The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 85: Inner!

Where Zier was pointing, it was empty, only the long grass was fluttering in the wind. .51o.

But his face was full of joy and eagerness:

"My Excellency, you have finally come back. I always feel that there is something wrong. With you sitting here, our hearts are much more solid. Is this the skull of the prey you killed? I can help You make it quickly, or it will become an exquisite craft on your display shelf in less than an hour! "

Zier said that he stepped down the gangway very diligently, and naturally stretched out his hand into the transparent air, and took over the "prey head" that existed in his fantasy:

"Lord Belon! What are you saying, do you want to promote me to a prepared grayback? This is really my pleasure!"

The two iron bloods next to him had already swallowed an uneasy spit, and the fear began to grow quietly in their hearts. One iron blood roared frantically:

"Zill! Zill, you idiot, you are talking to the air!"

Zier turned a deaf ear and completely left his teammate's shout behind him! Don't say that this situation is because the iron blood was unexpected, even the original creator Fang Senyan did not expect it!

It turns out that this rare case of Zier is similar to a human "allergy". After Fang Senyan's virus invaded his body, he sawsaw with his own immune system, and the war dead a virus is mixed with the immune cell debris in his body. Together, a whole new substance appeared in its body.

Zir's brain is susceptible to this brand-new substance, which is similar to allergic hallucinations. At this time, what he "sees" is all a projection of what he wants most at this time. Because of this, it is difficult for other people to wake him up, because Zell himself is expecting this hallucination to occur, and the instinct will resist those who want to pull him out. So it is absolutely impossible to wake up with a few calls!

"Damn magnetic field! Disturbance is so strong that even though it blocks the detection of those disgusting humans, it also prevents us from communicating. Otherwise, you can now ask what happened to His Excellency Belon!"

The two iron blood immediately realized the fault, and quickly evacuated into the cabin. "No, we have to start the high-power communication device on the spacecraft to report to the mothership immediately?"

But at this time, there was only a distance of more than ten meters between them and the aircraft, but a stone wall suddenly blocked the way!

Immediately afterwards, the earth ’s dirt exploded, and those who had gone out for a 1v1 heads-up with their own people before. Turned out one by one. Although they are scarred on their bodies, they still seem to have saved considerable strength.

It turned out that Fang Senyan recovered slightly after violently killing Greyback Belon. They immediately went to support the person closest to him, but it was Paul who was closest to him, although the two did not directly tear their faces at this time. But it's almost the same.

However, at this time, Paul still clearly prioritized, and honestly helped by the side. In fact, the most important thing is that Fang Senyan's life is far more harmful than Paul's.

Why do you say that, because according to Paul's previous plan, six people flew into space together, and the chance of each person being killed is 2/6 = 33%, but if Fang Senyan died. Then everyone's chance of being chased is 2/5 = 40%. Of course, Paul is even more clear. Even if the guy in front of him gives out his full strength, he may not be able to kill him in a short time!

After Fang Senyan and Paul joined forces, they secretly searched for other people. At this time, it was a 1v3 scene, so it was easier to fight. And Ardaris and Roni successfully killed the opponent without any help.

After a confluence of people. I didn't expect it to be so smooth, so I immediately got the three iron-blooded ideas of staying behind the spaceship.

According to the information available, it seems that the weakness of the Predator's mask detection is that it is difficult to penetrate the soil, in the plot of the first generation. Anuohun covered himself with mud and avoided the scan of iron blood.

However, it seems that the Iron Blood Warrior is also divided into two factions, one of which is the physical flow. One faction is technology flow.

The physical flow advocates exercising the body, using skilled fighting skills and powerful strength to deal with the enemy, and a small number of other factions are keen to use more advanced functions and weapons to deal with the enemy. The radicals of the two factions even say that they have reached In order to kill each other desperately, this can be seen from the third part of the Predator.

The mask of science and technology flow can easily see through the muddy camouflage.

However, Fang Senyan considered that it was an official act to send noble children to the trial. As far as the queen of the Iron Blood Warrior is concerned, she is also the most powerful creature among the Iron Blood Warriors. It is definitely a supporter of physical art flow --- then these fighters under her command are certainly not people with scientific technology.

