The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 298: Opposite woman

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You has been afraid of cold since she was a child. Once you encounter cold weather, a childish multiple choice question will appear in his mind.

That is, if you must choose the method of freezing death or thermal death, then Chu You will choose thermal death without hesitation!

Cold death is really a terrible way of death...

"Chu You, where are you?" Lin Luoer used his mobile phone for lighting. It was extremely dark, there was no light, and there was no movement downstairs. Zhou Zhijun was clearly asleep, quietly here, and it was a little scary. When he walked out of the game cabin, Lin Luoer also felt the cold wind brought by the outside air, so Lin Luoer said something trembling.

I really don’t know if it’s the dark environment that scared Lin Luoer or whether the lower temperature affected her tone. Maybe it’s both.

It is said that "Tianshi" can exercise a person's resistance to fear, but Lin Luoer was affected by Chu You. She did not experience the exercise of the horror and spiritual things in the game like her previous life, and her endurance did not get any. On the contrary, the reinforcement has been disturbed by some horror pictures.

Illuminated by the pale light of the mobile phone, but there was no one around, and there was no sound even outside, and the Buddha was alone in a strange chamber.

The lamp of the mobile phone shone on the door of Chu You's bedroom, Lin Luoer came here, and the bedroom door was gently opened.

"Luoer, there is really a power outage here." Chu You frowned, and then he saw that the beauty in front of him was a little strange.

"Is it cold? How did it all come together today, and the power outage changed again." The cold wind in the north is really biting, and it changes when it changes.

Lin Luoer is still wearing thin summer clothes. Her skin belongs to the kind of fat with baby fat, and the overall look is a little bit fat. This figure is matched with the summer suit, but it brings out the beauty of women. The pretty chest raised the white cotton short sleeves, perhaps because of the cold relationship. One hand wrapped tightly under the left chest, which made the white chest more conspicuous and attractive.

In the low light, Lin Luoer's black eyes widened at Chu You, looking helpless.

"Chu You, why is there a power outage? Is there a backup generator in the community?"

"I don't know, hiss... It's two o'clock in the morning now, I guess they are all asleep, do you have clothes? Hurry and add clothes to avoid getting a cold." Although there is no cold feeling, Chu You still There was a sound of breathing down, which was already an instinct.

Lin Luoer looked back to the dark corridor, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. The corridor on the second floor was not very long, but at this time, Lin Luoer felt that this distance was enough to make her must have great courage.

"The clothes are in the room, then..."

Just then, Chu You turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and came out.

"Let's go, let's go together." After Chuyou Zhaoliang walked over, Lin Luoer quickly followed, and the two almost walked side by side.

At this time, Chu You felt that her hand touched some of the opponent's cold show hands. After several touches, Chu You held Lin Luoer's hand in her hand.

Lin Luoer felt warm inside, and she felt that the temperature of the other hand's palm was very warm and warm, and contained her little hand in the warmth.

At this moment, she felt that the temperature had risen and her body had not responded so coldly. At the same time, she felt the power of the other person's palm, and the fear in her heart also expelled a lot.

Chu You led Lin Luoer into the room with fragrance. You can see through the flashlight that Lin Luoer's bed had only a blanket that was not thick.

At this time, the two let go and Lin Luoer felt that coldness came out of his heart again. He walked to the tall wardrobe and opened it with one hand, looked for it, and finally took out only a thin long piece Sleeve jacket, this style looks more like a decorative match, and does not have a cold protection effect.

"This dress is too thin." Chu You said after seeing it.

"The clothes I brought are long sleeves," Lin Luoer said softly and put them on.

"It's so late now, or you're going to sleep, let me see if I have a quilt there." When talking about the quilt, Chu You suddenly remembered it, and it seemed that she didn't. At this time in the previous life, I bought new quilts only after the temperature had really dropped. The previous ones were thrown away. I bought the quilts last night and adjusted the indoor temperature very high.

But now that there is a power outage, how to adjust the temperature?

"Let's go with you." Lin Luoer came to her side and heard Chu You's words, and then she saw Chu You still standing here without moving.

"what happened?"

"("▔□▔), uh... go, let's see. "What if it really does? What if you remember it wrong?

This time Chu You took Lin Luoer's small hand naturally. Seeing the small hand held by Chu You, Lin Luoer's heart was hot, and her face suddenly became hot, and there was no resistance in her heart. Just let the other party take his hand and walk towards the room of Chu You.

Chu You rummaged around in her bedroom for a while, and finally spread her hand to Lin Luoer, shaking her head and said, "Isn't there anyway, or you can use this blanket on my bed."

"I used it, what should you do?"

"I'm not cold. You didn't see me wearing a vest."

"Don't pretend, the temperature has dropped so drastically, if the young girl suffers from the wind and cold, the little girl is scared." Lin Luoer showed a smiling face. "Besides, I didn't sleep."

'Snapped! "The fire suddenly emerged from Chu You's hand, and then lit the cigarette in his mouth. Chu You took a breath and said, "Oh, I am the same." Finally, he leaned on the balcony.

Being outdoors, Chu You really felt a little cold.

At this time, the temperature was felt on the right arm, Lin Luoer came to the side, "Unexpectedly, Yuanjing will also have a power outage." The two looked at the ground that fell into a deep sleep.

"Chu You."


"What have you experienced in the past two years? I think you have changed a lot."

"Oh, what is your feeling."

"Um... mature and steady, can't say it, I think you are disguising yourself, all restrained." Having said that, Lin Luoer remembered the scene of the first meeting in the two-player game. , With a smile on his face, "but once opened, you are a wild beast, that kind of temperament is more arrogant than when you were in school!" said Lin Luoer's body trembling here, but a cold wind blew, she was tight. Own clothes.

After taking another breath, Chu You extinguished it. "Look at you cold, go in." After that, I finally looked again at the balcony of a villa opposite.

There was also a woman standing there.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Chu You really didn't think that Zhao Feiyan was actually his neighbor. Why didn't he find this in his previous life? ?

Zhao Feiyan also found Chu You and Lin Luoer opposite, but she did not recognize that the other is Yu Ye and Luo Shuihui Ye. After watching the two enter the house together, Zhao Feiyan thought, these two people are also afraid World" players.

Hmm... Still a couple of players.

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