The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 838: The legendary magic pot!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Oh, then you tell me about the culture of your **** abyss, I understand and understand." Somehow in my heart, suddenly interested in this aspect.

"Master Ye Ye, I have to remind you that too much understanding of us, or the so-called "sin" of the abyss hell, may change your state of mind..."

"There was once a human wise wise teacher who was also interested in this aspect, but after he studied our abyss hell, guess what happened to him later?"

"not interested."

"Hey, hey, okay, just pick up the topic just now."

"The abyss of **** wives and concubines is a natural phenomenon of the strong. You must know that when the female demons are strong, they will also be wives and concubines."

"But this phenomenon is not just showing that we are very interested in mating/mating, it is not like this."

"Instead, gain strength!"

"The endowment of power makes the rule of the strong stronger!"

"You need to know that the essence of the powerful demon in its body is a big supplement. The essence of different types of demons are branded with their kind of demon species totem. The powerful demon will activate the power of its species totem. Strong, and the partner can get the essence of this powerful power to integrate and absorb with his own totem, and eventually evolve to become stronger!"

"Essence is more precious than blood, Lord Ye Ye, you humans don't have this. Human wives and concubines in groups are just doing things. In our opinion, this is the performance of low-level species!"

"Mating/mating, breeding, producing offspring, humming, too low-level!"

"I don't believe you have no offspring in your life." Chu You interfaced.

"Tell you Lord Ye Ye, the descendants of our demons, sometimes their mother's most delicious supplement! Hehe hehe."

Hearing this, Chu You's eyes narrowed slightly.

"In the abyss hell, especially the high-level demons, their children are born, the greatest danger comes from their mothers!"

"This is a life and death pass!"

"Some of the children from different totems must be carefully nurtured, and when it grows and becomes strong, then one night, its mother will quietly come to its palace, and finally... eat Its children!"

The high-level succubus said that the expression here is easy and comfortable, and does not take this horrifying phenomenon seriously!

"So you know, in the abyss of hell, when the demons choose their spouses, they have a purpose!"

"Love? That doesn't exist!"

"In the abyss hell, there are too many types of demons, and demons of different species choose to have different effects of double cultivation. By the way, it is necessary to be clear that your human double cultivation method, no matter It's high or low, it was originally drawn from the abyss **** culture."

"Continuing to the previous question, then various forms of "looting" of spouse power will be reproduced. At the same time, due to the level of pyramid power and the instinct of demonic species, these different factors will also allow both spouses to gain power. The ratio, as well as the way, the effect is also different!"

"In short, you need to know that the wives and concubines in the abyss **** are not just mating/mating! Many'disgusting' demons have no **** at all! Or, no ***!" said the word disgusting, This high-level succubus does have a disgusting look on its face, because for succubus, their biggest advantage has no effect at all!

"But did you know that even if there are some high-ranking big demons who have a little ***, they also have many wives!

"Strength is the supreme worship of the abyss **** species! It even overrides power!"

Speaking of this, the high-level succubus gazed deeply at the human man outside, and the purple eyes seemed to be able to see through the hearts of people, murmured, "Master Yeyou, if one day you are in your plane..."

"Shut up!" Chu You suddenly interrupted the other person's words, "Needless to say, you tell me now that you came to the world to get the whereabouts of that item."

The other party is a boss of more than one hundred levels. Its purpose and scope of its activities are also where it needs to go at its current level. Since it wants to upgrade, why not do this ‘task’ incidentally, hahahaha.

"It's a magic pot, an ancient magic pot." High-level succubus Samara told the answer.

"This magic pot is very interesting. It is said to be a relic of a super-ruling force a long time ago in the main plane!"

The other party can understand what Chu You said, it should be a powerful thing belonging to the magic system!

"What does it do?"

"It can gather the aboriginal energy of the aborigines of the main plane! And your life of the main plane is a great supplement to our abyss hell!"

"Life energy?"

"Yes, only by killing anyone and absorbing his body through the magic pot, he can absorb his pre-life energy. It is worth mentioning that the magic pot is only effective for you, and it is for the living body formed by the unbearable gas. no effect!"

Chu You understood it in an instant, that is to say, what kind of magic pot is only effective for the orthodox NPC, and it has no effect for any other experience strange!

At the same time, I also realized that this thing is estimated to be an artifact, at least it should be a super-world item of artifact sequence!

"Another point is that the orthodox gas of your main plane can also absorb and transform the energy of the magic tank itself. This thing is very powerful. My master is cursed and needs to be stored in the magic tank. Face to cleanse its curse!"

"It turns out so!" Chu You said lightly, his eyes narrowed in the next moment, and Shen Sheng said: "So, where is it?"

"It is said that in the new continent, I would go out of the fortress and then look for the direction of the new continent, huh, huh, but I didn't expect that when you came from hell, you were caught!"

The phrase "New Continent!" has strange colors in Chu You's eyes.

Because the place where he wants to level up now is the new continent. The experience strange levels of the new continent are all at the level of 100-180. There are a few hidden areas with experience monsters of the level of 180-200. After the player level reaches 100, to be honest, In the original large area, there is no choice for the upgrade position.

Chu You also knows that the rules of the new region are very unfriendly to players! At the same time, there is a chaotic place!

Of course, the more dangerous areas also have great fortunes!

As a rebirth, he knows where the new continent has time acceleration cards, he also knows the location of rare gold mines, and also knows some treasures...

"Where is the New World?"

"I only know that in the southern part of the New Continent, a group of senior wizards in the Wizarding Society, and my ally Rachelian Demon are also over there. If you take me, I think you have a higher chance of getting this thing. "

"No, I will go soon. This is also a good thing for you, isn't it, if I really know that the magic pot is there, and get it, don't you think you will be free soon? !"

"Oh, that's it. I'm telling the truth, so... I wish my lord it!"

Chu You nodded, "So, you continue to hibernate." After that, she turned and left.

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