You canceled her invisibility, and instantly all the super-god players here became visible at this moment.

At the same time, Chu You withdrew his weapon and used "Phantom Doppelganger" at Vice President Weeping Soul.

"Everyone is fighting!" The killing leader shouted loudly and waved his sword to attack the Weeping Soul player here.

Suddenly there was a complete chaos here. The hundred people who rushed out to destroy the foreign troops did not pay attention. A large number of enemies appeared at their gates.

Phantom Doppelganger instantly killed the vice president, the Soul Weeping players on the city gate and on the ground were completely confused by this scene, and the brain was blank for a while.

There are a lot of enemies suddenly appearing in front of me, and it would be shocking to change whoever is afraid. This scene is so incredible, just like eating alone at home, and suddenly a stranger eating together appears next to him.

"Don't control the players on the city wall, advance to the opponent's teleportation array!" After that, Chu You started to take the rhythm and killed the weeping soul players standing on the ground.

Many super-god players have already entered the city gate at this time, and immediately fanned out to pounce on the players on the ground.

"Boss, it's not good, hurry to call people back, the guild was rushed in by Yan Guo's people!"

At the moment of the Soul Guild Channel, dense information appeared at this moment, and the content of these messages shocked the guild players far away. From the perspective of so much information, the situation is absolutely true.

"You... my day, is it the Super God Guild?" The Soul Boss expression was extremely worried. When he saw the words of Yan Guo, he jumped violently in his heart, and secretly prayed that it was not the terrible guild.

However, afraid of anything, the other party is the Yan Guochao Association.

"Nima, it's really a dog, everyone speeds back to the guild." Weeping Soul didn't ask how the other party came in. Things had happened, saying that these were useless, and he opened the friends bar to face one of the avatars. Anxiously said: "A Wen, come and help the brothers, my hometown is broken by the super god!"

The other party quickly sent a message, "No? Really a super **** guild?"

"Why am I lying to you, one hundred thousand is in a hurry, and quickly came the number 200 from the incoming station, and then you will bring someone over, our two guilds are close, hurry, hold the night, I thank you again !"

"Yu Ye is there too?"

"It seems that I can't keep it on my own. I'll call other people to come and support you. Hurry!"

"Oh okay, don't panic, I'll call someone to guard!" A Wen decided to support his good neighbor. So immediately ordered his elite members to pass through the incoming Taiwan first, and then assembled 800 players, opened the city gate and ran towards the direction of the Soul Guild.

The weeping boss called for a lot of reinforcements in this time. His character in Wu Guo is still very good. Many guild bosses are willing to give him face, which immediately reflects his network strength at this critical moment.

However, the Weeping Soul boss underestimated the speed of the night and the super **** guild's advancement. At this time, the amount of sending blood was already half.

A large number of Weeping Soul players returned to the guild, but soon found that they were not opponents of the enemy country, and died in battle, appearing at the resurrection point.

Chu You didn't do that kind of cooperation last time, but everyone worked together. This was because there was no temporary resurrection point. He was very worried that the Super God Guild would not be able to carry it, affecting the next plan.

Looking at more and more players around him, and still in constant reinforcements, Chu You decisively chose to transform and became the state of the ancient fighting gods. The characters are extremely huge, and they are extremely conspicuous here.

The teleportation skill of the sacred boots is instantly displayed, Chu You appears in the most concentrated area of ​​the opponent's player, and then...Dragon Breath fluctuations are launched instantly.

Hundreds of players in the range died on their knees in an instant, and the scene was extremely shocking.

"I'll cover it, you output quickly." After finishing this sentence, Chu You constantly cleaned up the enemies coming around. With extremely powerful attributes, it completely suppressed the enemy.

After a while, the teleportation array was broken.

"Speed ​​approaches the resurrection point." There are also a large number of enemies there.

Chu You instantly turned into gray fog and used supernatural skills. As soon as he appeared, he appeared in the center of the resurrection point. When he displayed his avatar, the group attack skills were immediately thrown out, which opened a good situation for the super-god players.

With a blink of an eye, Chu You went straight to the other party's core building. He is about to attract the attention of the enemy.

This tactic is indeed very effective, after all, the core building is the core of a guild, nobody cares. Watching Chu You attack the core building, most of the Weeping Soul players here rushed over.

As a result, Chu You pulled the enemy to fight around the core building. Among them, several range skills spread to the core crystal, and the blood volume gradually declined.

Sometimes when you find no one to kill, Chu You will turn back and attack the core crystal. With the blessing of passive skills, you quickly make a knife to the core crystal three times. At this time, some Soul Soul players leaned over. Chu You turned around and it was a sweep. One stroke', the skill sweeps towards the opponent player and pours the next blockbuster.

The opponent's resurrection point was also broken, and the Super God player quickly moved closer to Chu You, and a lot of people fell down midway. In order to get these people up, Chu You gave up here and pushed a wave towards the other.

"You push against them, I'll attack the core building." Let the super **** guild resist the other person's horse, but he concentrates on attacking the core crystal.

During this period, when you sometimes feel pressure from the Super God Gong, Chu You will start to support and resolve the crisis.

In this way, weeping soul players had no choice but to play, Chu You used the last blow, and finally broke the opponent's core crystal, and the Weeping Soul Level 5 Guild officially declared its demise.

"Fitness" Chu You's eyes flashed again, and he was ready to be fit with Diji.

"Old kill, Lin Luo'er Jiucai'er, summon wings!" After hearing Chu You's voice, the three immediately retreated inside, and then used the feathers in their backpacks. At this moment, different shapes of wings appeared behind their backs. The wings of the ancient elves under the command look more gorgeous, their feet are off the ground, and they are already in flight.

Also at this time, Chu You and Di Ji merged, and compared with the wings of the three of them, Chu You's wings were extremely huge and more shocking.

"Go!" Chu You opened the map. Before the war, he wrote down the guild coordinate point of an enemy in the previous life, and this coordinate point is very close to here!

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