The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 70: Curse (Bottom 2)

In the face of the woman's words, the contractor was anxious:

"K! As a result of this boy's mess, at least more than 70% of the task completion was alive and dropped to 51%! We paid a lot of money to hypnotize the foolish Morgan Fokker of the Fokker family, but in the end we still let After seeing the treasure chest of the Fokke family on the ship, he made the boy determined. Besides, for this task, we have been forced to stay within the difficulty of I after the end of the sea battle. How many people died and how much did we pay? There is a kind that keeps him from falling into my hands. This David Jones is also cruel, and was a curse that was mortal, but he could also be passed on to his own ship and crew! "

Faintly Road:

"The cursed transfer is the plot in the original film, not the reason for our complete fall. After David Jones was cursed this time, although he was forcibly suppressing the upcoming death with his powerful power, the entire ship And his pirates were converted into the existence of ghosts because of the transfer of the curse by David Jones, and the flying Dutchman also cursed the power and corrupted into a ghost ship on the sea. They can walk in the underworld and the sun, responsible for The drowning soul was led to the underworld. As David Jones fell in love with the sea goddess Cory Bussell, the two turned into a revenge. The story of David Jones being cursed and completely dehumanizing was a follow-up plot. We The degree of completion should be lost when Morgan Fokker was not killed by David Jones himself, but by the octopus. "

At this moment another prestigious contractor also stood up:

"Anyway, we still got what we wanted most and basically achieved the goal. I am willing to pay 30% of this dividend to compensate the rest of the team. As for the team ’s I difficulty leader, Bowen, appeared after being killed We will appoint a new team leader based on the contribution slightly. Now return as soon as possible, don't wait for these pirates to adjust to their new identity, then we ca n’t go anymore!

Then the other three core contractors, including the posture, also stood up and expressed their approval of this approach. Finally, the riots of those underlying contractors were calmed down. After the internal contradictions are unified, it is natural to unify the muzzle. These contractors all look at Fang Senyan with hatred. At this time, they are also out of combat, yelling at Fang Senyan and disappearing in the air. .

Fang Senyan smiled casually standing at the hatch of the ship, completely ignoring these threats. By this time he had roughly understood that he might have caused a behemoth. The Bowen who was killed by himself should be the team leader of the team under I difficulty, and the remaining elite members are shuttled from the level of difficulty by participating in the historical story of "Invincible Fleet Destruction". It should be used With some powerful props, you can continue to stay after the historical script is completed, and then complete the powerful plot task of being cursed by David Jones.

When the woman was about to leave, she suddenly said lightly to Fang Senyan:

"You are very thoughtful and very powerful. I sent three people to kill you, but you can still be killed by a general! But don't be proud, my ability is suppressed in this difficulty. Yes, otherwise the Force Barrier will be enough for you. How about doing something for me? Of course ... if you can live back from this world. "

After speaking, she stroked from top to bottom with her finger, and a faint glowing line appeared in front of the line, and the line quickly spread into a light gate, and the posture stepped in, and the light gate disappeared instantly. No trace of existence was seen at all. But the moment the woman disappeared, she turned around and looked at Fang Senyan.

The eyes of this woman's "posture" were as deep as the sea, and the power of charm seemed to be intoxicating, but at that moment, her eyes suddenly turned into two sharp needles, and she suddenly aimed at Fang Senyan. His eyes pierced deeply!

In a hurry, Fang Senyan had no time to watch out. Immediately, I felt a buzz in my head and it was blank, and I didn't know how long it took to calm down. However, he found that he had collapsed to the ground. Immediately after the consciousness replied, he felt that there was almost a tear-like pain in his brain. It was better after a while. Suddenly I felt a little slippery on my face, and I reached out my hand and found that there was spray-like blood around the orbits, nostrils, and ear holes!

