The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 61: Another top 10

> .. At this moment the little man stood out and said lightly:

"The fool's fighting style is very special and he doesn't want to be seen. As long as he doesn't return to us within five minutes, then we are defeated. Cai @ 虹 * 文 ¥ 学% 网 o.I Knowing that you can communicate through spiritual connection, if you feel that the duel is unfair, then your companions should inform you? "

Then, when the flames rose in the distant battlefield, it gave all the contractors a very chaotic and distorted feeling, as if the rules of time and space were instantly invalidated. At that place, it seemed that the density of air was more than steel The soil has the characteristics of water flow. The flow rate of time is a rapid one hour forward and then back to fifty-nine minutes. A spit will fly directly into the nostrils ...

Fang Senyan is struggling in such twists and chaos. He is like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time, but the bean lights are constantly burning, and they are supporting! !! !!

Suddenly, something seemed to have erupted, a huge and invisible force pushed everyone a few steps, but the flames were still astonishing! I can only see that the flames will surging wildly and cruelly, it seems to sweep the world!

As time went on, the faces of the two people who were full of confidence became increasingly ugly, and their brows became deeper and deeper. When the three minutes passed, the faces of the two people became very ugly. In the battlefield, a person slowly walked out.

This man looked quite embarrassed, with black and red burns all over his body, his hair and eyebrows remaining with ashes. On the contrary, the outline of the muscles on the body is very clear. Although it is a flat road, he walks step by step like a mountaineering. It is quite difficult and difficult, but it looks abnormally stable, as if each foot is deep, it must be deep. Trample out a footprint on the ground!

When you approached, you can see that this person's face is covered with black dust, black and red. Very embarrassed, only the expression of his eyes was very tenacious. Who else could there be besides Fang Senyan?

And his left hand is to drag a person like a dead dog, and pull it up slowly, that person is the middle-aged man who fights against him.

However, he was restored to the shape before the transformation, looking much calmer than Fang Senyan, but his face was extremely bleak, and it seemed to be twenty years old in an instant. He was pinched by Fang Senyan. The bones all over the body seemed to be broken, and if dragged like a sack, they would fall into a deep coma.

After a bitter battle, Fang Senyan came up. I did not meet the indigenous Earth peoples who met, but first showed very ugly features to the contractor, and after seeing the "defense" attribute displayed by Fang Senyan. Can't help but take a breath! !!

Because of Fang Senyan's defensive power, it turned out to be a **** dark red, and the number shining above was even more strange. !!

All the contractors present knew that Fang Senyan was a metamorphosis with an M attribute. An M with a defense of 10 was absolutely unimaginable. In other words, unless it is a contractor who has just entered the nightmare space or an extreme pervert, it is only possible to reach a defense level of only 10 points. So something must have happened!

"This guy who claims to be a fool has the ability to silently reduce my defense to 0 points! And this ability to reduce defense is very powerful. The priority is very high! At this time my defense is slowly It rose to 10 o'clock. "Fang Senyan looked at them word by word:

"If it wasn't for his health and life-saving measures that he didn't expect, I would surely die in his hands !!! Fortunately, the biggest weakness of this guy is that there is a gap in MP value or physical strength, which cannot be long-term. Support such a high-intensity transformation. If you want to die, then continue to underestimate the enemy! "

Fang Senyan's words immediately caused an uproar among the contractors. Many people's faces had already looked very dignified. If they were close to the enemy, Aldarus had been frowning carefully and looking at Fang Senyan. He always saw Fang Senyan as a potential enemy in his heart, so he always paid attention to him.

Fang Senyan just appeared compared with before, Aldarez always felt different, but the specific difference is, but it can not be described in words.

In Paul's eyes. It was found that although Fang Senyan looked very embarrassed at this time, his body looked like smoke. Ragged pants, but his introverted and temperament completely changed, as if there was a hidden volcano inside, and finally broke through the puppet, to the red magma and the hot sulfur flame Spurt out crazy and head straight into the sky! !!

For Fang Senyan himself, he also concealed many things from the team members.

First of all, this fool reduces his defense not only by 0% ... but also horrible! !!

