The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 833: The cost of advanced research

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You looked at the four characters for a while, and just looked at it like that, it seemed to be facing a major choice!

Then I moved my heart and chose the fortress high-level scientific research!

You can see that there are four high-level scientific research options, namely: combat, punishment, construction, alliance!

Each option is a mysterious and mysterious card like a magic circle. There are four such cards, corresponding to the four high-level scientific research options!

At the bottom of these four mysterious and mysterious magic array cards, this is a gray galaxy nebula pattern, and below the pattern is a set of gray text that shows: Activate the spirit of the fortress!

These words cannot be activated because they are gray, so what is the prerequisite for activating it?

The answer, of course, is to complete all high-level scientific research in order to be eligible to start this ultimate option!

Looking at these four high-level options, Chu You first chose to fight.

Then the magic card corresponding to the battle is opened, and the last group of skill trees appears in the interface.

All the skills in this skill tree are high-level combat research projects!

Every scientific research project needs to be upgraded to level 10. If any of these skills are not upgraded to level 10, not only can not trigger the skills to activate the next skill tree, but also cannot activate the fortress spirit.

Therefore, Chu You can only upgrade from the first scientific research project, and the first combat scientific research project is: All attributes of the army 0/10!

All Army Attributes Level 1: Increase all army stats of all members of the ruling guild players by 20%!

Research resources: 20,000 timber, 20,000 ore, 10,000 mercury, 5,000 sulfur, 5,000 precious stones, 500,000 gold coins.

Research time: 90 days!

Slightly biased, Chu You is still looking at the relevant details of the scientific research project in front of her. From the research resources, you can see that not only strategic resources but also gold coins are needed to study advanced scientific research. In fact, gold coins are also a type of strategic resources.

In the past, ordinary scientific research did not require gold coins, only strategic resources were needed, but high-level scientific research increased the gold coin resources, and the gold coins cost a lot of money. Level 1 requires 500,000. What about level 2? This is also the first combat scientific research project in the first combat scientific research system!

In the next moment, I chose to study!

In an instant, his strategic resources and gold coins were deducted accordingly.

I saw that the light of the huge scientific research core crystal has been enhanced, and at the same time, this scientific research project shows its completion time: 90 days!

This means that it takes 90 days for this research project to be completed. After completion, the content of its research project will affect all members of this ruling guild.

After opening the interface, I looked at the few remaining research time acceleration cards. These cards were originally purchased from an ancient Protoss NPC on Hongyun Island.

After taking a deep breath, and then using a total of 90 days of research time accelerator card, this research project was completed by Chu You in a very short period of time.

When the research was completed, I saw a golden light glowing on Chu You's body, and it soon disappeared.

System: You have researched and completed the level 1 scientific research project of all the attributes of the army, and its scientific research effect will affect all members of your guild!

At the same time, Zhao Feifei also saw a golden light shining on himself...

Not only that, Dantai Jingning, who was somewhere, stopped her posture, because she had a golden light...

Miao Jiu'er also had this effect, and the people around her regarded the effect on her.

All three girls in this fairy guild received a system prompt!

System: The guild leader ‘Yu Ye’ research completed the battle level 1 research project in the high-level scientific research project of the ruling fortress: level 1 of all military attributes! This scientific research achievement will act on you!

After upgrading this scientific research project, you can see that the skills in a scientific research skill tree below light up, which is activated, but can only be upgraded by 1 level, because all the above attribute skills of the army have only been upgraded by 1 level.

The name of the battle advanced scientific research project that has just been activated is: Fortress Skill: Space Strengthening 0/10!

Fortress Skill Space Enhancement Level 1: The maximum teleport distance is 50 meters. After teleport, the movement speed increases by 20% for 3 seconds. The skill cools down for 3 minutes. There is no need to consume mana. There is no level limit. All occupations share. : Member of the ruling guild!

Research resources: 20,000 wood, 20,000 ore, 8,000 crystal, 8,000 sulfur, 1 million gold coins!

Research time: 100 days!

Without hesitation, Chu You launched this scientific research combat skill program, and immediately deducted some of her own resources accordingly.

Then, a total of 100 days of time acceleration cards were used on the research time acceleration card, and finally this high-level scientific research level 1 project was completed!

Immediately the same as before, all the people of the Xian Guild Online lit up, and there were also system prompts.

At this moment, the three women of the Xian Guild were shocked!

Because they actually saw a new skill added to their skill tree: the fortress skill space strengthened by level 1!

Unbelievable! !

Zhao Feifei suddenly raised his eyes and looked not far away, standing the back of the man under the huge core crystal!

This man, what is he doing? It actually allows members of the entire guild to have free skills, but also space skills!

Space skills are the trump card skills of all skills, and they are extremely powerful.

And now, the members of the entire guild actually have this skill. From the prompt of ‘Level 1’, this advanced skill of unexpected joy still has a lot of room for improvement!

At this moment, due to different feelings, different levels of chilling sensations appeared on the three daughters of the Immortal Guild!

Zhao Feifei can be said to be the deepest feeling, because there are currently only 5 members of the Xian Guild, and the number of Xian Guilds is on line 50,000!

If the Fairy Guild can really recruit 50,000 people, then these 50,000 people have this skill!

Isn't it scary? !

Immediately, voice sounded in Chu You's friends column, but he didn't open it, and his eyes were still on high-level scientific research.

Because the above scientific research only reaches level 1, so the space skills enhanced scientific research can only be upgraded to level 1, and there is no trigger to activate the next high-level scientific research skills.

Almost no scientific research accelerator card!

Chu You couldn't help but feel discouraged.

System: Warning! The location of your guild exchange in Nanshan City has changed and you can find it!

Ignoring the system's prompts, Chu You chose to start a level 2 scientific research project that upgrades all the attributes of the army. The gold coins of this project will be 1 million.

Army Attribute Level 2: Increase the army stats of all members of the ruling guild players by 35%

Finally, Chu You upgraded all the scientific research of the army to level 10 in one breath!

The price paid is that the scientific research accelerator card has been completely consumed, and the strategic resources consumed are huge, and the gold coins have consumed a total of 46 million!

Since he came here to now, the total gold coins consumed are 47.5 million!

From 250 million to more than 200 million gold coins.

This is the price of researching high-level scientific research, because its role is the same as the guild skill tree, and the object is holistic!

After the accelerator card is consumed, the strategic resources are almost exhausted!

Ha ha....

All army attributes at level 10: Increases all army attributes of players in the ruling guild by 200%!

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