The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 69: Tie (Bottom 1)

Time is fragmented at this moment,

Octopus Paul's tentacles are lightly described as a child's fingertips, and even careless,

But the children played glass balls.

And this octopus bomb is ... a lead bullet with a muzzle velocity of 543 meters per second fired by a musket!

Octopus Guardian!

It turned out at this time!

With a soft bang, Fang Senyan didn't even have time to see it clearly, and he saw the young Fokker young man in front of S Zorro flying upside down. His head received a great impact. As far as possible, lean back. After the lead bomb was bounced by the octopus' tentacles, it was reflected back almost ten times. It first hit the young man's brow bone. The huge kinetic energy caused the hard forehead skull to be penetrated in an instant, and then in the brow heart. There was an extra black spot the size of a peanut. The lead bomb was torn apart at the moment it entered the brain, and it still cluttered the brain with extremely high-speed debris, and then violently impacted from the inside to the outside. This caused young people to open a bowl-sized black hole behind their heads, blood and brain fluid. Sprayed the ground in a radial pattern, and there was an indescribable pungent gas in the air!

At this moment, even David Jones's face showed an indescribable panic. Usually, it looked like he looked like the entire sea was overturning, and it was just a haha, and it was hard to imagine that such panic would actually happen. Appeared on his face. Fang Senyan, who was breathing heavily, also noticed a series of tips:

"Based on your perception, you will get the following combat information."

"Warning: Your perception does not suppress Contractor 4421, and most of your combat information will be learned by it!"

"Contractor 4421 casts its ability: The Force Barrier. Crash."

"You are hit by the Force Barrier. You will receive 110 Force damage when you hit the front. The actual damage after deducting the physical damage is: 93 Health."

"Decision on the Force Barrier. Crash with special effects ... Your spirit is 4 points and the exemption decision failed."

"You will be hit by seven meters. If you are hit during a hit, you will get a second additional damage."

"When you are hit, you will take 60 physical damage. After deducting physical damage, you will take 49 points. Your talents will be tough and you will take 25 points."

"The Force ... hurt?" Fang Senyan's thoughts turned back and forth, he immediately thought of the source of this ability, there is no doubt that the Force (e) is the core of the Star Wars movies Concepts are sometimes called divine power or power. The Force is a void, supernatural, and ubiquitous mysterious force, an energy field created by all living things! If carefully classified, the Force can also be divided into four categories: the Light Force, the Dark Force, the Unified Force, and the Source Force.

Obviously, the contractor No. 4421 has mastered this magical ability, but it seems that it should be some basic things, and has not been able to specialize in a certain category. But even so, the horrific ability she just showed also directly hit Fang Senyan! If this contractor only works alone, Fang Senyan can also try to beat it. Unfortunately, they are a team, and this guy is obviously the core member of the team ...

At this time, Fang Senyan also noticed the group of contractors. Some of them looked at the dead and miserable corpse on the ground, and some looked at the distant Muran David Jones. There seemed to be some anger in their expressions. A kind of perplexity! In this atmosphere that seemed to freeze even the air, a huge, mechanical, stereotyped voice sounded:

"Storyline mission: David Jones' curse is complete."

"Morgan Fokker, the fourth-generation direct bloodline heir of the Fokker family, was killed by David Jones's pet Norwegian sea monster."

"Completion of storyline missions: 51%."

With this huge voice, the entire Dutchman shook, as if in the eyes of a huge storm, and all the pirates on the ship shouted in pain with their heads in their hands, and David Jones was Standing in a dull position, the magical miniature fish tank he held was smashed and cracked, and glass dust and water splashed on him. The octopus Paul fell out of it and swelled at an alarming rate. Its eight tentacles kept convulsing and growing, then penetrated the upper deck to easily climb onto the deck and fell into the The sea finally turned into a giant gray and white monster. The forty-foot-long tentacles seemed to be protesting to the heavens, spasm pointing at the sky, and the basin-sized suction cups kept squirming, and then slowly sink into it. Underwater!

