The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 70: Last words of the strong cell

If the thing on the skull of the male skull looks very disgusting before, it is completely a cancer cell organ that only absorbs the nutrients of the body. Now, when the body is dying, the cancer cell organ is ruminating the body in order to survive. , Give back the nutrients you have previously absorbed into the body.

However, although this method can prolong life, it cannot save life.

Because this cancer cell organ was not a perfect and powerful creature like the Sun Ladder,

Secondly, it is because Tom's injury to the skull male is too serious, even for the contractor who has digitized the body, it is also a very, very fatal injury. No matter how many nutrients the parasitic organs store, there is always time to run out.

Amazingly, after seeing Fang Senyan, the skull man was struggling fiercely, as if he wanted to sit up, and what was he trying to say in his mouth? However, extreme weakness made everything he had done in vain.

At this time, Fang Senyan saw the skull male Tom's indifferent look, although he was congested, and the weird expression that was twisted but not painful. Suddenly a strange and strange feeling appeared in his heart. A person!

Fang Senyan immediately thought deeply about this inference. If it was according to the injury, the skull male Tom's body at this time was seriously comatose, even if he hadn't died. Under the situation that the cancerous organ controls the entire body, is this guy who wants to communicate with himself turned out to be the consciousness of this organ? ?

Of course, at this time, Fang Senyan didn't even know the tragic experience of the skull male Tom, nor did he know something similar to a cancerous organ in his chest. It is prepared by the top ten cells stored in the nightmare space.

However, because Fang Senyan itself is a metamorphosis.

Don't forget, his body at this time also has the existence of strange biological organs such as the sun ladder. With this preconceived impression, Fang Senyan would naturally associate it with this aspect.

therefore. Fang Senyan looked at Dardaniyang very naturally:

"Is there a way to give him some energy?"

Dartaniyon shrugged:

"Yes, but it's a bit expensive."

"Do I look like a debtor?" Fang Senyan said lightly.

Dardaniyang's original intention was to only want Fang Senyan to show affection, there was no meaning to charge. After hearing Fang Senyan's words, he could only smile a bitterly, and popped a seed.

This seed is shot. I felt a tangy freshness spread throughout the room, just like the warm fragrance of frying new tea, which made everyone feel refreshed and refreshed. I couldn't help it Take a few deep breaths.

The seed was dark and inconspicuous, about the size of a chestnut, but the seed of a dandelion. Strangely descending slowly in the air, hovering over the skull male Tom's body for a while, then fell on his neck, quickly grew the root-like tentacles, and then stuck to the skin.

But just a few seconds. The seed dries quickly into ash, but Tom suddenly feels energetic, and his rapidly undulating chest calms down. He gasps for a while, and then uses a hoarse and stiff voice to face Fang Senyan Road:

"You. On your body, there is a sense of familiarity that makes me feel confused."

Fang Senyan listened quietly. He didn't know why, and suddenly thought of the weird vertical pupil that appeared in his mind when he suffered the fool's test body before! !! He looked at the skull man Tom and said:

"What exactly do you want to say?"

The skull man Tom's breathing suddenly became sharp again. He coughed fiercely, struggling intermittently:

"You must, you must go to the Big Ben Institute. Inside! There, there is. There is, there is, there is yours, yours ..."

The last sentence didn't speak, Tom's mouth sprayed a lot of blood and fragmented tissue, even rushed to the ceiling, and then died. The blood in his mouth splashed a few points on the back of Fang Senyan's hand. The temperature is so high that it is hot!

Fang Senyan turned his head and glanced at this time, and found that the artificial person No. 1 operated the pulverizer in the distance. It may not have caught the situation. I don't know why, there was a feeling of relief. He meditated on the word Big Ben Institute several times in his heart, took a deep breath, and strode out.


After the extraction of radon elements is completed, after everyone has divided the loot, it is naturally necessary to discuss the next direction of progress. The time is extremely urgent and there can be no more waste.

