The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 86: Different

At this time, Paul was also confronting Fang Senyan, coldly:

"Taking this boat is really like you said. There is a great chance that everyone will be safe and safe together! But you forgot to say another thing, that is, there is actually a great chance that everyone will die together! And Now that we are in control of this ship, the chance of being caught by everyone is reduced to 1/6! It is not good to sacrifice one person so that the remaining five can go out alive? "

Fang Senyan stared at Paul and said lightly:

"If you jump out and confront me, then you will definitely not do it for no reason. There must be sufficient reasons and full interests to drive behind it. Otherwise, there is no benefit to tearing up your face with mt."

Fang Senyan said calmly, and the sneer on Paul's face suddenly became stiff, but he heard Fang Senyan continue to say in a calm tone:

"I didn't want to say it, but now that you've talked about it, then I will bury it for a long time. What can remind me of related interests is if everyone runs away together, Most of the benefits you get from Paul must be able to escape alive ......... so I think of another thing-it seems that before we set off, most people asked you to transform the spaceship, are you? I did n’t know what to do when I was there. ”

As soon as Fang Senyan said this, everyone present, including Paul himself, suddenly changed his face! !! Fang Senyan's counterattack. Just like a sharp needle, pierce the vital points of others! And it is impossible to argue, even if the rest of the people do not believe it on the surface, deep doubts are bound to arise in their hearts.

Paul stared at Fang Senyan, but Fang Senyan looked back indifferently, sneering:

"What are you going to do? What can you do? Just allow you to destroy my thoughts and plans, and not allow me to break your possessions? Sorry. I'm not an obedient person!"

Paul looked pale and coldly:

"You are this kind of person, I am not. When the transformation is in full view, what can I do? What rumors end on the wise, I'm afraid you can only hurt me."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You have to get off in the Wasp Detector yourself and get out of here. I must take this ship."

Fang Senyan's words hit Paul's key at once. You know, if Fang Senyan stayed, then Aldarius and Ronnie must have stayed. Everyone has their heads settled, so even if Paul can fight for Dardaniyang and Pokan go! The chance of being overtaken is also as high as 33%, not to mention Fang Senyan's preconceivedness. Paul can escape if he can't do it well, so even if Dardanyang and Pokan are lucky, the chance of being overtaken will reach 50% off! !! !!

Although Paul paid a lot to win them over. But, can benefits compare with fate?

The 50% mortality rate is unbearable data for anyone! They might as well stay with Fang Senyan and others! At least everyone is on the same ship together, and there is absolutely no chance of disassembling each other.

For both Dardaniyang and Pokan. In the deep heart, he was quite admired by Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan chose to take the road of an alien spaceship. In their opinion, the mortality rate was only about 30%. So he secretly fell to Fang Senyan's proposal.

At this time, the time passed quickly, and Fang Senyan simply did not consider the time for the rest, and said coldly:

"Artificial Man 1 has learned almost how to drive, and now I'll put it to practice now. In five minutes, all people who don't walk with me will leave me alone!"

After speaking, Fang Senyan strode into the spacecraft.

The interior of the Jigsaw family's spacecraft must be arranged according to their usual living environment. You can make it as comfortable as possible. However, people in the Jagged family feel that the comfortable environment is not necessary for humans.

The first impression Fang Senyan walked in was that I felt hot!

And it's the kind of hot flash like a sauna, there are lingering water vapor everywhere, and a strong smell of sulfur.

There are also various weird vines hanging on the surrounding walls, with draped fruit on it, which looks like dense peppers and has obvious signs of picking. It looks like it can be used as decoration or When it is necessary to eat it, Fang Senyan relies on his sturdy physique and is not very afraid of poisons and the like, so he picks one and tastes it, and feels a sour and bitter taste. Along the way, Fang Senyan found that it seems that the Jagged Warrior still likes this tendency and primitive, vast, simple style. He touched the inner wall of the spaceship, and found that it is a kind of undulating tissue with regular irregularities similar to the human spine. However, the starting point seemed relatively soft. At least the inner wall of the entire ship looked like bones. It did not have the rigidity of steel structure.