After seeing this scene, Fang Senyan finally understood the ins and outs of the big guy called Norwegian Sea Monster under David Jones.

At this time, David Jones also covered his head and made a cry of pain! The scream spread like a shock wave in all directions. Everyone within one kilometer of the opponent's circle caused indiscriminate harm, and his body was as messy as a typhoon just happened. It can be clearly seen that he has changed from the head, which is a slightly blue transparent sensation. It initially appears from the head and then spreads down quickly! In the end, the image of David Jones looks very evil, his left half body is no doubt a normal person, but the right half body is completely this kind of light blue transparency!

If you only look at David Jones's right body, he can be described in two words:


And this flying Dutchman also added a breath of sensation, as if the temperature dropped ten degrees in an instant! Then all the pirates roared frantically, and their semi-ghostly qualities also appeared on their bodies. The covenants had long since gathered and ran towards the deck with all their might. Of course, these mutant pirates refused to give up, and chased them onto the deck. However, at this time, the sun was clear. When these pirates came into contact with the sun, the alienated bodies of that half would emit blue smoke immediately, and they He also uttered a very painful cry, and returned to the sheltered cabin.

Seeing this scene, Fang Senyan's mind suddenly emerged that paragraph again:

"I swear here in the name of my soul and blood, that we will work together to create the future, and even our children and grandchildren will live peacefully for generations. The blood of the violator will boil, the breathing will stop, and the The light will fester their skin, and the breath of the land will hold them back. "

He sighed deeply, thinking he could prevent this from happening, but in the end this group of guys succeeded. Fang Senyan had obtained a drifting bottle while doing continuous missions in this world. The drifting bottle contained a parchment paper that was mostly illegible. The contents contained some rather vicious oaths and curses. It's Bernard Falk and Gub Jones.

Bernard Fokker, Fong Senyan, naturally knows to be the founder of Tutuga Castle, but Gubo Jones has not been able to find clues in this world. Fang Senyan just speculated that it may be related to David Jones. After all, Gubo Jones and David Jones have the same last name. If they are naive enough to pull the two together by virtue of this alone, it is as outrageous as to think that Li Jiacheng and Li Jiaxin are related by blood. He originally intended to thoroughly investigate this doubt in the next world. The reason why he chose to dedicate the wealth of the Tutuga Harbour Castle to David Jones was also a layout for this purpose. I did not expect that these contractors had already taken the lead to address this doubt. The biggest profits have been discovered.

The two sides are in a stalemate situation, Fang Senyan knows, but this group of contractors was previously injured by the painful roar of David Jones and was therefore pulled into a combat state. They are now waiting for the combat state to disappear. Back to the nightmare space immediately. After these contractors stayed on the deck and bathed in the sun, they began to realize that the pirates did not dare to rush up, and they were relieved. Someone started to quarrel, and the quarrel gradually escalated. It should be that there were some problems in the internal distribution. .

At this time, a contractor rudely pushed away his companion, stood up and pointed at the cabin and roared:

"Contractor 1018, your skull will definitely be one of my collections!"

There was a terrifying dizziness in his roar. Even so far away, Fang Senyan felt a sense of hard work, but he just smiled:

"I am honored to hear that from you ~ ~ and I am very pleased."

The expression on the contractor's face was wonderful. He never expected to have such an answer. I can only hate a word that is probably similar to "Stupid X". At this time, the contractor who had mastered the Force came to him and said coldly:

"You don't understand why he said that?"

The contractor's voice was cold and sounded like a woman's voice! But her prestige was obviously high in the team, and the contractor looked very rude, but was not arrogant in front of her, suppressing the angry growl:

"Attitude ... I must kill him?"

Looking at the cabin with a gesture, there was a charming, knife-like charm in that glance:

"The Contractor 1018 obviously wanted to prevent David Jones from entering our trap, but he failed in the end, so of course it was quite frustrating. And if you jump out and yell to kill him, that clearly shows him His behavior brought us a lot of losses ... so he feels comforted! "

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