The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 297: ...The range is dropped!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Is this your territory?" Oroja said incredulously in the teleportation of the city of cloud tops. Everything in front of him was a little shocked to him.

"Exactly, welcome, and here will be your home." Chu Youwei smiled.

"Lord Lord, I have a request, I hope you can promise me."

"Guru, just say anything, if you can, you will be satisfied."

"That's it. I want to bury my body in my hometown after I die!" Oroga said inexplicably.

"This will definitely work. It's a big thing to go home and go to the earth. Master, rest assured, You Ye remember it!" After finishing Chu You opened the interface, on the servant interface, you can see the appearance of Oroga's head, choose He immediately appeared.

Eurogar: Dwarf, 321 years old, forging guru, remaining life: 5 years! Hunger: Not hungry.

5 years... totally enough! Chu You nodded inwardly. Not to mention 5 years, 1 year is fine!

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, it should be."

"Um... Lord Lord, how do you want Euroga to help you?"

"Haha, this is the case, you come with me!" After hearing the other party's initiative to raise the matter, Chu You did not refuse, and immediately took Euroga to the craftsman workshop.

As soon as he entered here, Eurogar opened his eyes and expressed surprise at the place.

"I smell the forging of runes. It's very interesting here. It seems to be a special forging place. Of course, it's not limited to this." Seeing that there are other living and professional rooms, the last sentence of Euroga changed. The curiosity here is even stronger.

"Guru, please come to the third floor with me!" Chu Youwei smiled, he saw Lin Luoer also followed. As for the fighting magic Ji is staying in the **** tree.

Soon, the three came to a luxurious VIP refinery room on the third floor, of course the property was a metal-made room.

"Wow, the Lord Lord prepared very well. This is indeed very helpful for forging, which I can feel!" Oroga sniffed when he entered his big nose, then exclaimed.

"Oh, Grandmaster deserves to be Grandmaster. Now I have a drawing here. I still ask Grandmaster for help!" After finishing taking out the drawing of "Drawing: Production: The Divine Metal Breastplate of the Red Dragon King" from the space backpack, the last face Looking forward to the white-beard Euroga.

"His... this is actually a Dragon language drawing? How did you get it?" Eurogar was surprised.

"Of course it was robbed from the hands of the Dragon Clan... brought it."

"Oh, Lord Lord Night does not have to cover up. The Dragon race is selfish. It is not easy to share the baby with other races. This is robbed."

"Oh, you just understand, can you make this drawing master?"

"Haha, I can understand the texture structure at a glance, and it can be made, but... I found that this drawing actually has a qualitatively changing structure. Once the native runes of the runes are blended, then the dragon is made. The language equipment will be taken to the next level!" What Oroga discovers is what the player can see at a glance.

"Drawing: Production: Red Dragon King's Divine Metal Breastplate": Production Product: Subordinate Product: Red Dragon's End Metal Breastplate, Change Product: Red Dragon King's Divine Metal Breastplate, Qualitative Change Product: Flashing Red Dragon King's Divine Metal breastplate.

Production requirements: metal expert, proficiency 300 or above.

Crafting materials: boiling dragon heart 100, icy dragon blood soul: 50, thick dragon skin 300, sturdy dragon corner 300.

It can be seen from the above that once the requirements are met and the production materials are met, the production can be carried out. However, once the production is made, the player cannot be sure what level the product he made is, or it may be straight, connected, lost, and defeated. ! This is all based on luck. Of course, if the proficiency increases, the option of direct failure will be greatly reduced.

It’s just that even if you make a lower-level product, its grade is also master-level, but one thing has to be said is that it is actually very difficult to obtain the dragon material. Once you miss this opportunity, you don’t know how to wait until the next time you have the materials together. What year is it, the most important thing is that the Dragon material is very expensive! Even if you create a master-level equipment, it is difficult to sell it back and forth, the investment is greater than the return!

But once you are lucky, you can make the Red Dragon King's sacred breastplate, then congratulations to this player, you have obtained a real sacred level equipment, the return will be far greater than the investment.

If the player made his luck against the sky, he made: the sacred breastplate of the flashing Red Dragon King, Ao Mai Ga, it will make a fortune.

If it is sold as a set, even the master-level set of ‘The End of the Red Dragon’ dragon language complete set of equipment is worth more than the total income earned by selling a single piece. Because outfits can not only make a player's appearance extremely beautiful, the most important thing is to have a set attribute bonus!

It is said that practicing life is a big pit, but it actually makes sense.

A guild without strong strength as a life-supporting professional player is not a successful producer.

Although there are no swords, swords and swords in life and career, it seems that there is a bright future. In fact, players who really enter the pit can only realize that this road is full of blood and tears!

There are also a handful of people who have lost their families in previous lives!

"The master has good eyesight, what I want is the qualitatively changed Red Dragon King equipment!" That is the sacredness of the flashing Red Dragon King! There is something to look forward to in Chu You's mind. Eurogar is a forging guru. Forging drawings below celebrities can be made, and celebrity proficiency at 500 can basically say goodbye to failure.

Then there is the attribute of the guru + the architectural level attribute of his own craftsman room + the attribute of the VIP level production room + the skill gain attribute of the Shenshu Guild. There are 4 bonus items. The equipment produced by the drawings themselves is the 30-level equipment, so the difficulty is not so exaggerated.

So for the sacred level of qualitative flash, Chu You really has expectations!

Grand Master Oroga closed his eyes at this time, and the drawings in his hand were shining, and then merged with the hands of Grand Master Oroga, disappeared, which means that the drawings have permanently disappeared, and Oroga The master has mastered it.