So Fang Senyan used this excuse to persuade Pokan, and then asked him to take everyone to open the passage from the ground. Under the cover of the soil, he quietly approached the three guys who were behind the spaceship, forming such an unexpected one. Assault!

Fang Senyan had been planning for a long time. After the war, they first threw a few grenades, which were blown up with smoke and visibility, and then they threw a lot of black paint into the air.

The two soldiers were originally birds of shock, and immediately launched a shoulder gun to aim and fire wildly. I did not expect that the thing was blown up and the high-energy laser was still stunned, so they could only start the continuous shooting mode and exploded in the air. Only to realize that it turned out to be a scorched corpse with smoke! !!

Fang Senyan laughed a long time:

"Congratulations on killing your officers and companions!"

The two iron-blooded eyes suddenly burst into tears. They looked carefully. The scorched black corpse that had been torn apart by themselves was not their former companion. What made them even more guilty was that even Belon's The corpses were also blown up, half of their heads grunted and rolled down in front of them, half of the black eyes were black holes, the teeth of the trapezoidal mouthpiece seemed to have a kind of unwillingness and unwillingness.

Dardaniyang also sighed:

"We are different from your habits. We will keep our duel when we win the duel, and bring them to you for healing, but why do you kill them?"

The Iron Blood Warrior was originally a kind of clumsy creature. He preferred to use metal and blood to argue with others. After hearing Fang Senyan's strong words, they almost burst into fire in his eyes, but did not know where to argue. Up!

They just felt that the blood on their bodies was pouring onto their heads, and the shoulder guns had also entered the cooling time. They could only roar, pulled out the katana at their waist and pointed at Fang Senyan, and they ran straight.

There is no need to say anything more during the battle. The six of Fang Senyan singled out two of the other, and still had no intention to count, and more importantly, the opponent was completely caught in a state of fanaticism and almost lost his mind.

In this state, in simple terms, the attack power increases and the defense power decreases, and the disease of the outside Fang Senyan also starts to cease. Therefore, without much effort at all, they successfully captured the spaceship of the Iron Blood Warrior, and captured a Iron Blood Warrior whose nerves had completely collapsed.

After controlling the overall situation, Fang Senyan Da Ma Jin Dao sat in the chair, covering the wounds on his body while watching the crowd restarted:

"I want to repeat the old thing now, haven't you changed your mind yet?"

Paul hesitated a few sneer, narrowed his eyes and said:

"I'm afraid you have forgotten one thing? Sailor, in the third part of the feature film, there are people who want to do the same thing with you, and then he succeeds, flying to a few hundred meters from the ground, and then, the spaceship's The original owner pressed the start button, and he and the spacecraft exploded into a bright firework! The path you are struggling for can be described as a dead end!

Fang Senyan has obviously considered this problem, and said lightly:

"I also noticed the points you said, but you must know that the iron bloodship belongs to the radical technocrats belonging to the iron blood family! And the spaceship we are now riding belongs to the direct line of the queen. Unquestionable old school spacecraft. "

Speaking of which, Fang Senyan looked at Paul very disdainfully, as if looking at a kindergarten child:

"More importantly, you didn't notice it. I ask you, what is the use of this spaceship?"

Paul Tieqing didn't speak with a face ~ ~ The reason why he didn't speak was that he didn't know how to refute, but this dumbness made him more like enduring the lessons of Fang Senyan ...

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"Let me answer your question. This spaceship is intended to be carried to the underage nobles of the Predator, and they will be used for hunting experience on the planet Elops! How can it be used as a spaceship for such an important personnel vehicle? May have remote-control explosion function? Will there be a self-explosive device installed on Air Force One? "

At this time Pokan came out to help Paul round the field:

"What you are talking about is your own guess, but we can't put our lives on guesswork."

Fang Senyan glanced deeply at Pokan:

"We are a team. We were born and died together! We have relied on each other in the most difficult time, we have supported it, and in this spaceship, there is a great chance that everyone will be out of danger together. Why do we have to force someone to die?"

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