Fang Senyan turned his head and looked at the No. 1 Cyborg, with a search in his eyes, the old guy bowed slightly:

"Master, the three requirements you made earlier are: first, the ethnic group with the wisdom of human children at least ten years old, second, the race that is good at living underground or building nests, and third, the distance from this neighborhood cannot be More than three hundred kilometers, I selected two targets based on the previously acquired spacecraft database. Please choose. "

On the one hand, the artificial person said, while sharing information.

Ethnic group A: Black-crested cormorant group.

This is a creature with the characteristics of maggots on the earth. It has no eyes and uses five infrared sensing glands growing on the surface of the body to detect the world. Its length is about one to two meters. Females will be larger and more powerful. The biped's forelimbs make it easy to walk through the dirt.

The black-headed pheasant has a high brain capacity, even exceeding that of apes. From its hunting and breeding conditions, it can already be judged that it has wisdom and can communicate with the outside world. It has been found that the black-scratched flock will try to trade with the vulture herd for some dried plant rhizomes.

Disadvantages: The black-crested cormorants may not be interested in the chips we can get. More importantly, they only like to move in the soft plains of the soil, and they are powerless in areas with stones.


Race B: Sin Fablo

This is a ferocious humanoid creature. It has four symmetrical eyes, two eyes growing slightly higher on the cheekbones, and has its own simple language.

Its characteristics are very obvious: the most striking thing is that a huge flesh aneurysm always grows on the right shoulder. The tumor surface has a clear pattern of cavities. This is because every evil Fabro fanatic has to be born. The stem of a plant is cut sharply and inserted into the right shoulder, so it gradually mutates during growth to form such a hemangiosarcoma, whose mouth is similar to cattle / horse / sheep, etc. The "Sorta" plant is a supplementary food, and the staple food is drinking a milky white liquid secreted from the top of the Fabrel.

Their entire body is covered with thick black hair; the height will not exceed 1.5 meters, but the muscles are very obvious, and the ratio of the legs is significantly shorter than that of the upper limbs. When excited or emotional or angry, its teeth will emit clear and audible friction. The sound made a dog-like growl from his throat.

These guys are natural miners, and have reason to infer that they have mastered a certain forging technology. Every evil Fabro member you can see carries a sharp hoe, matching their power, and the rocks against them. It's almost as easy to break as tofu.

They dig anywhere where there are stones, looking for a mineral called "Kurut". This mineral is as important to them as salt to humans. The more monsters ingest this mineral, the more Will become stronger.

From their robbery and hunting situation, the key is not to doubt their intelligence. The key is how to get what they can look at and let them trade with them obediently.

Disadvantages: This is a ferocious creature. They are first of all natural robbers and robbers, and then they can talk to them. It is estimated that the Iron Blood Stars also fancy the powerful fighting power of many evil Fabros. They just plundered them on this planet, and the rich "Kurut" minerals on this planet make these guys more fishy and stronger.


Looking at this series of introductions, Fang Senyan decided to go to the territory of the evil Fabro without much effort, because they are not afraid of danger, but they are in a hurry. There is no doubt that Fabro, who is good at dealing with the evil of rocks, must have a greater chance of grasping the relevant information of the ore veins.

In this way, Fang Senyan and his team left this unfriendly human gathering place. At this time, the map they used had been shotgun changed into a standard version of the empire drawn by the spacecraft's detection system. Each route was on this. , Rivers, mountains all at a glance.

Follow the guidelines on the map ~ ~ The camp of the evil Fabro is located in a mountain range 70 kilometers away, because they act like pile drivers, destroying all the rocks that pass by, so they are active The range is very large. After reaching the site, it is estimated that you must slowly find the specific location of the camp.

The 70-kilometer distance is also a short distance for Fang Senyan and their covenants, especially forcing a trek in the dense forest and wilderness.

Fortunately, there are iron golems and Ramtas to open the road, otherwise, the speed of travel must be reduced by at least 30%. As for the remaining iron fighters may follow, the Fang Senyan are not very worried about them. In principle, the invisibility of the Jerusalem is just to distort the light, and it cannot eliminate the sounds such as their breathing and movement.

At the top of the road, Mori once noticed that he was being followed by two Jade Stars. He remained calm and waited until he entered a narrow valley before suddenly letting Ardaris release the storm of mind! !! Cover the area where the Jerusalem is!

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