Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Whether it is a player in the exchange in China Central City or a player in the Chu You Guild Exchange in Yanguo, many players now look at the rules and regulations that appear in this interface.

Then they were shocked to find that the handling fee was only 100,000 gold coins!

That is to say, the lowest price of the auctioned items must be greater than these 100,000 gold coins, otherwise it will be properly compromised, and it will not necessarily be approved by Ye Ye!

At this time, Chu You, dressed in different costumes, came to King Yan City and entered a very unremarkable building in a deep alley. There were three Aborigines wearing high-end delicate clothes.

These three people are all level 90, and the indigenous people with seven-star strength. They are the NPCs who acquired the new medal. In their view, the new medal is a long-lost and extremely complex rune energy key.

Then Chu You gave them more than 10,000 cutting-edge medals and exchanged 3 sets of 90-level master cutting-edge military uniforms!

Well, a full set of exclusive sets for healing the priest class, a full set of exclusive sets for the elemental master class, and a full set of exclusive sets for the halberd sword star class!

Then came to the exchange opened by King Yan City himself. I saw that he also chose the striking auction function, and then hung up a set of exclusive exclusive equipment for the elemental master class last time. The operation is as follows!

System: Please select the items to be auctioned. Is it a single auction or multiple one-off auctions?

Of course, Chu You chose multiple one-time auctions, and the selected object is of course a full set of new master equipment for elemental masters. This means that this option only needs to pay a handling fee. If it is a single auction, then each one will be auctioned. There is a handling fee for each item, um, 100,000 gold coins at a time!

When determined, the complete set of cutting-edge equipment for this elemental master class that was exchanged disappeared in its own backpack space.

At the same time, the system prompt appears again.

System: Please set the auction reserve price of your items, or let the organizer set the auction reserve price for it; note that the organizer has the right to object to the auction reserve price you set, and it may not be approved! This will lose your handling fee!

Then Chu You entered: the auction reserve price of 8 million gold coins!

After it is done, this auction item will not appear in the player's eyes, and an operation is needed!

As the master, I entered the auction background function interface. When you opened this interface, Chu You was stunned, because there were two unprocessed auction information on this interface, one was the cutting-edge full set of equipment that I just put on it, and the other was An item auctioned by a player named'No Smoking'.

This means that the player named "No Smoking" has already paid a handling fee of 100,000 gold coins. The handling fee of these 100,000 gold coins will not directly enter Chu You's belt, but will appear in the column of settlement gold coins of the exchange. In need, its owner Chu You took the initiative.

So what exactly is this player called ‘No Smoking’ that he wants to auction?

I saw that it was a sacred-level wing, and this wing Chu You once owned it, its name was: Holy Light Wing of Birth!

It seems that this player has encountered a dark cloud trading group.

He has set the auction reserve price for this auction item, the reserve price is: 1.2 million gold coins!

Afterwards, Chu You first commented on her auction items, and then chose to pass her own products.

At this moment, all the players who opened the auction interface of the Xian Guild appeared a message of auction items in their eyes.

The title is: 90-level master-level elemental master full set of specialized attribute sets!

The auction reserve price is: 8 million gold coins!

Commenter: You Ye: No one of the 90-level **** costumes! 6-layer set attribute effect, the positioning of this set of equipment is wild-level, but not the equipment produced by the copy. The attribute of this set of equipment is comparable to the full set of miscellaneous 90-level sacred equipment attributes. The monsters above 100 are another advanced level, and This equipment is the best start! When you reach level 75, you will be able to receive merit missions related to the new medals. These tasks are not ordinary difficulties, and you can only get at most 2 medals at a time; this 90-level master new uniform is the best in the series. It took me a lot of time to build this set of equipment. Of course, 8 million gold coins are not worth their true value...

Then I looked at the auction item of the player named "No Smoking" and thought about it and passed the verification of this item!

Commentator: You Ye: I have used this wing for a long time. It has high maneuverability, flexibility, and very fast flight speed. It is a tactical weapon for chasing people. It has a long flight time, and the combat attributes of the wings are also very long. Awesome, its true value is 3 million cap!

Chu You gave the wings the final price in a pinch. He believes that since it is the organizer, it is responsible for showing its true value to its auction products.

After finishing, Chu You smiled faintly as he listened to the discussion of the surrounding players on his own auction.

After returning to the guild, he went offline.

When the game cabin opened, Chu You stood up, and the outside was not completely bright, but it can be seen that today should be a good weather. The time at this moment is...

7:15 in the morning!

After Chu You finished washing, she suddenly said something inexplicably: "Is everything scheduled?"

Then the phone heard Xiao Qiao's voice: "All right, the private jet is waiting for you in the suburbs of Mohai Qin. I also prepared protective jackets, a pair of headphones, and special skin care products for you."

At the moment, Chu You was standing in front of the mirror, shaving her eyes, looking at herself faintly, and said faintly: "Dong Ying's air pollution is still so bad?"

"Yes, the air quality has deteriorated to a size of less than 0.7 microparticles, and the concentration has risen to a red alert level of 420 index. There are a lot of toxic substances that are difficult to filter and difficult to purify, and ozone pollution is also very serious!"

"Oh, the people of Dongying live in dire straits."

"Oh, what are you doing with earphones for me?"

"Because you don't speak English!"

Chu You: ...

After coming out, Chu You looked at a location, and there was a previous life in that location: a murder weapon!

The eyes were inexplicable at this moment, after lighting a cigarette, Chu You decided to bring it...

Also brought a high-end gaming helmet with a second account.

When I came to Baoer's room, I found that Bao'er was sitting on the bed at the moment. His clothes were still light blue thermal underwear. His eyes were a little preoccupied, but his messy hair had a different kind of beauty.

"What do you think?"

"Huh, are you ready?" Bao'er quickly recovered and looked at herself with wide eyes.

"Yeah, fly to Dongying today, get up quickly, we will go to Mohai to pick up Sister Luoer later."

Time: 7:35 in the morning!

Chu You opened the garage of the villa, pulled out the Lamborghini SUV, parked it in the yard, and honked her horn. After a while, Baoer appeared at the front door of the villa. She was carrying a super-quality black The backpack was bought by Zhao Feifei, well, it was chosen by Bao'er himself.

When Baoer got into the co-pilot position, he found a black backpack under his feet.

"What is it inside?"

"Oh, gaming helmet."

Then the car started.

Time: 9:06 am!

Chu You and Bao'er appeared at the gate of Mohai Senior Hospital, and the big and small people walked in hand in hand.

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