The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 834: Take it easy....

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Zhao Feifei saw that the man in front of him withdrew his outstretched hand, but his eyes flickered, because Chu You's retracted hand seemed to drop down weakly.

what happened? !

"Chu You, level 10 of the army's overall attributes is very powerful. Your legendary army has more than doubled its combat power." Zhao Feifei decided to open the topic. "And we also have this effect." Zhao Feifei said with a smile: "Just , We don’t have any arms nests."

The man in front of him didn't turn around, only the words came from him and shook his head slightly: "I can't move."

Can't move up? Is this how you feel powerless just now?

Hearing this, Zhao Feifei raised a feeling of worry about men.

"how do I say this?"

"This is not a question of gold coins and strategic resources. There is another key thing in it, which is the time acceleration card." It can be seen that there are some ups and downs in the men here, "Scientific research, it takes time to complete, the previous The two are only eligible to start it, but when it really works, it takes time to wait!"

"And any scientific research project of high-level scientific research takes a long time!"

"I don't have time to accelerate the card anymore. I really can't move up. This is not a question of whether there is money, nor is it a question of Europe or Europe." Local tyrants + European emperors have not withdrawn from this kind of problem.

Fortunately, this man also has the biggest trump card, that is, the rebirth!

A trace of enlightenment appeared in Zhao Feifei's eyes, and she wanted to understand a problem.

"No wonder you don't worry that others will surpass you in this regard. It turns out that you still need time to accelerate the card." Zhao Feifei said thoughtfully. Before that, Chu You said that he was not worried about the power of the Dongying region to study the country, and ultimately, Scientific research results will exceed him!

He is not worried at all!

This is not a question of whether there is a gold coin. Of course, gold coins are definitely the top priority, but there is one of the most critical factors, that is time!

If you don’t have time, you can do everything with strategic resources and gold coins, then you won’t....

At this time, Chu You turned to look at Zhao Feifei, smiled slightly, and looked a little free and easy: "Actually, I'm running out of money now."

Indeed, if you continue to upgrade research, not to mention the time card, Chu You will have to exchange strategic resources. This is another astronomical amount of gold coins. At the same time, you need gold coins to upgrade research.

"Chu You, do you know that your current way of paying for money is the same as robbing, and even so, it can't keep up with the rhythm of your consumption, 啧啧..." said here, Zhao Feifei actually showed tenderness in her eyes, only to see her catch Hold the man's hand and look at the man's eyes and whisper.

"Don't be so tired, okay, we have a lot of choice, and we can withdraw from this dispute."

"We can take it slowly!"

Chu You understood the meaning of Zhao Feifei, but repeated his words in his mouth: "Come on...."


"How come slowly?"

"I have thought about it a lot, and the fortress skills just made me some inspiration. It is like this. You take a screenshot now, take a screenshot of some of the attributes of the advanced research in the fortress, and then post it on the Internet."

"As soon as this is done, the enemies and potential enemies can see our powerful strength, which may make my work with Dantai Jingning easier, and the money will come faster."

"Second, I said to you before, open the immortal gate, let those powerful players join in, regardless of the level of combat power, as long as there is money, let them pay out gold coins, anyway, how can you enter the guild, The initiative is all in our hands!"

"When they see the great benefits of joining the Fairy Guild, I think there will be a lot of people contacting us."

Speaking here, Zhao Feifei looked at Chu You affectionately, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes, "Chu You, the Immortal Guild has been made into a super guild by you, unique and unparalleled in the world."

"Go on, you will be very tired alone, don't carry it on your own."

"In the player, you can already fight one person against tens of thousands or more, which is already a god."

"Moreover, the strength you built for zero one two three four can also achieve the above situation, you can already create a god."

"You are really strong in combat strength."

"You need network resources, you can use it, and its potential is great!"

"No matter in the game or in reality, many people are against us, and if we use this trick, it will relieve you a lot of pressure invisible, the enemy's goal is not on you and me."

Speaking of this, Zhao Feifei's eyes appeared inexplicable, saying a word that didn't match her real identity.

"In the real world, there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the government, and the base is very large. Among them, there are even more gangsters. Pulling this force in will have unexpected benefits."

"In short, this does not do any harm to us. Our Immortal Guild is already very bad in the eyes of the world, huh, then it does not matter if the group of people who pull in do bad things with the help of the Immortal Guild? As long as it does not affect our interests, , It affects just kicking it out."

"At the same time, after your last confrontation with the government, many people have noticed the issue of exposure of reality. I think there are many people who pay special attention to this aspect, and most of these people are in reality. There is universal energy. After all, no one wants the biggest handle to be grasped by potential enemies. Right, privacy is very important."

Speaking here, Zhao Feifei took a deep breath, "What I want to express is that, among this group of people, you can choose to cultivate yourself as a real person!"

"What is surrender, depends on the background resources of the surrender, and you can use all of his!"

Chu You nodded. Zhao Feifei's method was very helpful and targeted to his current situation.

In fact, he had thought about this problem before, but he didn’t think about it carefully, and didn’t think about it as deeply as Zhao Feifei. This was largely disturbed by the real world, and he didn’t have the energy to think about it.

"If you do this, will you let politics...the enemy finds that we are short of resources?"

Zhao Feifei knew what Chu You said, and she understood it more thoroughly, or she understood Chu You better, and smiled a little.

"Why? Others don’t think so shallow. Of course, this may be taken into account, but more of it is that you want to expand your power. Through this recruitment method, potential allies first open their integrity and choice. It’s all in your hands. As soon as your immortal gate opens, the world is crowded, oh right, senior talents who are interested in you from both Yan and Chu will rely on you.

"It makes sense, hehefeifei, sometimes only your ideas can cut into my ideas and improve it, thank you."

"Thanks for what I did, do you know what Luo Er said to me."


"She said, work hard for our common goal."

"Common goal?"

"Your goal is our goal, isn't it a common goal?"

Chu You: "...this girl."

Next, Chu You really did this. First of all, he took a screenshot of all the attributes of the general scientific research of the ruling fortress. Know that the general scientific research has been completed by him. All the general scientific research results are: Level 10!

Therefore, the level 10 attribute details are completely different from the level 1 attribute details!

After that, I took a screenshot of all the attributes of the army that had been completed by high-level scientific research. For other high-level scientific research, Chu You only cut the icon of the scientific research project.

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