The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 276: The fate of Intel

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

System: Warning, the power of the big demon Interrel is restored to the fourth floor!

For Chu You, the attacking device with serious expression and a little excitement specifically clicked on those powerful demon bodies. Once the attack device entered the range launch state, Chu You immediately canceled its control and chose other attack devices. Join the formation army.

In the palace at the entrance to Hell, there were screams again and again. The three of Lin Luoer never saw this scene. It was too bloody. Every monster was killed and its death was extremely terrible, although several people experienced it. The scene of slaughtering players under the leadership of Chu You, but that scene is still a little witch compared to the eyes.

The visual effects here are very impactful. Place the Buddha in the purgatory of Yincao Difu.

In the room where Interlell is located, the rung behind it began to appear in a scorched state, but there was obviously no flame burning. When the battle power of Interlil returned to the 5th floor, the rung on the back became more and more charred The six huge demon wings are full of power and powerful atmosphere.

Chu You immediately entered the demon's room through the interface in front of her. After checking the status of Intel, he retreated.

After Chu You consciously carried out key defenses, the impact of the monster army was suppressed, and the attack on the powerful demon was ruthlessly killed by Chu You. The city defense attack device no longer appeared to be destroyed.

The faster the monster army dies, the faster the breath that Intrell absorbs from it, and the speed of recovery of combat power is greatly increased.

Both parties will be in a showdown stage soon.

Chu You's expression was dull and there was no fear.

At the present stage of the battle, the 49th Intrell Elite Army of the Magic Army was also destroyed, and the last legion, the 51st Intelli Elite Army of the Magic Army, was about to appear.

A glance at everyone's level, now they are all at level 28, and Cui Nuanjun has reached level 33.

"Old kill, you and Zhao Feiyan exchange it, call her to upgrade."

It was at this time that the 51st Interreal Elite of the Demon Army appeared.

System: Warning, the big devil Intel has returned to the sixth level!

The killing commander left, he opened his character attribute interface, looked at the combat power value, and found that it only reached 16,000 combat power, obviously at 28, which is a full four levels higher than the second combat player, but It is weaker than the opponent's 40,000 combat power.

There are so many powerful players in the world. The killing leader is a bit self-deprecating. He believes that the other party and his boss belong to the same kind of person.

Just belong to the local tyrants, why the gap is so big...

Thinking of killing the leader here is happy, the boss is really not ordinary people. And not only is the fighting power extremely strong, its power is also enormous.

Especially the hidden situation power, the killing leader believes that as long as the boss is willing to open the membership approval of the Xian Guild, then only one result will appear, that is, the players who join will include the vast majority of elite players in Yan Guo, even top players.

The "Xian" Guild is now a fabulous existence!

Zhao Feiyan came, came to Chu You, and traded 3.6 million gold coins to Chu You. These gold coins were all paid by joining the United Front Alliance Guild, including the 400,000 gold coins ordered by the fairy tale kingdom. Inviting those guilds to pay 400,000 gold coins to join the United Front Alliance took Zhao Feiyan's great energy. This is the beginning of the game. Many guilds can save money in terms of cost. Zhao Feiyan can dig a dump of meat from them and let them It is not easy to willingly pay 400,000 gold coins.

Although there are Chu You factors in it, if you do it for someone else, you will never have such a result. It is very likely that the "Anti-Night Alliance" will be formed throughout the country.

Chu You handed Zhao Feiyan an advanced experience spell and told her where to go. Finally, Chu You called Lin Luoer and Jiu Caier back.

In the palace at the entrance of Hell, only Zhao Feiyan and Cui Nuanjun were left.

"Where are you..." Then Intellil's voice appeared in his mind.

The boundary between oneself and the other still exists and can communicate from a distance.

"Miss me? Your army is about to perish, will you not come out to save your servant army?"

"Huh, they are a real waste! But I also want to thank you for bringing me back to my peak, even stronger."

"I think, you will recognize it soon, you are just a waste, even if you are a big devil. As for thanking me, no need to thank, it is also for myself!"

