The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 830: If you lose the National Games War!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The Special Envoy of Chu State appeared in the Guild, so that everyone in the Immortal Guild would know!

Now Lin Luoer and Zhao Feifei used mobile devices, and then came to the teleportation array of the Immortal Guild, and at the first sight they found the special envoy of Chu!

Dantai Jingning, who is cooperating with Zhao Feifei to carry out the mission, also received this prompt.

Miao Jiu'er's appearance also changed in a certain place at this moment, and she saw the system's prompt.

As for whether to say hello to Chu You? !

Of course, why didn't such a cute apprentice say hello to Chu You at first...

It's just that Miao Jiu'er and Dantai Jingning didn't find Luo Shuihui Ye already online, her name was already displayed on the guild member list!

Well, Luo Shuihui Ye, whose level is at level 35, was once the second-ranked existence in Heaven.

For the time when he was away, how did he change his game, Chu You through the Tianji Intelligence Group, and the negative information that Chu You saw in the forum in the previous journey, and the ruling coalition The boss fed back the information, he knew more or less.

That is, due to the ruling rules promulgated by yourself, a strong anti-night storm has been set off on the Internet. This storm is much larger than before!

Because if Ye Ye continues to win the ruins of other countries, then the player’s guild of that country will suffer huge losses. It can be said that the players in the other five major countries no matter how they think about Ye Ye, whether it is hatred or worship, , This does not affect their spontaneous formation, or join the anti-Night Alliance or organization.

The reason is that the above shows that You Ye has won the fortress and wants to have a good relationship with him, you have to obey his ruling rules, and what are these rules?

Is to pay gold coins!

Why? !

Why do you have to be oppressed by players in this country and pay you protection fees after you win the fortress? !

For all players, Yu Ye is their potentially huge threat!

See what Yan Ye and the two players' guilds have done to You Ye!

Many guilds are panicked all day long, especially those with new potential!

Therefore, this Anti-Night Alliance is stronger than any previous one, and there are many governments behind it!

Some government media criticized Ye Ye's actions!

Other media received notice and followed criticism of Ye Ye's behavior.

All of a sudden, You Ye's image plummeted, because of many negative reports, she even regarded You Ye as "Hua Xia!"

Is a national traitor, is a national scum!

Why should you do this in the middle of the night? Isn't it good to cultivate the Huaxia District and conquer the world together? !

Do I have to do this? !

This is the voice of many players and netizens, and their biggest doubt. They really want to understand what Yu Ye thinks!

So, how to fight the night in the game? !

You Ye is not engaged in an auction, there is a wave of resistance on the Internet!

Some people even said that if someone took the photos of the night auction house, then the real identity of this player will be retaliated!

You Ye did not have many transactions in Yan Guo, the Internet began to appeal to Yan Guo players not to use the Exchange of the Xian Guild.

At the same time, to support the exchanges set up by other players' guilds, there is another way to contact the owners of major studios and request that the resources of their studios are not allowed to be hung in the night exchanges!

Even in China Central City, there are already two player exchanges, plus Chu You Shanhai Exchange, there are a total of three!

At the same time, I appeal to all players to refrain from using the Shanhai Exchange in the night!

In the specific action, it is preparing to attack the exchanges set up in some remote towns by Yeyou, or even destroy them together with the town! This point, Chu You saw from the information of the Tianji Intelligence Group.

Indeed, when the guild exchange was set up in Yan State, some towns were small, and it was difficult for these towns to resist targeted attacks.

For Chu You, the situation seems to be getting worse.

In the trend of online public opinion, Chu You has no strength to compete with the other party, and most importantly, this trend is also following the trend! Follow the trend and guide!

So, what should I do?

Then, just mess around!

Chu You also came to the teleportation array through a mobile device. At first glance, she saw two women talking with three Chu officials, and then walked over.

At this time, the talking Chu special envoy looked up at Chu You from the mobile device, and then Zhao Feifei Lin Luoer also discovered Chu You's arrival, and then gave up his position.

"I am the chairman of the night here, sir envoy, how can I serve you for you?" Chu You said in front of her, his expression was very flat. If it is another guild, you have to slap it right away, because the visit of a country's special envoy usually has many advanced tasks! Properly used, it can also establish relationships with the court. In short, for a guild, there are many benefits.

But everything is not absolute, and the purpose of some special envoys is malicious.

Chu State’s privileges smiled and said in a calm tone: "Master Yeyou, because of your relationship, our country and Yan State have concluded a treaty of non-aggression before, and you have created profound well-being for the two peoples. People from all over the Chu Kingdom thank Master Ye Ye!"

"Well, Master Envoy, please continue." Chu You didn't even think about nonsense with the other party. He felt tired of playing in this regard.

Sure enough, upon hearing this from Chu You, Zhao Feifei Lin Luoer found that Chu Guo's envoy changed his face slightly.

"Cough, that's it. Lord Ye Ye should have heard about Dongying's catastrophe."

More than I heard, I am the fuse of this incident! I personally witnessed the beginning of the catastrophe!

"Anyone who worships the surname of Yan Guo will be executed!" The stern and roaring words of Ambassador Dong Ying are vivid, and Chu You knows the true meaning of this sentence.

That is, if the country of Yan dies, the death here refers to the occupation of all towns throughout the country! All player guilds across the country are destroyed! Once this is the case, then all Yan Guo players are over!

In fact, with the gradual demise of the process, more and more players in the Yan Congress will not be able to play the game, and their accounts will be destroyed.

Why do you say this, because as the Yanguo town is occupied, players can bind the town's resurrection point, and there are fewer and fewer return points!

After its own guild is destroyed and the bound town resurrection point is also occupied, then the system will automatically bind the player's resurrection location to the unoccupied town.

It is conceivable that with fewer and fewer bindable towns and no guilds, the number of players bound to their towns will be enormous! This will cause terrible congestion, and at the same time, allow the enemy to carry out targeted attacks and trigger a decisive battle!

With the failure of the decisive battle again and again, this evil cycle will continue and will get worse and worse!

Each town has a maximum limit for the number of players bound to the resurrection. If this limit is exceeded, other players will be transferred to other towns, but when no other town in the whole country can continue to do this, and this The guild of the group of players is also destroyed, then the accounts of these players will be destroyed!

Everything will be destroyed! Their own supplies will also be plundered by the enemy!

Of course, everything is not absolute. Even under the above-mentioned circumstances, some Yan Guo players can still keep their accounts, such as relying on the ruling guild to change their nationality, transfer other countries, and completely turn into "Hua Xia"!

Then there is the ‘asylum’ of the Aboriginal Trade Corps that continues to survive...

In short, for many players, the above situation is really like a catastrophe, losing the game of national games, everything in the game is gone!

"Tianshi" provides a survival career for the majority of mankind and slows down the various social pressures caused by the population explosion. However, if the above situation occurs, then the real world of this country will also undergo major vicious changes!

You should know that before the game of national games in the game, the real government will invest a lot of financial power. If you really lose the war of national games, then you can expect that the financial power of the real government may even run short.

So, how can such a government face a large number of unemployed people suddenly appear?

Not only that, the actual order of this country, along with the severe overdraft of finances, will also trigger a series of other vicious major changes!

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