The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 69: Active branding

The live-captured Jagged Warrior was done by Dardaniyang. The vines shot by the treeman he called out were really tough, and they were not inferior to steel cables of the same diameter, but This also has a lot to do with the identity of the trapped Jagged Warrior as a technology engineer.

Fang Senyan walked in front of the Jagged Warrior, and gazed at his metal-cold eyes:

"Are you unconvinced? As a soldier, being captured is a great shame, and if nothing else happens, I will give you to those people."

Fang Senyan pointed to the indigenous Earth people who were either blank, sluggish, or crying:

"They originally had a happy life and a stable family, but you have been caught on the planet as a prey. Their hatred of you can be said to be very amazing. You will be treated like a dog under their hands. Tortured, then rotted to death, and finally eaten by angry ones. "

In describing these backgrounds, Fang Senyan's voice was very slow and unemotional, and he tried to make the mask of the Predator translate the meaning he expressed. Unfortunately, Fang Senyan did not see the yellow-green of the Predator. There are any emotional fluctuations in the eyes, some are still cold, this enemy is the most difficult to deal with.

However, Fang Senyan is still very calm and continues his efforts:

"However, if you are willing to cooperate, I can give you a chance to fight like a warrior. As long as you can defeat your opponent, you will be free. Even if you lose, you can be as glorious as a soldier. Dead. "

At this time, a mechanical synthesizer sound was finally issued from under the mask of the iron fighter:

"what would you like?"

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"How did you find us?"

"Every creature on this planet is a prey raised for the sacred adult sacrifice. When it was captured, we were all branded or even transformed. Therefore, the life detector of the spacecraft Among them, you unmarked life signals are exactly as clear and impenetrable as the Figus star! "Said the iron warrior very simply.

Fang Senyan frowned:

"It's impossible! It's impossible for the creatures on this planet to not reproduce, so what about the larva?"

"The imprint is directly implanted in your DNA. After being implanted, your body will automatically absorb trace elements. Generate imprints that can send special signals. Even if the biological mating, then its genes will still be inherited, our Technology. Much stronger than you think! "

Said the Jagged Warrior proudly.

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, then said:

"Well then, you brand all of us. Then, I will give you a chance for a fair battle!"

The Jagged Warrior suddenly made a weird sound, like taunting and sneering. His golden iron and iron symphony sound was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears:

"You actually asked to become a prey? Your purpose is to hide in all the prey? What about it? You do n’t even need His Excellency Belon to shoot at all, and you will be identified for up to three days! In order to live more Three days, is it worth it? "

A strange smile appeared on Fang Senyan's face:

"I need these three days of buffer time. You decide."

This iron blood is very simple and low:

"Okay. I promise you! Your strength also has the glory of being a prey!"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Fang Senyan they always felt very unpleasant when they heard it. What is it called * "has the glory of being a prey" ......... As if someone is going to kill you, you still have to be thankful for your tears, thank you for the elderly who can look at me Fuck me ... What is this called?

Having said this, the Iron Blood Soldier stretched out his bound hands. Fang Senyan was not afraid of him, and he slammed his finger at Dardaniyang, and the vine quickly slid away like a worm, giving the iron fighter freedom.

The Jagged Warrior moved his body and walked steadily to the portable medicine repair box. Then took a tube of lavender solvent from the inner layer and handed it to Fangsen Rock Road:

"Take a sip. Your DNA will be slightly changed, and the body will automatically absorb the relevant minerals and elements, and then within two hours a scar will appear on your body surface. This scar is a prey imprint."

Fang Senyan took it without hesitation and took a sip. As far as his constitution was concerned, even this cyanide would not poison him. Besides, although the blood was cruel and bloody, it belonged to the powerful race that did not bother to lie. Therefore, credit is still trustworthy.

Next, the released Jagged Blood began to pick weapons and organize equipment. In the end, he was ready and turned to look at Fang Senyan:

"Who is my opponent?"

Fang Senyan turned around, looked around, and smiled:

"You six of us can pick whatever you want."