This dimly doped environment has no effect on the sight of the Jagged Warrior, but for Fang Senyan, the visibility is greatly reduced.

Departing from the sight of others, Fang Senyan's lips suddenly showed a strange smile:

"I just unveiled Paul's intentions, and even though he was angry and angry, he never had the courage to dare to fly alone. It is now very clear that whoever flies first into the sky will be the sad target. So, if I didn't guess wrong, the only opportunity for this guy Paul to restore the current slump ... is to destroy the current ship! And this guy is definitely not going to provoke public outrage, then, After I entered the spacecraft at this time, it was the only way to start in secret! "

At this time, in order to actively give Paul a chance, Fang Senyan proceeded to the depths of the spacecraft. The appearance of this spaceship does not look very large, but the spaciousness inside is unexpected. The road in the entire cabin can be said to be winding and winding, and there are many forks, so that Fang Senyan walked in it with a maze.

This architectural model of the Jagged Spaceship is actually related to the habits of the Jagged Family. They were united together during the battle, but the requirements for personal space in private were still very high, requiring individual separate rest rooms, exercise rooms, and exhibition array rooms. Therefore, the spacecraft can only adopt a multi-division method to provide relatively loose private places.

When Fang Senyan finally reached the inside of the cockpit, he noticed that a weird row of red fonts constantly flashed on the screen in front of him.

The text of the Iron Blood Star is actually very simple, which is a combination of the three ways of "skimming, cricketing, and dots". After seeing this line of characters, the artificial man No. 1 of Fang Senyan looked very ugly. , Suddenly facing Fang Senyan Road:

"Not good, the Jerusalems have warned the mothership!"

Fang Senyan's face suddenly became ugly. To him, it was another huge variable that had not been considered in advance! As far as the current situation is known, the mothership does not seem to be able to successfully land the sub-ships of the planet Elops, even if it receives a warning signal, it is helpless.

However, Fang Senyan knows very well that he must not use conventional or accurate human thinking to measure the Jerusalem! After all, the two are different species. More importantly, the technology of the Jerusalem is at least twenty years ahead of humans.

There are not too many complicated things in the cockpit of the Hemophile spacecraft. You can use brain waves to control the two **** in front of you with both hands, but the biggest difficulty is the process of activating the control system. Artificial Man 1 hastily checked, and then aimed at Fang Sen Rock Road:

"Master, the ship has been destroyed, and there is a problem with the engine, but it is not too big."

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"Paul he hastily done this thing, of course it is impossible to make too much damage. He has no way to prove that his claim is stronger than mine, so the purpose is to draw a salary and destroy the spaceship. Let the path I advocate cut off. Hum, this idiot doesn't know, I've been waiting for him to do so for a long time. "

Robot One hesitated:

"Master, I only need an hour to repair the spacecraft. If you can drive this spacecraft back to Kitty Hawk base, you will get a lot of extra rewards. Do you really want to give up this way?"

Fang Senyan groaned without answering, but suddenly found that the screen not far away flickered a few times, and then jumped out a row of rows of text of the Iron Man, seeming to keep flashing, and then, on the screen A clear pattern began to appear, and on the mother ship in the sky, a cylindrical thing like a bomb began to land, aimed at the planet Elops and dropped! Then began a countdown of sixty seconds ~ ~ Damn it, is this a sign of a nuclear bomb attack? "Fang Senyan took a breath of cold air.

Artificial Man 1 is Shen Chan:

"Master, this chance is almost impossible. The Jerusalem has worked so **** the planet Elops for so long, and even once a small-scale war broke out with people, it is impossible for us to have such a trivial matter. The jade is all burned. You know, this planet is rich in thorium, and it is full of vitality. The survival rate of the animals and plants transplanted here is also very high. They don't want to give up even more than we do. "

Fang Senyan said arbitrarily:

"Then what was thrown down? It must be the right medicine for the current crisis situation of the Jerez, they should be very sure, and they can use this stuff to break the situation!"

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