Fang Senyan gasped for a while, then retrieved the battle record to watch, and found that he was hit by an ability called "The Force Acupuncture. Explosion", which not only caused huge damage, but also fell into the eight seconds Dizziness. However, this ability is obviously not easy to be released, otherwise, with this "posture" of the precise grasp of the battle situation, I believe that she should have tasted this ability rather than before she left.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan thought of what Zi Lin said when she left, and she suddenly felt in her heart that the woman's shrewdness and strength were the strongest among the contractors she had encountered. Her last sentence was definitely not targeted. but! At this time, he was on the flying Dutchman and was a dignified third officer. Although these pirates had no access to the sun after the mutation, their strength increased unabated, and David Jones, who had just roared so loudly, should Passion is right, so what is the fatal danger?

"Wait, wait!" Fang Senyan's forehead suddenly sweated coldly. "The third mate, he is the third mate on the Flying Dutchman !!! This means that, strictly speaking, he is also the crew of the Flying Dutchman ... and will also bear the transfer from David Jones. The curse of that curse is so powerful that it doesn't seem fatal, but it also means that it must be so fierce in other respects that even David Jones can't save it and can only pass it on!

At this time, Fang Senyan took a deep breath! He didn't feel any discomfort at this time, but his heart was irresistibly filled with a strong shadow. He couldn't help running to the sailor's room next to him, and then tore a mirror hanging from the bulkhead and aimed himself --- a chill suddenly came from his heart. I saw that my hair had begun to appear the kind of illusory ghostly, and it was still slowly extending downwards. Fang Senyan immediately checked his status attribute column through the Nightmare Mark, and found that each attribute was still in a normal state. The only abnormality occurred in his talent: Toughness.

The relevant description of this ability originally gave people a very powerful feeling. Just looking at it made people feel vigorous and vigorous, but at this time it became very obvious, and it seemed to be eroded by something. It continues to fade, if it is completely faded, this talent ability will disappear directly! Seeing this scene, Fang Senyan didn't have time to think about it immediately, he was anxious to call out the Nightmare Mark and asked to return to the Nightmare space, but was prompted to start being dragged into the combat state by that horrible "force explosion" It took 70 seconds for the combat status to disappear.

In this case, Fang Senyan took a deep breath first, but calm down. If you follow this fade rate, then the talent ability: even if the tenacity completely disappears, it will definitely not last for the seventy seconds. He quickly passed a few pictures in his mind, and finally stopped at the moment when the semi-spirited pirates rushed out but were illuminated by the sun to smoke. Fang Senyan moved in his heart and pulled out his "ambition" with his backhand. The heavy gun barrel spewed out a fiery flame in an instant, and he shot at the deck on his head and blasted away!

There was a loud bang, and the planks shattered and flew apart, and the upper deck opened a hole the size of a washbasin. The hot sun shone down and hit Fang Senyan. Suddenly, Fang Senyan felt a tingling sensation all over his body. After gritting his teeth for dozens of seconds, he replaced it with a warm feeling ~ ~ It was like being soaked in heat There was a faint green smoke in the water, but there was no pain.

At this time, Fang Senyan checked his status attribute bar, and found his talent ability: the speed of toughness and fade has a significant downward trend. At least 70 seconds, there is no problem. It seems that the sunlight really has a very curse on that curse. Used for strong grams. In addition, the talent of tenacity does not seem to be so simple! The horror curse that even David Jones can't stand can also face the resistance!

"Hoo ..." Fang Senyan stood in the sunshine and exhaled a long breath, then began to consider the powerful team he had just met. There is no doubt that the mysterious woman's "posture" is the core of that team. Judging from the current ability of this woman, the Force Barrier. Collision can be said to be a combination of offense and defense, and Force Acupuncture. The explosion is a Powerful control. In addition, if her penetrating secretive eyes have no hypnotic ability, Fang Senyan would not even believe her toes:

David Jones has dominated the sea for decades, and the notoriety can even stop crying at night, the unlucky child Morgan. No matter how **** and ignorant Fokker is, he will surely understand himself and that terrible David Jones. There is a huge gap between strengths. Under such circumstances, he would bravely shoot a shot behind David Jones! If there is no one behind it, it is strange!

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