The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 587: Work for others

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

System: Fortress core crystal is under attack!

When Chu You waved his first knife to attack the core device, a short system sound sounded in the minds of all players! Then the system prompt appeared.

At that moment, not only the players inside the fortress heard such a shocking temperament, but also the endless players outside the fortress also heard such rapid sounds.

The sound appeared directly in the player's mind. The sound they heard was the same. Soon, the system prompt appeared in their horizon.

It can be said that all players within the area of ​​the ruling fortress have received this warning vision.

This made many outside players stunned, and immediately realized what it meant.

"Chong wow wow wow!!" A group of players who do not understand the real situation shouted excitedly at the moment.

"The fortress is going to be beaten down, cool!!!"

"Zhuangzai, my great Chu Kingdom! My great Chu Kingdom mighty!!"

"Nima's call J8, You Ye is grabbing the fortress!!"

In short, the players outside at this moment have different inner emotions. Chu players who don’t know the inner feelings are extremely excited. Although the true situation is that even if the fortress was knocked down by their own people, they don’t really have anything to do with them. For no practical benefit, they are so excited because: honor! that's it.

Players who know the inside story are extremely bitter and extremely anxious, and can't wait to rush into the fortress to attack the abominable night and smash him to pieces!

Never had I hated a person like this now!

Fortress in the court.

‘Wipe it! ‘Beside the core device of the fortress, Chu You’s afterimage continued to appear in an instant, and the aurora-like shadows of the sword struck the crystal continuously.

Obtaining 30% of the fighting power of Jin Chuduo in the mid-level realm of the ten-star service Moon Mansions, this time makes Chu You's attribute value explode into the sky.

This blessing state lasted for 10 minutes, so Chu You used this thing carefully and strived to keep the risk to a minimum. If he had such a powerful attribute, he would definitely kill it directly, not as before. Wait.

If you don't make a shot, you must pick the fruit when you make a shot!

In Chu You's horizon, the blood volume of the core crystals of the fortress is decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the rate of decline like this, Chu You calculated it in his heart, about 3 minutes.

Almost 3 minutes! The eight-star core device will bottom out the blood volume! This is extremely terrible output damage!

You know, the object is the core device, not the eight-star 60-level experience monster BOSS, and not the eight-star 60-level NPC. If it is the last two, they stand like a pile and let Chu You output like Chu, absolutely unable to carry 3 Minutes!

The health and defense of a five-star city gate is definitely much higher than that of BOSS and NPC of the same level, not to mention the core device as a fortress, its blood volume and defense are heavenly terrifying existence!

At this moment, an afterimage suddenly rushed out of the channel. This speed made many players simply not react, thinking it was dazzling.

This residual image is Chu You's favorite Emperor Ji.

When Chu You blessed Jin Chuduo's combat power, Di Ji also benefited. Her current attribute value is even more terrifying and scary than her master Chu You!

She appeared at the master's side almost instantaneously, and at the same time her hands lit up, and she aimed at the core crystal of the fortress and cast a ‘death ray (burst)! ’

The white ray hits the core crystal, and its blood volume drops further rapidly.

Now the Chu players in the lobby have also rushed to the front, and their long-range career first launched the first round of attacks on Chu You.

With arrows of skill, a variety of magical light **** shot out from all directions.

Those who have sprint skills in close combat have launched a skill charge and immediately rushed to Chu You's side.

But they all ignored the fact that this man is actually a halberd sword star profession.

This profession does not have any powerful single skills, nor any flexibility skills. Its only advantage is that it has a lot of AOE skills!

In an instant, the continuous technique "rotation wave-range wave-shock wave" hit instantly.

The practice of strengthening skills has made Chu You's range of attack distance increased a lot, and even long-range occupations have also been attacked at once. After being randomly selected by the skill, I don't have to think about it and hit a spike.

All of a sudden the player was centered around this man.

‘The murderous wave! ’

‘Swipe! ’

‘Vampire fluctuations! ’

All of Chu You’s group attack skills were completed in an instant, and a vacuum was formed again within the range of 30 meters.

At this time, the white breath appeared in both hands, Chu You opened the incarnation skills outside the body, everything was completed in an instant.

‘Wipe it! ’

The effect of intensive attacks is not only that the blood volume of the core crystal drops rapidly, but also there are 6 avatars exactly like Chu You. These avatars are affected by the current attribute value of the master, and their combat power is also greatly improved. Attack the crystal when it appears.

‘Phantom Doppelganger! 'A avatar was cast from Chu You, hit the core crystal, and then turned into an avatar to attack the object in front of him.

Suddenly, a total of eight identical people attacked the fortress core crystal at a blinking speed.

Looking at the speed of this attack, Chu You was too lazy to launch the "strike" group attack skill.

At this time, the army of players once again surrounded them, and some of them attacked the core crystals of the fortress.

‘Strangling! ’

A real body and seven avatars displayed the range group attack skills together, and instantly cleared the surrounding players.

‘Emperor Ji, launch your Wanyu Storm Skill on the core device! ’

Hearing Chu You's thoughts, Emperor Ji's wings in the sky lit up in an instant, and a large number of colorful feathers bombed here in an instant.

With the core device as the center, within the range of 100 meters, they are all under the bombing of Diji.

The bombing lasted 4 seconds, taking damage every second.

In this 100-meter range, no more players can rush in within 4 seconds.

This 4 seconds exchanged Chu You and Diji's full output to the core device, and with the help of Diji, their advancement speed was further accelerated!

System: Fortress core crystal is under attack!

At this time, the system once again appeared a prompt, Chu You knew that when attacking the fortress device, a prompt would appear in 30 seconds, instead of appearing once a minute.

However, this information makes many players extremely panic, they really feel at this moment, the sky is about to collapse!

The soul of war relentlessly appears here, and he looks at the blood volume of the core device, and at the Chu You and Emperor Ji who are exporting to him.

Suddenly, a super powerlessness came to my heart.

He really realized that Chu's fortress was really not owned by Chu players!

And it will be the man in the eyes!

Lost! Defeated! Work for others!

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