The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 588: The governor of Chu: You Ye!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

War Soul relentlessly realized that now you can see it without commands or prompts. The goal of all players is Yeyou, and they have developed into a consensus, that is, to eliminate Yuye first.

It’s just the opponent’s blood volume...

When Emperor Ji's Wanyu storm disappeared, players from Chu Kingdom gathered around again, and many skills were greeted by Chu You. However, so much damage was almost negligible for this man.

Basically, the blood volume can't see the decline! Seems harder to beat than the eight-star NPC?

In the perspective of Chu You, some of the damage he suffered was mandatory -1. Occasionally, a damage value of -48-55 appeared. It was thought that the other party used a large skill, but it was more MISS and resistance.

"Attack on the night, attack on the night, attack on the night!" This voice is full of tragic.

Now players have seen that the blood volume of the core device of the fortress has dropped to almost half. This exceeded all expectations. It's unbelievable like a fantasy!

You Ye is a big brother, this is recognized by everyone, the world's first player, no doubt.

But why are you so perverted? Perverted so desperate!

It is theoretically possible to say that You Ye does not run away and is killed by players here.

But the time it takes to kill him is definitely more than 10 minutes, but what is terrible is that within these 10 minutes, according to the current rate of decline in the core device's blood volume, it will not be long before it will be broken by the night, once everything is broken, it will be okay. !

You can’t kill me within the time limit, then you lose!

For Chu players, this is simply an impossible mission.

War Soul Ruthless and War Soul Fly flew past, they approached Chu You and carried out a skill attack on them.

-16, -21.

Seeing the damage they caused to Ye Ye, the two were extremely weak. Their equipment is not bad, but in the face of the night, no one can cause him hundreds of damage output.

Chu You didn't even look at them, because there were so many players attacking him around him, and his skills and arrows hit him one after another.

When the spin and wave skills of the CD every 10 seconds were ready, Chu You showed off, and he emptied a lot of them all at once, and then came to range fluctuations and swept again.

None of you can stop me now!

The player's soul of war dies ruthlessly.

The player's battle spirit died.

At this moment, the players who originally attacked Mo Ji Ji in the attack channel are no longer fighting, because this is no longer the key.

At this time, a live broadcaster of Chu players finally squeezed in, and then his vision saw Chu You, the only foreign player.

When he saw You Ye, the anchor of this live page in real life shouted in shock: "Women, who is this person!!"

"How could this be the case? What happened in the fortress battle?"

There are not many netizens watching this anchor, and the number of them is only 10,000 or 20,000. At this time, when they also saw the scene inside, they instantly opened their eyes.

Lying trough! Found the treasure! I can actually see the most exciting moment!

But wait, who is that red name player?

Why is it so strong, so many people beat him without dying, nothing at all, really incredible!

What happened inside the fortress?

Someone soon sent a link to this page to the forum with the title: "Live Broadcast: Chu State Fortress Battle Surprised Enemy Invincible Players!" ! 》

This post was quickly placed on top, with the most striking headline effect.

At once, it attracted many players, which directly brought super traffic and super popularity to this anchor!

In the game, as the blood volume of the core device drops to half, an atmosphere of great fear fills here, too many players are increasingly desperate and more and more frightened. The fruit of the fortress is really out of reach.

In the whole process, Chu You didn't deliberately target the player, he only output to the core device, he only had this thing in his eyes, and everything else was ignored!

It is this situation that makes the players of the Chu Kingdom extremely scared.

No way to pull hatred!

It is important to know that players not only carry out uninterrupted large-scale attacks on Ye Ye.

Moreover, he yelled at You Ye loudly, and the mouth of Chu players became a sharp weapon, just around him, he yelled at You Ye loudly, trying to pull the hatred of You Ye and disturb his state of mind for the purpose .

But who is Chu You? Will it be disturbed by such tricks? ! Chu You's concentration is very powerful!

Once the range skill is good, it will be thrown out. The ordinary attack will trigger a "sweep" and it will be directed at one direction, but no matter what direction, the core device is inside.

The scene was extremely shocking. Eight identical Yeyou crazy attacked the core device, as did the emperor on the head, and all the players around were attacking Yeye himself.

The players of Chu Kingdom are immersed in such crazy attacks. They dare not look at the blood volume of the core device because they have no courage.

System: The core device of the fortress is under attack!

When this reminder appeared, Chu You opened the arms interface. From this interface, you can learn that the blood volume of Dou Ji Mo has not been reduced, and all are safe and sound.

They were ordered by their masters to stay out when they were not allowed to come out.

Although the fighting power of the 160 fighting warfare is very strong, it will hurt you even if you die. The main purpose is not the Qing people.

Close the page, looking at the blood volume of the core device, a smile appeared on his face, this man's expression finally changed.

At the next moment, cut it with a knife.

'Snapped! ! ’

The core device of the fortress burst at this moment!

This sound, this phenomenon, caused the players around to stop the abuse and attack, staring at the broken core spar.

As if the fortress core spar broke, even with their hearts shattered!

But Chu You didn't give them reaction time, his eyes flashed coldly, and he started to kill the players here!

Suddenly a player fell.

At the same time, system announcements appeared in the eyes of all Chinese players.

System: Huaxia Announcement: Player "Yu Ye" made the final blow to the core device of the ruling stronghold of Chu!

System: China Announcement: Congratulations! The player's guild "Xian" successfully captured the ruling stronghold of Chu!

System: China Announcement: Congratulations! The player's guild "Xian" became the ruling guild of Chu!

System: China Announcement: Congratulations! The "Xian" Guild President "Yu Ye" player became the governor of Chu!

System: Chu State Announcement: Yan State's "Xian" Guild becomes the ruling guild of the country!

System: Chu State Announcement: Yan Guo's "Xian" Guild President's player "Yu Ye" becomes his country's governor!

System: Chu State Announcement: ‘Xian’ Guild will implement a tax system for all guilds in the country!

In Chu You's personal system, such a prompt appeared.

System: Congratulations, your guild has become the ruling guild of Chu, and you have become the ruling prince of Chu!

System: You have the ruling authority over Yan and Chu countries!

System: The ruling fortress of the Chu Kingdom will open the protection device within 30 seconds. No one except the members of the ruling guild can enter. The ruling fortress of the Chu Kingdom is invincible! The time lasts 9 days!

As for other Chu players, the system gave them such hints.

System: Within 20 seconds, all players within the area of ​​Chu's ruling fortress will be randomly sent out!

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