The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 62: The gain of paranoia

This attack method looks like mechanical rigidity, but in the eyes of Fang Senyan, it can only be described in two words. The first word is unexpected, and the second word is fast!

Amazingly fast!

However, after this dagger was wiped off, although an indescribable dazzling pattern aroused in the air, the blade of the dagger made a creaking sound, but the enemy in front of it was safe!

Fang Senyan was sitting on the side of the stone at this time, and the artificial man No. 1 patiently stabbed the carrion from the wound on his body, then applied medicine, bandaged, and said with a husky and murky voice:

"According to the information in my offline database, these people in front of me should be the defective products of the top ten plan. They are fortunate than the other test subjects. Their cells barely adapted to the huge power of the top ten. Yes, so you can survive, and it wo n’t burst into a **** like a balloon. (Go to the novel) "

"But unfortunately, these people are not enough to meet the standards of the top ten and lose the value of research, but they also lose their freedom forever because of their power beyond ordinary people, and they are forever missed from the lives of normal people. These few people It should be to find a way to escape from the research base at the time, and then, unfortunately, was stared at by the Iron Blood. "

"Then they are not the top ten?" Fang Senyan said lightly.

"It's not even far away," said the Cyborg No. 1 hoarsely. "They can only be regarded as semi-finished products at best. It is more appropriate to call them experimental subjects. In terms of circumstances, he can use the power of time and space to protect himself during the transformation, so that the transformation process is not interrupted, so their ability to count in the surviving experimental body is relatively high- -------- This is probably why they can escape from the institute. "

"Hadrick knows a lot about the positioning of most of us ------- the previous fool. (It will be after reading the novel.) Obviously it came against my high defense, and this madman . Listening to the name is a madman or something, and faintly will also restrain Ronny's thorns, then, who is the remaining woman? "

"If I'm right, she should have a strong restraint on the legal system, so she can feel confident that it can bring us down? It seems that the mystery of space is really like a drop in the ocean. It's hard to discover! "

"Hahahaha!" It's hard to believe that Mungo would be so morbid and make such an amazing laugh. But this is indeed the case. This bald man has been on the verge of extreme nervousness and almost collapse for several days, and he is alone, so it is reasonable to throw a mask and break the shell and laugh.

"My life, no. My position is finally saved! Even if the old man treats me as an abandoned son, but can be connected with the" Big Ben "Institute of the Empire, then they will definitely save me Come! My decision is really right, what major general Fei Ji, what old man, let me die !!! "

The "Big Ben" Institute of the Empire is the place where the highest scientific research level of biological weapons is represented in the Empire, because so far, the Institute has extended the life of the Emperor for a whole 70 years! !! Under normal circumstances, the rare congenital genetic disease suffered by the emperor emperor is replaced by the rest. Immediately euthanized as soon as the diagnosis was confirmed! !!

Not only that, the institute is also very effective in the field of genetic warriors. At least millions of biochemical warriors are produced under their leadership every year. So its transcendental status in the empire can be imagined.

The reason why the Institute is called Big Ben is that the first Dean was the Dean of the Royal Academy of Old Earth London. In order to miss his hometown of London, he built the Institute's main building research building into the Big Ben. Looks like. [] Keep going. The name was inherited.

At this time, General Mongo collected information about the test subjects of the mad and fools through the eyes of the artificial person 1 at this time. It is already possible to confirm that the two men released the "Big Ben" Institute for five consecutive years. "Galactic Killing Wanted" are all on the list! This shows that the Big Ben Institute has its aspirations!

Mungo even knew that for the "Big Ben" Institute, as long as any citizen of the empire did not commit the vicious crime of "treason", then there would be no one to protect him! It's completely worthless for them to disobey the rules.

Because no empire official is willing to offend an organization that is likely to save your life, more importantly: the highest head of this organization is honored to have dinner with your Majesty every day ... This is the queen of the empire And the prince never had treatment!

