The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 803: Start the auction!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

It is finally over, and finally the production of the cutting-edge exhibits required by 3 sets of 90-level master cutting-edge suits is completed!

From this, it can be concluded that, like ordinary guild players, the number of exhibits that can be exchanged for a full set of cutting-edge equipment, I really don't know how long it will take.

For Chu You, this must be done, because this set of equipment can suppress all current players, and can deal with most NPCs of the seven major countries. Just like Dantai Jingning, the guild of one person to 10,000 people is not afraid! It's really way ahead!

Just like alien technology casually sending an interstellar mothership, it can turn the current human earth! End abuse!

Now the strength of the Fairy Guild is like the above, the exaggeration is indeed exaggerated, but this is the fact!

The fact must be accepted, whether it is willing or not, it exists objectively!

A few centuries ago, the 18,000 troops of the European-European Allied Forces could break through the 150,000 regular defenders and 200,000 Boxers to defend the capital, and the capital was declared to be occupied within 5 hours. Does this sound exaggerated? Not ironic, but this is the truth!

At this time, Dantai Jingning really went offline.

Chu You walked slowly out of the craftsman's room and appeared in the beautiful scenery. Under the stairs of the huge craftsman's building, Chu You looked up at the sky, looked at it for a while, and then moved to the mobile device next to it. go with.

After that, the figure disappeared and appeared on the Guild Exchange.

I walked in and selected the exchange interface. After opening, I selected the auction function. I saw that there was nothing on this interface, and it showed: Not opened!

Then Chu You chose to open it!

System: When the auction function is enabled, all players can see the content to be auctioned and understand the relevant rules.

System: Please select the official auction time!

Chu You thought about it for a week, which is next Monday! Next Monday, all the items that appear on the auction of your guild will be officially auctioned at that time!

System: Please set a handling fee!

This means that if the player wants to hang up what he bought, then he has to pay the commission he has set!

The handling fee set by Chu You is: 100,000 gold coins!

Him? If I don’t hang up the good stuff, I’ll see who dares to mess with it!

Chu You knows that if the handling fee is too low, there will be a lot of garbage items, and any garbage items will dare to be hung up on the auction. The setting of 100,000 gold coins can effectively prevent this kind of messy phenomenon. .

Imagine who would dare to waste 100,000 gold coins to put junk stuff up for auction? Because once the handling fee is paid, the money cannot be refunded, which is equivalent to sending an extra sum to the organizer!

The second is that the handling fee is 100,000 gold coins, which ensures that the items hung up by the player are all superb! Can sell hundreds of thousands of items, even millions of items, this is at least!

Of course, the auction reserve price of the items that the player hangs up is determined by the player himself! Of course, the seller can also choose to let the organizer set the auction floor price! This is the host Chu You has no right to interfere.

But the most important thing is that all the items the player hangs up are: unprocessed!

Only if the organizer approves that this item can be auctioned, then this item will appear on the auction interface; if the organizer feels that the auction reserve price set by the seller is too high, and feels that this item cannot be auctioned, then I am sorry The items are automatically returned to the player, and of course there is no handling fee.

System: Please set the commission percentage of items successfully auctioned!

Here, Chu You thought about it and set a 10% commission rate! That is to say, if a player’s item auction income is 1 million gold coins, then Chu You can earn 100,000 gold coins from it, plus the previous handling fee, then Chu You can get a total of 200,000 on this item. gold.

System: Given that your guild is a level 9 guild, the number of auction items is: 50!

System: You can make your comments on the successfully processed items to increase the popularity of the items!

What is the difference between the Guild Exchange and the Guild Auction House? The exchange can only be the player to hang up the item and set the final transaction price, that's all.

The auction house conducts the auction based on the reserve price, and the participating players bid to determine the final transaction price of the item.

The key point is: when choosing an auction, the system will determine the amount of gold coins held by the bidding player. If the amount of gold coins does not reach the bid price quoted by it, it is invalid and his offer will not be displayed.

Key point 2: After the quotation, the amount of gold coins quoted by them will be temporarily imprisoned to prevent them from engaging in ghosts. Unless others quote more than their own, then the imprisoned gold coins will be lifted. The gold coins will be taken away, and the items will automatically enter the space backpack.

Many people don't know what the value of an item is. I want to judge the real value of an item on an exchange. It can only be judged by its own experience and friends' reference. It is very subjective.

However, if this item is marked with the organizer's comment, it will be different, allowing players to have an intuitive understanding of this item.

This is related to whether the organizer is authoritative or not! His comments are not authoritative!

Obviously, Chu You is an authoritative existence!

In addition, the items listed in the auction are not single items, but can be packaged in an'additional form', which increases the success rate of the auction. At the same time, for those buyers who want to collect the attributes of the set, And sellers of items that want to package and sell the set attributes, can conduct ultra-long-distance transactions in this way!

Coupled with the organizer's comments, this success rate is really great.

System: The auction function is successfully turned on, and the countdown from the official auction date: 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 58 seconds!

At this moment, all the players in the country of Huaxia and the Shanhai Exchange built by Chu You in the Central City of China, all the players who are using this exchange, they all have a system reminder. In their horizon, the exchange interface In the display bar above, the five words'Auction (opened)' begin to shine!

At the moment, they selected this flashing function with their heart moving.

I saw a row of grids appearing on this interface, but there was nothing in the grid, but there was a transparent digital countdown display in the middle of the entire interface.

At first glance, you know what is going on!

Wow! Youye Exchange has opened the auction function!

An excitement of playing chicken blood rises in the hearts of many players, and the Xian Gonghui actually opened the auction, which is really exciting!

Some players have experienced auctions conducted by other guilds. Whether they are disappointed or happy, they are very much looking forward to the auction held by the Xian Guild. They want to see as the world’s first guild and at the same time as the world’s first mystery Guild, what kind of items will appear in its auction!

The news that Chu You made this auction was quickly spread, especially the Shanhai Exchange in the Central City of China. Players in it exclaimed, the news quickly reached the takeaway, and the prosperity The street is the intelligence transmission zone of the seven major powers. At one time, this intelligence was mastered by many intelligence officers, and it spread to the ears of some big men in the seven major powers.

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