This iron blood clenched his fist, and then the wrist blade "dang" shot out, glowing brightly, and pointed Fang Senyan far away:

"I, choose, you!"

Fang Senyan said slightly surprised:

"If you choose me, it's almost impossible to win."

Iron-hearted cold words:

"Fight lies in honor, not victory or defeat. If you want to fight, of course, you have to fight against the strongest!"

Fang Senyan heard a slight movement after hearing it, and there was also respect in his eyes. After he stepped out, he watched the **** soldier in front of him reach out and said seriously:



The result of this battle is of course no doubt,

After two laser shots on the front, Fang Senyan rushed to the front and broke the neck of the iron fighter.

In the battle, Fang Senyan incidentally also tested the effect of his virus on the blood fighter, and the results obtained were not optimistic.

Because of the internal structure of the Jagged Warrior, the immune system is different from humans in all aspects, and there is a mask filter, so the duration of the disease is prolonged and the symptoms are reduced. This is not to say that the virus king is not powerful, but the enemy is too weird. Because of the reason, Fang Senyan has too little disease.

As mentioned earlier, it is like saying that the virus is one hundred times more powerful, but it encounters a metamorphosis of breathing with the skin, but the stubborn stomach cancer disease encounters a **** with a stomach .... How embarrassing is this? .

There is only good news: once the fighting time is prolonged, as the A virus erodes the iron blood immune system, it can be expected that the effect of the virus will become better and better. Therefore, if you want to consider the high-level strong with iron blood In the case of battle, then Fang Senyan's best option is to extend the fighting time as much as possible. Over time, the scale of victory will tilt more towards Fang Senyan.

In the post-war inventory, these most basic Iron Man did not give Fang Senyan what valuable trophies they left behind, but Fang Senyan let the Cyborg 1 wear a mask left by the Iron Man and died. Iron Man's left arm was cut off.

Because two more artificial men were lost during the raid, if you want to bring things that Mori has above without affecting the travel speed, then you must discard at least 100,000 common points of material. However, at this time Fang Senyan's prestige was deeply rooted in people's hearts. Although he did not explain, no one said much.

Of course, another important reason for Fang Senyan's stay here is to free up time and use the smashing and refining machine to extract a lot of ore ore from the top ten test subjects as a bet, and The refined plutonium element is included in the category of loot and can be thrown into the private storage space.

After taking care of various things at this time, the refining of plutonium ore is coming to an end, at most ten minutes. Although those humans had shown a very unfriendly attitude before, Fang Senyan instructed Dardaniyang to help them.

The purpose of Fang Senyan's teaching is also profound: first, everyone is human, and second, they also hate the Jerez, if they recover, it is best to have some trouble for the Jerez who arrives next.

But soon, Dardaniyang sent a message to Fang Senyan:

"Head, that skull man Tom is not dead! He wants to see you."

Fang Senyan's eyes were frozen, and to be honest, that guy was very impressed by Fang Senyan, because this is the only one who can use his personal skills to suppress his enemies in close combat.

Not only that ~ ~ It was really a surprise that this guy could survive. At that time, a total of five iron soldiers launched a set fire with a shoulder cannon. Those who are slightly involved in the hot weapon must know that. In this way, the lethality generated by the five-round high-energy laser set fire is definitely not the simple 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 algorithm of the five-round laser power, but the actual effect of the fifth power of 5 is not good!

Therefore, when thinking about this, Fang Senyan's curiosity flourished, and he also took a look at it. For the sake of caution, he also called Ronnie.

At this time, the semi-dead spaceship was also destroyed by the Jagged Warrior, but the room inside was better and more comfortable than the outside. Fang Senyan stepped into the skull man's room in the complex eyes of the indigenous humans next to him.

When he saw the skull man, Fang Senyan immediately understood why he could survive, because the weird organ on this guy's chest had begun to multiply in horror at this time, as if it was a sun ladder, growing along his blood vessels. He went in and went down to the whole body. As a result, streaks of vegetation appeared on the surface of the body at this time, which looked shocking.

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