The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 831: ZVZ mobilization period!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

As a rebirth, Chu You did not see the demise of any region in his previous life, nor did he see the demise of any country in the China Region, but he knew that the financial and material resources invested by the country were unprecedented! Because this requires a stable social order, because there are major national interests!

But the previous life is the previous life, this life is completely different.

At this time, Zhao Feifei and Lin Luoer glanced at each other for some reason. For the sudden quiet nature of the air created by Chu You, the hearts of the two women were faintly worried and inexplicably excited... .

Chu You's driving is usually abrupt, and it seems that many things have no prelude, which is unexpected.

Perhaps it was influenced by Chu You's actions, and the situation that made her feel helpless after doing whatever she wanted. The two women were gradually worried about Chu You from the beginning, but now they have gradually turned into inexplicable excitement.

A strong man will make his women full of confidence in any situation!

This is the real man!

"I heard that, your envoy, please continue to say!" Chu You completely showed an attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing.

"This is the case. There is one thing that the Emperor Chu of my country wants to discuss with Lord Ye Ye, that is to establish a permanent fortification!"

"Always prepare fortifications?"

"Yes, Master Ye Ye, do you know that, subject to the will of the Lord God, the Seven Great Powers will go all out on this catastrophe, and many fortifications and tasks will require you to participate in the monastic circle, and there are great opportunities for great creation."

"I came here this time to ask Lord Ye Ye. Do you have such an intention? You need to know that if you take over this major project and complete the major project, Lord Ye Ye will march in my big Chu Kingdom!"

Looking at the special envoy of Chu Guo said solemnly, Chu You's expression was still faint. At this moment, there was a color of thought in his eyes, but soon he replied: "Master Envoy, I'm so sorry, I don't have so much energy to invest now. To other things."

Hearing this, the Special Envoy of Chu State changed again, "Master Ye Ye, you have to know about the last fortress, our country has not formally negotiated with you yet!"

"Why, want to take it back, did you not say that I also created well-being for the people of the two countries and ended the confrontation between the two countries."

"If Lord Ye Ye is incapable of resisting the abyss flare for the Chu Kingdom and causing demons to appear in the Chu Kingdom, our country will act on the fortress, which is also very unfavorable to you."

" have also seen that I have to invest a lot of resources and energy in the fortress. For the care of His Majesty Chu, there is really nothing I can do!"

"It's good to leave at that time, and Yan Guo's champion Hou Hao takes it for himself. But I heard that His Majesty Yan Guo seems to be a bit of a must for you."

Watching the other party use his teleport array to disappear here, Chu You's face slightly gloomy.

"Yu Ye, what does the special envoy of Chu mean?" Lin Luoer said.

"It means that the seven major powers in China will start war mobilization, and there will be many high-level tasks in it."

Hearing this, Zhao Feifei was so beautiful, she seemed to think of something.

"Yu Ye, isn't the government infiltrating the dynasty? If the seven major powers in China have so many high-level tasks, wouldn't they all fall into their hands? At least they benefit the most."

Chu You nodded, her eyes filled with admiration, "That's it. If I take part in this mission, I will be restrained by them, and I tell you that the permanent defense mission is a group mission, a very large mission! "

"Everyone will be rewarded after the mission is completed, and the number of mission staff is not something I can decide!"

"So what should I do, it looks like a big cake?"

"The cake is really big enough!" Chu You nodded and admitted. "But if you have enough resources to eat it, I won't be cheaper for that group of people."

"So what should we do?"

At this time, Chu You showed a strange smile on his face, "Many people are discussing this matter, everyone thinks that Dong Ying is the main attack, and Hua Xia is the defense, but this is not the case. Indeed, Hua Xia is indeed passive, but During ZVZ, the Lord God will issue some offensive missions, what I think is to take these offensive missions!"

In fact, there are still some factors that Chu You didn’t say, that is, he must now spend a lot of resources on the high-level scientific research in the fortress, but this is the existence of the super power of "Tianshi". The mood competes with those people for small profits.

That's right, it's Xiaoli Xiaoli. In Chu You's view, the high-level tasks generated during the ZVZ mobilization period belong to Xiaoli Xiaoli!

There is no need to waste time with the players or the aborigines to consume ‘meaninglessly’!

The overall player development of "Tianshi" has been pushed to this level by himself, and the changes produced by this level have a sense of urgency in Chu You's heart, and feel that it is almost the most perverted to win "Tianshi" by force. Existence-Fortress Spirit!

The resources consumed here will be an astronomical figure, but the reward is to make yourself a real, transcendent existence!


Chu State Palace.

In a luxurious study room, Emperor Chu stood up abruptly, with an angry look, "Yu Ye really refused?"

"Yes!" the envoy replied with a bow.

In this room, there are actually 3 players!

They heard each other and looked at each other, they were able to see surprises and surprises from each other's eyes. They were government officials. At this moment, they have successfully penetrated into the eyes of the Emperor Chu, and the cost behind this is very huge.

And this time the plan to invite You Ye to participate in the fortified fortifications was what they pushed from behind the scenes.

Why do you want to do this? Haha, of course, to cause Ye Ye trouble, as long as Ye Ye agreed to this task, they will arrange players belonging to them to enter this task, let Ye Ye bring them to'upgrade', Take them for rewarding benefits!

As for the contribution? That doesn't exist!

If You Ye shook his hand and did not do it, then this fell into the ground, and he was involved in a major vicious act involving Guoyun in front of the Emperor Chu!

Let the emperor Chu who was not interested in Youyue be more disgusted with it, and then prompt him to take some action against Youyue, and then cooperate with the action of Yan Guo to make Youyue really embarrassed at both ends, and let him fall into this endlessness. In trouble.

It is best to be able to obtain Chu's ruling fortress from this thorough plan. This is the best!

"Humph! I don't think he wants to be the fortress of the fortress!" Chu Huang's anger still did not subside.

"I think that being the fortress of the fortress, did not contribute a part of his own strength, which is undesirable." A Count Chu player said.

However, at this time, the Special Envoy said: "Yu Ye seems to have his difficulties, too, that is, he is preparing to deal with the Chu State's abyss flare. According to the information sent by Yan Guo, You Ye put Yan Guo's abyss flare The thing was done perfectly, and no demon was revealed!"

"Maybe, this is his difficulty!"

"Your Majesty, the minister said before, you should let Yu Ye participate in the national affairs at present. The abyss flare can be slowed down by the minister. The war with Dongying may burn into the territory of Chu State if released. Some demons can also block Dongying's powerful."

"In such an environment, how to choose is extremely important!"

"Well, you go down first, I will discuss with the national teacher!" After finishing, Emperor Chu looked at the old man standing beside him.

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