The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 299: Sweetheart

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The two entered the house, Chu You closed the floor-to-ceiling windows, the cold wind outside was blocked, and the temperature inside the house was slightly higher.

"Luoer, you don't have to hold on, you are out of breath, go to sleep, I will give you this blanket." Seeing Lin Luoer's expression, he picked up the blanket on his bed after speaking.

"I...I'm really okay." As for what's okay, she didn't know exactly what that aspect was.

"Go, you light me up."

Seeing Chu You holding the blanket was already open, Lin Luoer had no choice but to follow suit.

Soon the two came to the fragrant room again, Chu You spread the blanket on top of each other's blanket, and they overlapped perfectly.

Seeing Chu You carefully and skillfully sorting out housework, Lin Luoer behind had an unreal feeling. Chu You not only had a change in her personality, but even what she did did not make Lin Luoer understand Confused, at the same time various memories emerged one by one, Chu You really changed.

Although I was confused, there was a sweet feeling.

"Hurry up and go to bed, it's almost 3 o'clock in the middle of the night. Are you still afraid?" Chu You saw Lin Luo'er's inner fear early on, but then he said it directly.

"Ah, the people with black lights are a little scared." Lin Luoer's face appeared red with shame. It turned out that Chu You had already seen his heart.

"You lie down, I watch you sleep." Chu You said softly.

"Uh..." Lin Luoer didn't reply, but turned off the flashlight of the mobile phone, then took off the thin coat on his body, took off his shoes, and made a sound of learning in the dark, a little ambiguous, and finally Lied into the blanket on the bed.

Chu You slowly sat on the edge of the bed, opened her phone, and entered the game forum through her phone.

In the game forum of China, after some searching, Chu You only saw a few posts written about the power outage, which shows that this is a small power outage, otherwise the forum will definitely be copied.

At this time, Chu You turned off her phone, because the surrounding low temperature had affected him to continue to browse the phone.

Turning his head to look at Lin Luoer, he found that the other party was still asleep, the blanket had covered his nose, and only his black eyes were staring at him silently.

The two fell into each other's eyes in this way, and then stretched a hand from the blanket to touch Chu You's right arm.

"Chu You, you are so cold. The two layers of blankets are still very warm. Come to bed and sleep." The voice was very soft.

Chu You still didn't move, but stared at Lin Luoer, then the breath in the dark was inexplicably slightly thicker, as if the prey was close, it could not be suppressed, and it seemed to be a signal before the attack!

At the next moment, Chu You took off her shoes and uncovered the blanket directly, "Luoer, you slept inside."

Lin Luoer stayed for a while, because the place that Chu You opened directly was beside him. If he lay down, then the two would sleep side by side...

At this time, the body did so unconsciously and obediently. Lin Luoer simply turned his back to Chu You, his heart jumped fiercely, and his eyes were fickle.

If really Chu You lay directly in the position where Lin Luoer had just slept, when you lay down, Chu You felt the heat on the bed immediately.

This bed warmer is quite in place! !

After lying down, Chu You covered the two layers of blankets, then immediately turned around, and immediately inhaled the scent and body fragrance emitted by the other party, and at the same time, he grabbed Lin Luoer's soft belly with his right hand. Lin Luoer's body tightly pressed against the back.

Lin Luoer's body shook and turned to look at himself in a deer-like panic.

"Chu You..." The voice was soft and trembling.

"Can I get closer to you?"

Looking at the expression, the tempting mouth, and the exhaled aroma at the same time, Chu You's hand holding Lin Luoer suddenly exerted force, and did not wait for the other party's answer, leveled the other party's soft body and stretched his head at the same time, Finally, I met Lin Luoer's attractive lips...

There was a burst of heat, and when Chu You's kiss was about to touch her lips, Lin Luoer finally closed her eyes.

Chu You hasn't been in such a passion for a long time, but this time hasn't happened yet. In a way, he is still a virgin!

Therefore, the golden age body brought extremely strong sensory stimulation, and the energy of food that Zhou Zhijun conditioned daily exploded at this moment.

Chu You sucked Lin Luoer's lips greedily with greed. Swallow the inhaled "Jinjin Jade Liquid"...

At this time, the body moved, it seems that Lin Luoer's body has a strong gravitational force, Chu You turned over and pressed Lin Luoer under him, and the free right hand was a proud chest device that caught Lin Luoer, and Kneading lightly and vigorously.

"Ah..." Lin Luoer uttered an unconscious trembling, Chu You could feel that Lin Luoer's whole body was tighter at this moment.

The huge stimulation brought by the hand feeling made Chu You have further actions!

He let go of his squeezing right hand and reached out to Lin Luoer's back. He reached in from the messy white short sleeves and soon touched the other's bra lock.

Chu You kissed even more fiercely, the opponent's body was pressed tightly underneath, and the right hand was slightly more skillful to unbutton the bra. The first layer was quickly untied, and immediately he felt Lin Luoer's bra appear Loose.

At this time, I can't wait any longer...

Chu You’s knees pressed against Lin Luoer’s legs together. The smooth and tender thighs also brought him great enjoyment, and then the knees gradually pressed in. Lin Luoer’s legs were gradually opened. The legs and feet of both sides suddenly twisted up.

After unbuttoning the second bra, Chu You's body moved slightly and pressed her swollen hard part against Lin Luoer's secret place.

Although they were all wearing pants, Lin Luoer still felt that the hard iron under Chu You touched his privacy. A sudden blow Lin Luoer seemed to react instinctively, and the split thigh was tightly clamped Chu You's body is very tight, it seems to be fixed to Chu You, don't move again.

Chu You pulled the bra off, and then moved her big hand to finally hold it...Aot is warm and soft, and she felt relieved!

"Ah..." Lin Luoer exhaled with a trembling breath, eyes closed.

After rubbing for a while, Chu You's right hand moved over and grabbed the softness of Lin Luoer's left chest.

At this moment, Chu You suddenly pulled out her right hand, and at the same time, with her left hand, she lifted Lin Luoer's white cotton short sleeves up, and a pair of white jade rabbits appeared in Chu You's eyes. The last bit of Yan Hong is extremely eye-catching.

Chu You opened Lin Luoer's lips, leaned down quickly, and opened her mouth to contain Lin Luoer's jade rabbit. The tip of her tongue flirted with the redness, while sucking greedily.

It seems that this is not fun, let the right hand cooperate to grasp the bottom of the jade rabbit, and then a light and powerful dose, the jade rabbit white meat that suddenly enters the mouth is more...

Lin Luoer puffed out and grabbed Chu You's back.

"Chu You... I, I'm not mentally prepared yet."

Chu You reached out and touched the phone, operating it with one hand, her right hand still rubbing Yutu.

Finally, Chu You released a song, and the sound quality of the music from the high-value mobile phone was perfect.

Throwing the phone in one hand, after doing all this, Chu You probed again.

"BabeI'mtakeclosercloser, sweetheart my hot heart is close to you."

"Ba-babeI'mtakecloser, baby my heart is closer to you."

"Closercloser, close, lingering."

"Doitright, doitright, do it right, do it right."

"Yeahyourbodytellingnolie, yes your body will not lie."

"You'vebeenkeepingheadsturning, you are shaking your little head."

"Allnight, allnight, all night, all night."

Hearing faint music from the villa opposite, Zhao Feiyan, who was independent of the darkness, bowed his head and smiled, tightened his clothes, and turned and walked into his bedroom.

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