The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 296: Recruit Oroja Grandmaster

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You originally wanted to personally watch how Master Europa created the **** iron, but was told that it was a forbidden area in the clan, no one could enter, so he came to eat fruit on a clean lawn.

The dwarf's house is definitely inaccessible. The height is too high. Many dwarves are holding plates with enthusiasm. There are not only fresh fruits but also barbecues. They are presented here in Chu You, very enthusiastic.

Gradually, Chu You discovered a phenomenon that seemed to be the only one eating here. He was not interested in these foods. Lin Luoer was eating fresh fruits in small mouths, but most of her attention It’s all on the environment here.

Just then, Chu You heard the sound of a horseshoe, and looked up.

I saw a team of tall pure white spirit horses coming from a small road in the distance, where there are levels set by the dwarves, and the masters above are actually elves.

When he came to the flat place where Chu You was, the other party dismounted. The elf man looked proudly at Chu You, then turned his head to look at the dwarf clan, and said proudly, "What about your Grandmaster Oroga? And who are they? The human race is a fickle race!"

"Ah, Oroga is forging the magic soldiers in the forbidden area. They are our esteemed friends. Please don't look at them with colored eyes. Although the human race is fickle, they are clearly not!" Solemnly said.

" you really get the **** iron?" When the elder dwarf said the first sentence, the elven man opened his eyes, obviously a little unbelievable.

"That is of course. It is this human warrior who won the **** iron from the orc army and gave it to us. His glorious deeds will be imprinted in the history of our family."

Hearing this, the elven man looked serious, looked at Chu You again, and then turned around and said, "Since you have gained the iron and defense power, then please quickly build exquisite armor for us, I It's good to bring the enchanted elf magic in the clan, now the dark elves are attacking us stronger and stronger.

"Well, I know. Let's wait until the elder Oroja comes out. Please help yourself." Then he left.

The elven man was obviously neglected, and his appearance was not very good. Finally, he stopped his eyes on Chu You, and then came over and said: "You are a human warrior."

Chu You continued to eat without looking at each other.

The smooth-faced elven man frowned, "Is your human race so rude?"

"I hate talking like this, or do you kneel?" It's still useless to look at the other party, only the food in front of me, um... tastes good.

"You!" The elf man was angry, but at this moment, 40 fighting demon Ji stood up collectively, staring coldly at the elf man.

At this moment the atmosphere was somewhat frozen, and the elf man made a cold grunt, then sat down reluctantly.

"Now, can I always talk?"

"If you were like this from the beginning, I think our atmosphere will be better." Chu You raised her eyes and looked at the elf man.

"You really got the **** iron from the orc army lair?" The elf man still couldn't believe this fact.

"You are quite interesting, the facts are already in front of you."

"I'm not human!" the elf man reminded.

"Uh, okay, since you are not a person, would you please stay away from me?" Chu You was annoyed.

The elf man opened his eyes wide, his pale green eyes stared at Chu You, but without any further action, he closed his eyes as if he was adjusting the inner fluctuations, and at the next moment he opened his eyes.

"Human Warrior, I am shocked by your deeds, but also make me very admirable, can we shake a hand?" The elf man stretched out a hand, which is a great respect for the clean elves Too.

"My hands are greasy."

Lying! ! I couldn't bear it anymore. The elven man frowned again, and his heart was extremely repelled by the greasyness, but when he was about to close his hand, the delicate and delicate hand was greasy by Chu You Grasp the hand.

"Hello, hello, what is your name?" Chu You said sincerely, holding his hand, before letting go.

The elf man looked at the greasy expression in his face, looked at Chu You again, and finally took out a white veil with his other hand, and wiped it carefully.

"My name is Amanod, how about the human warrior?"

"My name is Yuye. Are you happy to meet me?"

"...It's an honour."

"I'm also very happy, Animad, what's the matter with me?"

"Yu Ye, my name is Armand, not Animard." Armand said solemnly before speaking: "I hope you can help us resist the dark elves."

"How much gold do you pay?" Chu You looked at each other with a smile.

Amanode shook his head: "We elves have no gold coins, but I believe you can't refuse the rewards given by our elves!"

"Oh? So Diao? What is it?"

"Specifically depends on how deep your participation is. In this respect, our elven clan queen has absolute say. You will be honored to meet our clan queen. If you are interested, this is for you, It’s a one-way reel, and someone will pick you up.”


"Uh, my family will pick you up!" said the elf man staring at Chu You.

Just when Chu You took the other party and handed over a golden leaf, the earth shuddered, and then heard the Dwarven triumphantly cheering. Obviously, the magical soldier in Oroja's mouth had been built. Chu You and the elf men stood up.

Not long after, Europa walked past tiredly with the support of everyone, and finally stood in front of Chu You.

"Sorry for the waitting."

"It doesn't matter, will the guru take a break?"

"No, huh, okay, now it's up to me to fulfill my promise. I'll follow you!" The sentence came out silently. The information in this sentence was too shocking.

System: You have successfully recruited Oroja Forging Master!

Armand turned his face in disbelief and looked at Chu You.

At the next moment, the crowd burst into questioning. Do you know that Eurogar is the elder of this tribe, and a leader actually followed the human race? !

"Everyone listens to me, this is my promise to the human warrior Ye Ye, we Romanov are honest, I hope everyone can understand me!"

Everyone still refused, and many dwarves even cried.

Seeing this scene, Chu You knew it was time to speak, but he reached out his hand and saw the crowd looking at himself. Then he said: "My name is You Ye, you can also call me "Xian", then It is an organization that I founded in my tribe. I have formed an alliance with Grand Master Oroga. Now the honorable Grand Master wants to come to my territory to help me, so please understand, I guarantee that I will let Grand Master come over and see, and If the nobles are attacked by the orcs, we will immediately support them without delay."

Hearing Chu You saying this, a flash of accident flashed in the eyes of Grand Master Europa, and he did not expect that Chu You also gave the promise of alliance and protection.

System: Your favorability in the mind of Oralga Forging Master has reached 97%!

Immediately, the Oroga appeased even harder. The elf clan Amanod was a little overwhelmed, and now his situation has been put aside, and no one cares about the delicate armor that the elf clan needs.

"Poronov, now I order you as the patriarch, and the soldiers have been made by me, so I can rest assured, well, I think of you, I will come to see you, but it is not a farewell, others have helped us , We have to help others too."

"But your life, patriarch..."

"Stop talking, it's okay."

At this time, Armand stood up, "Wait, what about our elven clan armor?"

"Bao, you are now looking for Poronov, he is in charge of my family's affairs, he is now the patriarch." Finally, Oroga looked at You Ye and smiled: "So let's go!"

In the case of reluctance, Chu You and others came to the altar, and finally sent it to the guild!

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