Interrel opened his purple eyes in the back room, looked at the rows of attacking devices in front of him, and vaguely felt that this thing might be the other party's reliance, and also some powerful tool to clamp himself...

'Snapped! ‘One wing on the left broke free of Fulu, and it seemed that Interreal’s six wings were stuck to Fulu.

The army of monsters continues to shrink rapidly, Zhao Feiyan is speechless, and her body is constantly escalating.

System: Warning! Big Devil Intel's combat power restored to 7th floor.

"I am about to recover."

Come on, come on, Chu You clenched her hands and released quickly.

With the passage of time, Intel's combat power returned to the 8th floor, and Zhao Feiyan's level reached 21.

When Intel's combat strength reached the 9th floor, Chu You said to Lin Luoer: "Call Cui Nuanjun to come up."

"Feiyan, okay, come out. The final big boss will appear there soon. I can't guarantee what will be sent if I stay there."

"It's okay. I'm full of garbage equipment. It doesn't matter if I die. Experience is important. You Ye really thank you." Zhao Feiyan does not give up such a good opportunity. She is now at level 29.

"It's up to you." Chu You didn't say much, waiting for the moment to come.

"I have picked up all the equipment above the Red Jazz, and I will deal with you later." Zhao Feiyan looked at the equipment all over the floor, especially the master-level equipment, nobody actually picked it up. Zhao Feiyan felt very distressed.

"it is good."

When the last demon at the entrance to the **** was killed, and the elite three elite armies were all wiped out, a prompt came from the system.

System: Warning! The big devil Intellis recovered completely!

At this time, Zhao Feiyan heard a roar from the inside which was very terrifying. She immediately looked up in that direction, then frowned and stopped paying attention to that side. Her heart was thinking before she died. Pick up some equipment.

In the devil's room, Interrel completely broke away from the huge trap attached to his back. Three pairs of six huge magic wings floated in mid-air with its owner Interrel, and the black thick waterfall black hair fluttered without wind. , From the foot to the head, a strong purple breath radiated from the whole body.

Chu You narrowed her eyes slightly, because he saw a four-meter-long demon tail appearing on Interrel's naked peach buttocks, which looked quite powerful.

Inferior, the **** demon royal family, the Satans, and the great demon, fully demonstrated her demon gesture.

Without any hesitation, Chu You ordered the attack device to start immediately!

A series of beeps sounded instantaneously, and then the demon room was full of red awns.

Interriel was obviously frightened, and six huge wings immediately surrounded her body, using her wings to defend against the rays of the attack device.

However...Intellier more obviously underestimated the attacking power of the attacking device. That is an attacking device with 50,000 attacks per attack.

Chu You smiled, and was very satisfied with the performance of the attacking device. Just for a moment, the opponent's extra-long blood volume dropped by more than a third.

In my place, even if God came, it would have to die!

"Uh ah!" Intrell shouted sternly. The feeling at that moment was just unforgettable all his life. His eyes were no longer indifferent, no longer arrogant, but deeply fearful.

Intelir didn't want to immediately apply light shield magic to himself, and looked at the strange things that stopped attacking (actually in preparation for launch), and he was terrified. The next moment Interlear's figure flickered and it flickered. Go out...

When he appeared in the Dharma Palace, Interriel was completely stunned. In his eyes, it was truly dominated by fear, and his body could not move.

I saw that the smell of blood and meat of the monster was everywhere, and the entrance to the **** was like a blood-sucking device. The blood of the corpse of the monster army was flowing down the blue brick.

These are not the main ones. The main thing is that there are far more attack devices than in the room.

Moreover, the attack device here is now in an automatic state, which means that as long as an enemy is within the attack range, the attack device will launch an attack.

In an instant, all the attack devices here were lit up at this moment.

"No!!!" Intrell sent Chu You an imploring tone instantly: "I was wrong, please don't kill me."

"If you can carry this wave, I will spare you!" Chu You's tone was full of mockery.

More than 100 full-level city defense attack devices launched an attack on Interrail in an instant.


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