The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 250: I am the culprit of my life and the salvation of my life

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Pull down, pull down, don't fly too high." Looking at Jiu Caier's posture, Chu You said quickly.

"Everyone keeps a plane with me, follow me!"

When the four of them just flew out of the southeast of Weeping Soul Guild, Chu You found the ground under the setting sun, and many players were constantly coming here.

These players also saw several people flying out of the Weeping Soul Guild. Because Chu You did not fly very high, they could even lock them, so they all saw that these players were all from the Yan Kingdom. Seeing this kind of phenomenon that has never been seen before, don't mention how shocking it is.

Flying speed is much faster than running speed, not to mention the option of accelerating flight. Therefore, Wu Guo players on the ground can only look at them. At the beginning of the game, they did not have the means to attack at a long distance.

"Yu Ye, where are we going?" Jiucai'er asked several people's voices.

"Not far away, your flight time is enough, we have to force 5 to land in other guilds, prepare yourself mentally."

"Wow, I still have to fight!" Jiucai'er was surprised.

"Is the other party also a fifth-level guild?" The killing commander quickly adapted to the flying state and flew to Chu You.

Chu You nodded, "It's called the Crimson Guild."

"Wow, crimson, Wu's largest guild!"

"Huh, the first big guild? You'll have a good time to see how we step on them!" Chu You flashed ruthlessness and hatred in her eyes, and the crimson boss is a hybrid! In this world, I want you to taste what is called painlessness!

Today, it is just the beginning!

"Wow, it's such a bad temper. Have people offended you?" Jiu Caier sharply captured the breath revealed by Chu You's tone.

"Don't offend, I will destroy him this time, and I will all come here!" Chu You said very seriously in the last sentence.

Lin Luoer narrowed her eyes and looked at the tall figure in front of her. She felt that the change in Chu You’s counterparts was really great in the past two years, and it was almost earth-shaking. There must have been a lot of things happening here, from being a **** brother... to making myself look at each other.

"Brother Ye, haven't you ever worried about it, have you offended too many people?" Jiu Caier was worried about this aspect.

Indeed, a little analysis shows that not only are there many people who offend You Ye, but they are also not easy. Otherwise, this PVP war will not form the scene of the Six Kingdoms against Yan Kingdom.

"Haha!" Chu You laughed loudly, seeming to be very funny for Jiucai's words.

"I don't care if I play a game and play anyone with all my heart!"

"Brother Ye is so domineering, Caier firmly supports you!" Jiu Caier feels that You Ye has a special male taste at this time, which makes her feel excited.

"Boss, I also support you." Killing Commander has never understood Chu You's inner thoughts. He thinks that the boss is a person with a story, but these are not important to him. The important thing is that he likes the boss like this The character, on the boss, he feels that he has seen himself in the future.

When did this feeling start? Killing Commander couldn't figure it out, but he wanted to say it, so he said it.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a few people saw a large guild sitting on the high ground.

At the same time, the scarlet army brought by Awen hurried to the Soul Guild. He did not choose to teleport through the Allied Forces, because, he was afraid of death, because he had a supernatural equipment, and this equipment was only one level.

"Slide down, hurry!" Chu You first glided up, and her wings behind her kept a straight line immediately. The people behind him immediately followed suit.

"Huh, there's someone in the sky!" The people inside the Crimson Guild immediately discovered the anomaly.

"Yoyo, it's amazing, it's really human, hey~~ lying trough! It's an enemy!"

"Notify the boss immediately! Hurry!"

Chu You flew to the opponent's return point with a straight line, because there is a large vacant area around the return point, which is suitable for the prerequisite of the'summoning teleportation array'.

"Old kill, you go to land there, see if there is, I point the finger."

"Boss, I see clearly."

"Okay, you can do it with confidence, I'll cover you."

When there was still 8 meters above the ground, Chu You was released from the fit state, and Di Ji suddenly flew into the air.

Turning around, Chu You looked at the crimson player who was running towards her. After glancing at it, she directly raised her weapon and rushed over.

Killing Commander stands here and begins to perform the advanced summon teleportation array! This thing takes 1 minute.

Awen also received a warning at this time.

"What did you say? The people of Yan Guo flew into our guild?" Awen looked incredulous when he heard the other party's voice.

"It's true, and the night is there!!"

"You, what are you talking about?" A Wen instantly turned up a huge wave in his heart, his eyes widened.

"It's true, the slain brother said so, and the man is particularly huge!"

"I'll do it! Everyone returns to the city!"

At this time, the killing commander has also completed the advanced summoning teleportation array. During this period, the system has popped up an interface. This interface is the friends bar. The killing commander character is busy selecting the friends to be sent while displaying the progress bar. .

So the moment the progress of the summoning teleportation array reached the end, the killing commander slammed Fu Luo to the ground, and suddenly a pattern like a magic array and a psychic array immediately expanded and printed on the ground.

At the same time, those super-god players who were selected earlier also received a call prompt at this time, with two items of confirmation and denial.

I didn't have to think about it. I immediately selected OK, and instantly disappeared into a virtual light in place, and immediately appeared in the summoning circle where the Crimson Guild Killing Commander was located.

In this way, the No. 200 super-god player appeared directly in the inner city of the Crimson Guild in such a way as to move around.

"Look, there are a lot of people coming back to the city!" Lin Luoer reminded.

Jiucai immediately ran over, and exhibited the skill of "Hell Flame Meteorite".

Chu You also noticed the abnormality of the return-to-city point, and no longer went deep, but used the instant skill, and he appeared at a distance of 8 meters from the return-to-city point.

The distance of 8 meters is enough to display skills. Knowing that the weapon is a telescopic weapon, the huge body causes the attack distance to be further increased. Immediately, the "fighting taunt" skill is displayed to force the surrounding enemies to attack themselves in a normal manner.

When Chu You and Jiu Caier both used their skills respectively, the blushing boss, A Wen, appeared here at the back to the city.

When I saw the scene like the end of my eyes, my heart was shocked, angry, and fearful.

Is he really showing up in the guild! Seeing this posture, it seems that you are going to destroy your guild.

Awen made a strange cry, immediately consumed a defensive scroll, and then performed invisibility, and escaped.

Where he just left, a wave of range skills just touched here...

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