The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 275: Play operation

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Yu Ye, what the **** happened?" Lin Luoer spoke first when she came close and took the senior experience spell.

"Simply speaking, it's just an upgrade. When I order, you stand at the small teleportation array. When I call, your horse will be uploaded to a place called "Jiang Fa Jiang Gong."

"Ah? Oh! Okay."

"Brother Ye, how cruel you are, 130,000 combat power!" Jiu Caier's obvious concern is not here.

"Yeah, boss, you are too ruthless, how did you do it?" The kill leader opened the combat power ranking again, and then surprised in his eyes, "Couch, boss, are you level 30? The combat power has increased. Looks like 3000?"

"Quick? Hurry and wait for my order over there."

The three immediately ran to the position of the small teleportation array.

After Chu You thought it was almost done, the system again sent a prompt.

System: The 49th Intrell Elite Army of the Magic appears.

The 47th Elite Corps of the Magic Army has been wiped out.

Come on, come on! Chu You broke away from the round table, the strange screen on it disappeared, and then Chu You walked silently to the small teleportation array. The three of them stared at Chu You directly, not knowing what he was going to do...

Using a small teleportation array, Chu You chose the central palace, and at the next moment Chu You came to a strange palace.

Looking at nothing, Chu You went straight to the console here, and soon Chu You opened the interface.

Then I chose the location of the entrance to hell, where the pits are being broadcast live.

The difference is that many of the attack devices built in this interface have blood volume. You can see that the blood volume of the attack device closest to the pit is declining, and some of them are only a small amount of blood. Then Chu You chose an attack device, and immediately the device was in a state of waiting for commands!

Finally, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Chu You ordered it to attack one of the flying monsters. At the next moment, Chu You saw that the city defense attack device instantly locked its target, and then began to attack the flying monster.

Hahaha, the ancients never bullied me! The people of the previous life are even ancients...

Then Chu You started searching on this screen, and soon he found one of the demons.

Immediately, Chu You pulled a big frame and the city defense attack devices in the frame were all waiting for a command. Finally, Chu You "right clicked" the demon, and all the attack devices in the frame immediately locked the demon.

Wow ha ha ha, Chu You pretends to make a casting action, and finally reaches for a finger.

Die to brother! The attack order was issued instantly.

Correspondingly, in the palace at the entrance of Hell, more than 20 city defense attack devices issued an instant attack, and many rays suddenly attacked a conspicuous demon in all directions.

The demon's heart jumped suddenly, his eyes wide open, obviously frightened and unprepared.

At this moment it was hit by at least 17 rays, each 50,000 damage! The first and second channels offset its protective shield, and the remaining rays directly penetrated its body.

Ahhhh~~~ With a screaming scream, this demon was disintegrated in mid-air for crushing.

Cui Nuanjun was immediately attracted by the scream, and saw that a piece of equipment suddenly burst out in the air and fell to the ground. At the same time, a faint air flow floated into the door of the small room behind him.

Opening Cui Nuanjun's character attributes, Chu You sees that Cui Nuanjun has now reached level 26.

Very good, and then send a message on the team channel: "Send!"

The three were already prepared and immediately passed into the palace at the entrance to Hell. When they arrived here, they were instantly shocked by the sight of the place.

"Hurry up and use the advanced experience spell!" Chu You reminded.

The three of them reacted, and immediately ate up the only experience spell. They instantly realized that the experience value had gained a lot.

Because Chu You is not here, and Cui Nuanjun is not this system, so the experience value is actually obtained. If Chu You is there, the level difference is extremely large. Even if you eat the advanced experience spell, the experience gained is extremely pitiful.

But now it is different, because of Chu You's causality, as a team member, they enjoy the benefits here.

This phenomenon is extremely rare in Heaven! There is a certain range to get experience points, beyond this limit, even if teammates kill monsters, they can't enjoy the experience points, and they can't share the monsters that the mission wants to kill.

"Come closer to Cui Nuanjun's position and protect her!" Everyone ran over with an unknown face, thinking Cui Nuanjun was the key.

Soon Lin Luoer was upgraded to level 19, followed by Jiucai also upgraded to level 17, and when Jiucai reached level 18, the kill command upgrade reached level 21.

"Wow, this is a treasure!" Jiu Caier shouted happily.

Ha ha, you are waiting to be a lonely man. Brother has been lonely for too long, he lacks pendants on his legs, he lacks strong dog legs! Come with brother!

At the location of the pit, Chu You was instantly pulled by the big frame, ready to go, as soon as a demon body appeared in the pit, immediately destroy it! !

Fuck! Who can operate like this! Ok? Brother is so good!

Wow, another demon appeared, well come, come second, brother point to destroy you!

A female demon crawled out of the pit, and her lower body was a boa constrictor, very sturdy and looking very slippery.

However, when she hadn’t made a big impact, many of the attacking devices around her instantly emitted red beams of light to her. It twisted the snake body hurriedly, and had to say that her dodge and her sense of danger were extremely accurate and she escaped. After 10 attacks, she was still hit by the remaining rays, and the body was no longer so flexible with the injury.

At this moment, the range skills of other attack devices had already been triggered, and they were unlucky to randomly lock it. After a few seconds, it slumped on the ground, and there was a lot of black blood.

System: Big Devil Intellier's combat power is restored to the third floor!

Seeing this prompt, thinking appeared in Chu You's eyes, that is, if it is killed now, then to what extent will the mission process be? Will it trigger the more powerful devil or the devil king of **** to come here with the army of hell?

Or, if you kill it now, will it be judged that you are not your own? You know, it was dying by the Tianmen fortress guard team before. Now that you have killed it yourself, because of the cause-and-effect relationship, you are probably not getting the maximum benefit.

Either the poor equipment will mean you, or you will get poor experience.

But as long as it returns to full blood, then the causal state of Interrel will be completely erased. At the same time, as the great demon, especially the devil royal family, if you kill it yourself, you will get a generous reward, which is a percentage One hundred sure.

Well, for the time being!

Finally, all of the attack devices in the room where Interriel is located are set to wait for commands. 21089

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