From the first check of Fang Senyan, he immediately discovered that his defense was actually extremely abnormal and was reduced to negative -15 points! !! That's why those three thorns can do such amazing damage.

Secondly, every two seconds, his defense power will gradually rise, and the law of rebound will be 5:00, from -15 back to -10 and then back to -5. After reaching 0 points of defense, it will return 1 point every 3 seconds until normal.

The most important thing is that Fang Senyan seemed to be stunned after discovering his stroke. At this moment, as if something in the soul jumped out, rushing in his body, roaring wildly, and faintly, Fang Senyan seemed to be I saw a huge eye-opener that seemed to occupy the whole world! !!

But the memory in it is very vague. Although it has just happened, it is so dim and unreal that has experienced thousands of years of precipitation. Of course, if there is not a clear fact reminding Fang Senyan himself, then he is really Will ignore it as an illusion.

That clear fact is that Fang Senyan's talent: The description of the barriers shone with a dazzling red light! !! !!

And Fang Senyan also has a burning feeling of fullness and bulging. All of this is no stranger to Fang Senyan, which is talent: the barriers have reached a critical value, and they are about to continue to improve! !!


Although Fang Senyan has clearly warned that the group of humans in front of them is definitely not simple and is definitely not a lamb to be slaughtered, but are the people who enter this team leisurely? ? ? The first thing I want to play is Aldarez.

This guy was originally a fighting freak. At this time, he was trying to prove that he was stronger than Fang Senyan --------- Fang Senyan was a fierce victory, he came to a victory! Although it can't explain the actual problem, it can also sweep the face of Moriyan severely.

And Ronnie licked his dagger and stood up fiercely. In this world, he can be said to be struggling, everything is not threatening, and he was suffocated. Obviously, Fang Senyan Ronnie, who made him suffocated, was already desperate, desperate to find the place, but it is also very good to be able to abuse people to vent.

In addition, Pokan, who has just increased in strength, is also eager to try, only Dardaniyang's battle is not very strong.

Ronnie and Ardaris argued for a while, and the two ultimately could only decide by rolling the dice, and Ronnie finally won the right to fight.

He stood in the circle of battle, and after the little man who was left looking at a woman wearing a camouflage suit, he discussed with the people around him for a while, apparently trying to find out about Ronnie. Finally, the little man stood up and looked at Ronnie:

"I'll fight you."

Ronnie put out his tongue and licked the edge of the dagger. The bright red tongue was cut through a small opening, and the smell of blood infiltrated into his throat. Ronnie showed a secretive smile, and then Luo Ni rushed into the jungle and seemed to evaporate into the air in an instant. This is his mimicry ability similar to a chameleon, which can perfectly fit the environment.

The little man roared suddenly. You can see that the clothes on his body were cracking and cracking. It can be clearly seen that the guy's bones and muscles were rapidly rising, and his body turned out automatically. After a while, the roar of the ancient beasts of Ruohonghuang also appeared!

Many blood vessels are protruding from the body surface ~ ~, and the parts corresponding to the five major organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney and kidney in the body have also grown corresponding oval crystals on the body surface! !!

The rays of light on that crystal are staggered together like a magic circle, and it feels as if he has an endless amount of pushing power, the closer he is, the greater the power of this pushing power. As a result, the ground beneath his feet was slightly blurred, like a faint refraction of light across the dim frosted glass.

The two forearms of this guy were distorted into two huge weird bone axes, and the two red eyes were protruding at least two centimeters outside the eye sockets. It seemed to burst in the next second, but just While this guy was still transforming, Ronnie had already appeared behind him like a ghost.

He was carrying a scarlet dagger in his hand, the dagger was simple and desolate, and the inscription on the handle of the dagger was similar to that of inscriptions on the bones. This turned out to be a very rare **** weapon! !! !!

I don't know what happened, Ronnie's dagger was already placed in the throat of this guy, and then the whole person fell down suddenly. It didn't look like it was to use an arm to drag the dagger. The strength of the whole man to drag a dagger over the enemy's neck. To be continued ..

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