The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 837: Intelle's awakening and evolution!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

First of all, Chu You came to the ruling stronghold of Chu Kingdom, and his figure appeared in the huge teleportation array. Not only was he a player here, but also the players in the ruling alliance guild, he came and went here and now.

Soon everyone noticed that it was very special, Chu You with an extraordinary appearance.

When it is clear that he is him...

Suddenly the surrounding air seemed to suffocate, as if frozen.

Immediately afterwards, the greeting sounded like a tide!

Chu You's face still seems to have the aftertaste of the weird look in the palace of scientific research, which makes people feel inevitably raised in his heart, how to say, it seems to be a dangerous breath? !

Nodding his head slightly, after saying hello to the players who are slightly restrained, he came to the mobile device, and his figure disappeared into everyone's eyes at the next moment.

When the man really disappeared, the people around him seemed relieved. !

Immediately afterwards, a sense of awakening suddenly appeared!

Lying in the trough, You Ye is You Ye, you can feel a sense of oppression when you look at him!

When you came to the Holy Angel City, Chu You slowly walked here, her eyes seemed to be thinking, and she seemed calm.

You can see from this super-ranking soldier nest that the number of holy angels that can be recruited is 60!

10 basic productions per week + high-level scientific research just after the fortress: After the upper limit of recruitment of advanced arms is increased, there is an additional 50 upper limit, so a total of 60 holy angels can be recruited!

At the same time, it is also affected by the results of scientific research. The recruitment cost is 20% less than before. In the past, a holy angel gold coin was 250,000, but now, a holy angel is 200,000 gold coins.

60 holy angels are 12 million!

All are recruited at the moment, 5,500 gold coins to 12 million gold coins, and 43 million gold coins are still left on Chu You!

In an instant, the portal of the Holy Angel City opened, and the golden light erupted from it, but it was not dazzling. Chu You looked directly at the scene in the light!

I saw a lot of dense black spots appearing there, and it seemed to be rushing from somewhere far away...

Then a holy angel flew out of the portal!

Soon 60 holy angels surrounded him...

At the same time, a sacred light appeared on his body, using the sub-artifact in his body: the special function of the scepter of the holy archangel!

"Overlap, fusion, penetration!"

Immediately, 60 sacred angels automatically selected the fusion object, and instantly formed 6 groups of sacred rays!

After a while, 6 divine archangels appeared.

And Chu You took their names one by one!

I saw Chu You reached out and pointed out the names one by one: "Miao Xiaolan, Miao Xiaoer, Miao Xiaozhen, Miao Xiaoai, Miao Xiaoyue, Miao Xiaole!"

Now, Chu You’s Divine Archangel plus Meow Xiaomeng and Sister Meow, there are a total of 8 Divine Archangels. There is one week left before the fusion of the true Divine Archangel, to be precise, there should be 4 days left. 4 After the days have passed, the weekly output has arrived again.

At this moment, the system's prompt caught his attention. To be honest, the previous system prompt Chu You didn't care!

System: Affected by the scientific research achievements of the fortress, your battle devil Ji Ji biological nest has undergone major changes!

System: Special changes have taken place in your Battle Devil Ji Bing's nest, the self-consciousness of the big devil (royal family) Intrell has revived, and is affected by your fighting **** body factors, her consciousness has also undergone a strange change !

What does it mean?

Chu You can't understand!

I only know that there is a problem with the arms nest that can recruit Dou Ji Mo!

I don’t know if it’s good or bad...

How could this be?

Does increasing the number of recruits affect your reproductive function? !

System: The Great Devil (Royal) Intrier activates the potential of his own Satanic Royal Totem because of the scientific research results of the fortress!


System: The big devil (royal family) Intellis is evolving!

Okay, huh...

He took the 6 sacred archangels to leave the Chu Kingdom fortress, returned to the Immortal Guild, and then came to the guild prison gate. When Chu You walked in, the 6 sacred archangels stayed at the door and waited.

It seems to be in a strange space, because the prison seems to have no floor, as if it is in the starry sky, the feet are transparent, and below you can see the comet across and the distant nebula.

At this time, Chu You came to the cell where the high-level abyss succubus was held, and looked at the abyss succubus sleeping on the floor without a floor.

It seems that only the abyss succubus with only 10% of the attributes retains her perception ability. She seems to notice that someone is coming, the whole tempting body shakes, and finally she wakes up!

Looking at the other party, Chu You smiled.

"It seems that you like it here, do you sleep well?" Chu You realized that he did not upgrade the Guild Prison Building to make it lack the ‘functions’ that the prison should have!

This allows the demons inside to spend a long and boring time by sleeping and hibernating, which is also a way of self-protection, otherwise you can't feel the loss of time here, they will go crazy!

Since the Guild Prison has not been upgraded, it has no punishment function except that it can detain ‘suspects’ from being able to escape!

Because of this, Chu You said that.

"Adult, can you tell me your name."

"Yu Ye."

"Noble Lord Ye Ye, I think you appear in front of me, must be for the information I disclosed before, right?" The last two words are very delicate, and with her look, it will make the male secrete hormones of....

"So, it's time to tell me."

"Tell you, what good do I have, you need to know... uh..." A hand suddenly grabbed the delicate neck of the high-level succubus, making her tone suddenly change!

A very strange scene appeared, I saw Chu You still standing outside, but he extended his hand, and the hand entered the small vortex space in front of him, and finally appeared in front of the high-level succubus, and pinched Lived each other.

"Have you not been tuned in **** yet? Bargain with me again, you have no chance to live!" Chu You said calmly, his eyes as if looking at a dead thing!

"Really...cough, good..."

So the hand that pinched her neck disappeared, and Chu You returned.


"Just tell me the information, don't think I will take you out!"

"Of course, if what you said is true, I got what you said, and I will let you go and let you leave safely!"

"I assure you! Do you still remember the fortress? I once said that if you don't kill you, you won't kill you."

"I always remember the words of Master Ye Ye, that is like your promise."

"So, can you tell me?"

"Master Yeyou, the cause of the matter is this. I belong to the succubus of Anna Shata, on the sixth floor of the abyss. My royal princess, my master, is under a vicious curse. You want I know, she is the 2999th queen pre-selected by Great Satan!"

Hearing this, Chu You raised his eyebrows, and he thought of another question. I saw him saying, "I remember the fallen Guangyao Morningstar also has 999 wives. Why, are you **** abyss popular with wives and concubines?"

"Haha!" The abyss high-level succubus Samara seemed to disdain.

"Master Ye Ye, don't you think that this situation just stays in mating/mating?"

"The sins of the abyss **** as human beings are unimaginable, my dear Lord Ye Ye..."

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