The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 271: Magic Army Elite

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"The strong are not allowed to bow their heads to the weak, you never conquer me!"

"But you have to figure out, your life is now in my hands. Think of my Lord, I can help you recover from your injury."

Interriel lowered her head, and her dark hair like a waterfall obscured her face, making Chu You unable to see her face.

The room fell into silence, Chu You looked calmly at the female demon who now looks like "Sadako", her expression was as quiet as water, without urging.

Half-sounded, the voice came from the hair: "What you said is also very reasonable, then as you wish..."

After that, a purple breath radiated on Intellier, and she lifted her head. Chu You's pupils shrank slightly, because there are no pupils in the eyes of Interrel now, but a white eye, which looks a little scary.

The six huge demonic wings behind him vibrated slightly, and the left and right hands stared at the wall of Fu Luo then bulged with green muscles, and the hands were clenched into fists, the next moment...

There was a slight sound in the room, and the nail with the sealing ability was squeezed out by the force of Intellier, and fell to the ground, making a clear pin drop.

'Snapped! ‘Interriel folded his hands together, and the purple light flashed in an instant.

There was a very slight but rhythmic roar in his mouth.

At this moment, Intellier held out his palm to Chu You, and a purple ray of light emanated from the palm of his hand, linking to Chu You's heart.

System: The devil royal family Intelria signed a "devil contract" with you. Is it a contract with it?

At this time, Intellil appeared purple eyes, with water droplets on her face, looking very charming, she looked at Chu You softly and said.

"I sincerely admire you, my... master!"

A grin appeared on his face, and Chu You refused decisively the next moment. I saw his big hand wave, and the purple rays disappeared instantly. Intellier stared at Chu You.

"You're a little slippery, you're arrogant!" Chu You said coldly. Other players may not understand what a devil's contract is, but he knows what form of this contract is, not a master-servant contract at all. Once signed, it will affect the entire sacred SSS mission pattern, and players who want to cancel the contract will also spend a lot of energy.

Chu You took off his weapon and held it with one hand and waved it a few times. "It seems that it is time to punish you!"

"Did Intel make a mistake?" The female devil still looked innocent.

"I don't know what's wrong!" With a cold snort, Chu You was too lazy to talk to the other party. Taking a step forward, both hands clenched the halberd and waved violently towards the other side, and the telescopic weapon instantly hit the huge female demon very close.

A light shield sounded, blocking Chu You's attack and not hurting the other party. When the weapon was retracted, the light shield that appeared in front of Intellier disappeared.

"Human, I underestimated you!" Intellier changed to a hateful look, "I have just sent my signal to **** just now, the army of monsters under my direct control will come to rescue me soon, by the way Your town is slaughtered to ashes!"

"Ouch, I'm so scared that I'm scared to death." Chu You patted her chest and panicked in a fake manner.

"You will eventually pay for your provocation!"

A trace of killing intentions appeared in the bottom of my heart. Emperor Ji, the **** pet, appeared behind his back, raised his right hand, and the black energy appeared, and instantly merged into a sphere and quickly expanded.

"Super God Strike" Emperor Ji looked at each other indifferently, using her skills.

A black energy ball appeared under the opponent's feet in an instant, and then suddenly exploded.

Another sound of light shield sounded, offsetting Emperor Ji's skills, and did not hurt Interrel at all.

"You can't hurt me, you are too weak!"

Lying in the trough, the opponent's combat power only recovered to the second floor, so amazing? ! Actually Emperor Ji's attack can't break the opponent's defensive skills.

But nothing is wrong, unlimited attack! Defensive skill shields have total resistance to damage. As long as they continue to attack, broken shields will appear sooner or later.

When I thought about it, I opened the function of Emperor Ji using items, and immediately blessed all kinds of buffs to himself. Chu You opened ‘War Halberd’, and the speed of attack was increased. Keeping the maximum attack distance and paying attention to the other party while attacking quickly, Diji attacked Intelli with an attack speed of 1.5 seconds.

Suddenly there was a sound of intensive beating on the light shield.

Intellier's eyes were faintly anxious. Looking at the man's appearance at this time, Intellier was extremely resentful. This man was too well-handled, but only recovered his two levels of combat power. He just used summoning magic and contracts. Magic, as well as the light shield skills, now the magic value is almost exhausted, can not attack the man, and only the remaining magic value is used by others...

As long as there is one more layer of combat power, the situation will be very different, and the sum of the summoning magic power is too large.

what! ! My army of monsters, hurry up to save your master, my death, you also have to die, I hope my mother can hear my call...

"Useless, just in vain. My army came immediately from the abyss. Seeing that you were recovering from my injury, hurry up and leave!" Intrell began to bewitched.

"Wow ha ha ha, how do I feel your light shield is getting weaker and weaker!"

"Is it?" Intrell's eyes froze for a moment, and then there was a flash of anger: "You tease me!"

"Pretend, you pretend, I see when you hold it!"

It was at this moment that there was vibration on the ground, and a few fine dust fell from places where it was unknown how high.

System: The fortress array has detected an anomaly in the abyss of hell, please be prepared.

Chu You was unmoved and continued to attack.

When Chu You broke through the other party's light shield and hit the skin of Intellier with a knife, the palace was shaken again, this time more intensely than before!

"My own defense is also very strong, your weapons can not cause substantial damage to me, now, my army is about to appear!" Intellier still insisted.

A violent voice came from the outside.

Chu You withdrew his weapon and ordered Diji not to stop, but he went out to investigate.

When Chu You came out of the door of the small room, he was slightly shocked by the sight in front of him. Although he was blocked by the attack device at this angle and the pit was not visible, a breath of majestic abyss sprayed from the position of the pit. Come out and form a huge thick energy breath column.

System: Warning! The fortress formation detected a large number of **** creatures pouring into the plane aura!

Haha, it seems that the mission situation has deteriorated...I really failed.

After ten seconds, the system issues a warning again.

System: Warning! The fortress array detected a hole in the plane's air layer, and the plane's air layer was repairing itself!

System: Warning! Detected a large number of monster legions gathered at the entrance of Hell, among which there are more demons!

System: Warning! The analysis of the large-scale discriminating ability shows that: The 47th Intreel Elite Army of the Devil Army, the 49th Intellier Elite Army of the Devil Army, and the 51st Intellier Elite Army of the Devil Army!

System: The demon body is found, and the analysis belongs to the level of demon command...

While the system was still constantly warning Chu You, in the pit, the first monster with a snarly roar, climbed the pit with a very fast jump, and that kind of speed could not even catch up with Chu You In the end, there were only six monsters with big feet and violent force, with a horrible cry, salivation, and jumped out of the pit...

At the same time, the white crystals on the surrounding 89 attack devices lit up the red mans...

Finally, Chu humorously opened the space backpack and used an item.

System: Advanced experience spells are used successfully.

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