At this time, Mungo quickly intercepted the signal transmitted by the Cyborg One, packed it, and connected it to his dedicated line, and transmitted it to the headquarters of the "Big Ben" Institute on Emperor Star in the fastest way. , Of course, also left his name, address, and contact information -------- Once this thing was done, Mungo felt relaxed and couldn't help falling paralyzed in his seat and letting him fall asleep. .

Yes, it seems to him that he is a gambler now. He bought ten lottery tickets, and has successfully returned to the book by the fifth. Now he has no pressure and is waiting for the next surprise. .

Compared to Mongo's relief, Ronnie at this time was exactly like a small tree withering in the wind!

The madman in front of him madly danced the double axe of the skeleton. He couldn't see the shape of the axe at all. His sudden advancement was like a situation in which a lot of axes were blown by a gust of wind.

The double bone axes still collide from time to time, and they will make a loud noise. After each sound, it will pierce into the eardrum of a nearby person like a needle, and then it will be severely cut off by a "tiger"!

Even if Ronnie blocked it with a dagger, he would be cut open by the fierce axe wind, and the blood was angered, and a large cloud of fog would form in the wind! The sound of musculoskeletal fractures is screaming.

The blood sprayed on the enemy's face was a long laugh, swallowing, and every step out, a horrible explosion will occur at the foot of the foot! And Ronnie is definitely not without counterattack. He can even see the crazy person's appearance:

One eyeball was squinted out, and the red and white veins on the back dragged out a few centimeters, shaking it on his face, and his chest appeared several tragic wounds, and even his intestines poured out. Even the food liquid in the stomach began to penetrate, and the brown liquid could not escape, but these wounds seemed to be completely applied on the body of others! !!

Only those two violent axes were sharp and fierce as ever!

Suddenly, Ronny's whole person flashed continuously, but in an instant, the whole body changed into seven avatars, surrounded the madman's experimental body in all directions, and then banged hard toward the center!

The enthusiast's experimental body screamed loudly. The seven avatars were annihilated in an instant, and a blood fountain sprayed out from the air. Ronnie was chopped off and flew away. If he did not use a dagger to cross his waist in time, the entire person. Definitely have to be chopped down by that stern bone axe! Rao is so. After he landed, the blood immediately wet the ground. When he got up after rolling, he gasped in a big mouth, but his body flickered with light, apparently using honor medicine.

The heart, throat, and another intact eye of the madman's subject were all pierced with a deep black hole! !!

It's also a blood hole! !!

Fist-sized holes murmured blood spitting out.

So miserable!

At this point, it seems that the victory and defeat have been divided, but the experimental person of the madman has both axes and chopped on the ground!

A wave of blood radiated from his body, showing a semi-circular shield surrounding him.

The fierce murderous energy spread out from the dying madman like an invisible ripple, and he suddenly shouted from the sky. In the orbit that lost his eyeball, there were only two horrible deep holes that were bleeding black. What is even more weird is that his mouth cracked openly, and the wound was rapidly drying, and the skin began to crack.

Inside the wound of the broken body that was scarred ~ ~ Bronze intact skin was revealed! It feels like a snake is moulting, and it is reborn! !! All injuries were squeezed into the faded skin, and the madman now felt more like a crazy bear!

"This guy really deserves to challenge the leader among them." Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes. "He seems to have two very powerful abilities. The first one should be similar to the violent one, which is increasing the speed greatly It is also immune to any restricted skills / abnormalities. "

"The second ability should be to absorb life from the previous damage to the enemy and store it in the body, and then release it when needed to heal your body! The mad man really has the mad capital! However, the defective product is Defective products, it looks like both parties are going to start again from the beginning, but your transformation time should be coming soon, right? "

Fang Senyan's judgment was not wrong at all. Since Ronnie had already suffered a loss just now, of course, he adopted the fighting method at this time. This method is no stranger to him.

The most important thing is that it seems that the violent ability of the madman's test subject to greatly increase the speed is still cooling, or unable to use it. Therefore, the only way to threaten Ronnie is to throw the deformed bone axe growing on the arm. . (This site .. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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