"Huh? The drawing is missing? I just wanted to feel its structured rune information, actually..." Grandmaster Oroga looked at him in surprise.

"Oh, it's okay, the drawings are all unique, you just think it is your master!" Chu You was too lazy to explain.

"It turned out to be the case." Grand Master Europa said thoughtfully.

"Guru, I have brought all the materials you see." Said here, Chu You put the many Dragon clan materials he needed on the table.

"His, so many dragons' materials? Although they are all low-level variants of dragons, but the number is too large? You slaughtered them all?"

Chu You didn't know what to say, and nodded.

"You have to be careful, they are all servants of the fifth dragon emperor Xiulanta. You definitely have the mark of the dragon clan killing on your body. Once she is found, you must be prepared." Said.

Chu You continued to nod, "I know, thank you Master's warning, so can I start now?"

"Well... it's time to start!" Grandmaster Oroga looked around, and seemed to feel an inexplicable blessing of gain, and said with full energy.

At the time of production, Euroga spit out the last sentence: "The environment here is somewhat similar to the forbidden land of my family."

System: Your servant Oroja Grandmaster begins to produce "Drawing: Production: Red Dragon King's Sacred Metal Breastplate"!

I saw Oroja's eyes closed, he grabbed the material next to it with a hammer, and began to thump.

The sound of ‘Dangdangdang’ immediately appeared in the room.

"Chu You, you are a little nervous." Lin Luoer came over and stared at himself.

"Oh, okay, after all, it's a sacred equipment!" Because it was the other party's production, Chu You couldn't see that the other party's production progress was at that stage. I was inevitably a little nervous.

Afterwards, Grand Master Oroja speeded up, and many dragon materials on the table quickly disappeared.

As soon as the Dragon clan materials disappeared, the system appeared a prompt.

System: Your servant Oroja Grandmaster successfully produced the Red Dragon's End Metal Breastplate!

System: Your servant Oroja Grandmaster’s production changes, and the Red Dragon King’s sacred metal breastplate is being produced!

Ah, it was so dangerous just now, and I thought it was to make master equipment, which scared the baby!

Lin Luoer didn't realize Chu You's mood at this time, she only saw Chu You's eyelids jumped.

At this time Oroga's face appeared to have sweat, eyes closed and his expression serious.

Ah, you made me so nervous~~~ Please, can you relax! !

Chu You knows that as time approaches, its production progress will also get closer to the end.

Just when there was no other sound in the room except for the knocking sound, and the atmosphere was very frozen by Chu You, a systematic prompt sounded in the ear.

System: Your servant Oroja Grandmaster successfully made the Red Dragon King's sacred metal breastplate!

System: Your servant Oroja Grandmaster's product has undergone a qualitative change and is making the shining red dragon king's sacred breastplate!

Ah, now it's a race between success and failure! Don’t say anything when you succeed, just laugh! If it fails, then nothing will happen.

"Luoer, if it succeeds, can I kiss you?" Chu You suddenly turned to look at Lin Luoer, who was also nervous by himself, and then Youyu opened his mouth.

"No seriousness."

Seeing Lin Luoer's expression, Chu You suddenly moved, and itchy...

At this time, Grandmaster Oroga's face was completely red, and the skin with many wrinkles on the face was squeezed together, and it seemed to be holding something...

With another blow, Chu You was surprised to find that at this moment, Euroga seemed to let out the suffocated thing, and his expression looked very comfortable.

Lying trough, are you shooting? !

At this moment of touching people's hearts, the pleasant sound of the system sounded.

System: Due to the power failure of the game cabin, you will be forced to quit the game after 20 seconds!

Seeing this message, Chu You couldn't believe it. He suddenly looked at Lin Luoer again, and the other party looked at him with the same expression. Apparently Lin Luoer also showed such a prompt.

20...19...18. The countdown immediately appeared.

"Power off? Is it a power outage?" Lin Luoer stared blankly at his frowning face.

Yan Guo Announcement: Grand Master Oroja has successfully produced: the sacred metal breastplate of the glittering Red Dragon King!

Yan Guo Announcement: Archbishop You Ye: My day, MMP dropped the link, brother will retreat gorgeously...


In reality, it is already night, but I don’t know what time it is at night.

In the dark bedroom, several faint blue lights suddenly appeared, and the game cabin was opened. Although the power has been cut off, the game cabin has a device for storing advanced energy, which can allow players who are suddenly cut off to safely exit.

A black shadow crawled out of the game cabin. No one knew, not even the black shadow itself, but his eyes were gray in color. It took only 3 seconds to return to normal pupil color. This process is Without any discomfort, at least Chu You could not feel any abnormality at all.

"MMP!" he whispered in a whisper, Chu You crossed the game cabin, and then came to the window to open it. It was dark outside and no lights could be seen in the eyes. Is this a blackout in the community? It is unclear whether the power outage in the area or the power outage in the whole city, at least in this area.

At this time, a cold wind suddenly blew in, making Chu You feel excited.

"Lying trough, has this changed? The climate in the north is really becoming more and more unpredictable, Huh?" Chu You opened his eyes and looked at his body. He finally felt that there was something wrong there.

I can clearly feel the bitterness of this wind, but the body does not feel ‘cold’.

Touching his hair, Chu You was extremely puzzled.

Could it be that after eating the food conditioned by Zhou Zhijun, the resistance of one's own body increased?

When Chu You was caught in such a peculiar predicament, suddenly a strangely familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Chu You, where are you?"


PS: You can’t make a violent change today, the guests are here, but this chapter is a big chapter...

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