The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 272: Upgrade feast

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Beep beep beep beep beep..." A series of beeps!

Chu You even saw that many distant attack devices didn't even issue an attack, and the first monster that jumped out of the pit was bombarded into slag.

At the same time, rich experience values ​​appeared.

System: You have gained 41245 experience points!

In the trough, a monster has more than 40,000 experience points. Hahaha, it is about to be sent, it is about to be sent!

Chu You was very happy and was very satisfied.

It is good to provoke, it is good to torture, and of course it is good to engage in trouble! Otherwise, why would Interlear summon her monster army? !

Come, come and sit and collect experience and wait for upgrade!

Chu You really sat down...

Although the city defense attack device has an attack sound, it cannot cover up the dense horror roar from the pit.

It is conceivable that if you are facing the pit, from the perspective of God, it would be very shocking to want to come to the scene in the pit.

At this time, a huge monster leaped out of the pit, with eight eyes and some teeth even growing in other parts, looking strangely shaped.

But its survival time is only for a short time, after Chu You looked at it, it disappeared...

It's a shining debut!

No problem, your life is worth it!

Then another monster leaped out, then two leaped together, and then... three, four, five, and six monsters leaped out at the same time.

"Good!" Chu You applauded and applauded loudly, "You can win the championship in this gorgeous debut! I score 10 points!"

The monsters that came out saw the red masterpieces here, and at the next moment they saw Chu You, who seemed to be eating melons, radiating a brilliant smile to himself, and finally... he could not see anything.

But Chu You’s experience is that the rocket-like speed of ‘rubbing rubbing rubbing’ is going up...

At this time, the city defense attack device group in the first round of attack seemed to have hit chicken blood, and its crystal suddenly emitted a burst of red awns. At the next moment, 50 red beam rays scattered from the crystal!

The site was cleared in an instant, and it was clear that it was clean, leaving no residue left.

A sweet voice sounded, "Yu", Chu You was upgraded. The current level is 29!

Wow ha ha ha, well! Continue, continue! Brother's future depends on you!

At this time, Chu You thought of something, patted her forehead, how could she forget her.

"Luoer, hurry back to the guild, find Cui Nuanjun, tell her that she has nothing to do, and one hundred thousand rushes to Tianmen Fortress." What a treasure chest, a hundred thousand fire quickly came over."

After the war, Cui Nuanjun contacted Chu You and told Chu You hadn't seen anyone for 3 hours, so Chu You let her stay in the Guild.

"Chu You, what happened? Why are you so noisy there?" Lin Luoer's tone revealed a panic. She had never heard Chu You's words actually tremble, making Chu You nervous like this, this It must have been a big deal.

"It's a good thing to be at ease," Chu You said to the killing commander immediately after soothing: "Slaughter, give the president... to Feiyan, you will resign to join my guild, then return to the guild and pass on to The Tianmen Fortress is here." The matter was urgent, and Chu You didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Ah? Boss, what's the case?" The killing commander was also shocked.

"Don't ask, hurry up!"

Hearing Chu You's tone with no doubt, Kill Commander said nothing, open the Guild interface and set Zhao Feiyan as the President of the Super God Guild.

System: Are you sure to give way?

Immediately after selecting Yes, Zhao Feiyan received a system prompt message at the same time.

System: Kill Commander gives you the president of the Guild, do you accept it?

Zhao Feiyan was not surprised, this was too sudden, and the president gave way. This is the biggest thing for a guild. Didn’t I hear a little wind before?

Zhao Feiyan decided not to accept the position of chairman first, but to ask a clear question.

Killing Commander: "If you ask me, I don't know. The boss suddenly let me give way to you, and didn't give an explanation. The situation seems to be urgent, and I didn't withdraw!

Without asking the reason at the killing commander, Zhao Feiyan directly found Chu You.

Chu You: "Bou, it's a good thing, do the rocket upgrade, wait for the old kill to rise, you add him to the Super God Guild, give him the president, and you will come over to upgrade at that time, hurry up, this situation Very rare."

Since Chu You said so, Zhao Feiyan also had no reason to refuse. Although it is still unknown, he accepted the position of Chairman Chaoshen.

The first to come to the Tianmen Fortress was Cui Nuanjun. As a direct subordinate of Chu You, there was no need to form a team, and no team could be formed.

At this time, Chu You received the Flying Bird Eudemons, and after reading some messages written by Cui Nuanjun to himself, Chu You replied: Through a small teleportation array, choose ‘Jiang Fa Jiang Gong’ and you will see me.

"Luoer, please don't come in first." Chu You decided to rise one by one. Cui Nuanjun was not affected by Chu You's level. How much experience she should get is how much experience, who called her a hero NPC, but if you set up Luo again If they come together, the situation will be different.

Soon a dim figure appeared in the teleportation array of Zheng Fa Jiang Palace.

Then... Then Cui Nuanjun was upgraded. It was a continuous upgrade. It has been rising from level 0, and the light of the upgrade continued to fall on Cui Nuanjun.

To be honest, Cui Nuanjun was shocked by the scene here.

The dense lighthouse, the constantly flashing red awns, the dense rays, and the beeps, and the roar of the monsters, the screams are all here, very noisy.

At the same time, she felt that a powerful breath continued to enter her body, opened up her various meridians, and expanded the Dantian and Muwan Palace in her body.

"Xiaojun, here and here." Chu You beckoned, then gave up and had to stand up and walk towards the other party.

Cui Nuanjun soon saw the familiar figure, and the small face was immediately filled with surprise and happiness, and immediately ran to Chu You.

This created a spectacle, that is, Cui Nuanjun, who constantly appeared to upgrade, ran along the way.

This Nima is also the end of "The World".

As soon as he got close, Cui Nuanjun grabbed Chu You's right hand, his face red and tender, and said: "Master, I'm so happy to see you. By the way, where is this, I'm becoming strong, too It's incredible."

Chu You didn't reply, but handed a high-level experience spell to the opponent, "Use it quickly, it will let you absorb more power."

After taking it, Cui Nuanjun obediently used the advanced experience spell, and she suddenly felt that the breath entering her body was more majestic.

A ray of light appeared on Chu You.

System: Congratulations on your upgrade to level 30!

When Chu You reached level 30, a world announcement message was drawn!

World Announcement: The leaderboard of combat power is unlocked 46

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