The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 71: Return

For Fang Senyan, the situation at this time was also quite bad, because not only did he encounter a strong enemy with a good attitude, but also a huge team behind her to rely on! He also had a deep hatred for breaking people's wealth. If the general contractor is changed, then negative emotions such as fear, regret, sigh, etc. will of course cover their minds. However, Fang Senyan just shrugged his shoulders. He was a person who was not afraid of challenges or difficulties, even if the enemy was strong? This will only make his fighting spirit stronger and stronger!

Before entering the space, Fang Senyan was an ordinary person, but he could go up and fight with him when he faced such fierce gangsters such as Huayifei. The gap between Fang Senyan and this mysterious organization is not as large as the gap between him and Huayifei! Since Fang Senyan never had the slightest fear at that difficult time, now he has no reason to lament cowardly for the fact that the boat has become established.

Within a few dozen seconds of waiting, Fang Senyan was also watching closely, especially the pirates after the curse changed. But the more they looked, the more they were shocked. In the daytime, these pirates were completely like walking dead, walking dullly on the boat, while David Jones sat silently in a chair, as if The solidified stone statue seemed indifferent to everything around him. Obviously, if the curse on his body is completely attacked, it is also possible to completely wipe out his mastership and become an eternal pirate on this ship.

Fang Senyan suddenly came up with a greedy idea: Isn't it a good time to go fishing in the captain's room at this time? But this idea was completely strangled in reason immediately --- how could such an obvious gap Leave it to yourself? In the end, even if it was obtained, it was mostly soul-bound equipment at the same time that it lost a lot of prestige. If we didn't add another item to the equipment, it would make people cry.

Seventy seconds passed quickly, Fang Senyan was still suffering from the curse, and his talent: tenacity was almost invisible. When Fang Senyan decided to return to the nightmare space, he suddenly saw a diary that looked quite old not far away, and picked it up in his heart. This diary had been soaked with blood and brain, and appeared from it Judging from his position, it was from the fourth-generation successor of the Fokker family, Morgan Fokker.

By this time, Fang Senyan had basically sorted out all the intricate relationships among all the pirates, but another important force in this world: the owner of the Fuktu family of Tutuga Castle was still blank. Of course, this is also related to Fang Senyan's energy most of the time on the calculation of Armand. So this diary should be able to solve most of the mysteries in his mind.

Fang Sen's hastily wiped this diary, then his mind was immersed in the seal of the nightmare and issued instructions:

"Return to nightmare space."

"You still have time to explore this world. Are you sure you want to return to the nightmare space? Is it?"

"Fang Senyan has not dared to procrastinate at this time. Who knows his talents: What will happen when tenacity completely fades out, he immediately selects" Yes ", and his body will begin to fade and begin to prepare for return .

"Farewell, the Caribbean world." Fang Senyan exhaled, he felt an indescribable tiredness hit. That is the inevitable feeling of sudden relaxation after a long period of nervous tension. He squinted his eyes and looked around, muttering to himself:

"I'm really looking forward to ...... the next time I return."

Dark clouds drifted through the sky, blocking the scorching sun in the Caribbean Sea. When the sun's rays returned directly through the hole in the ship's board, the temporary third officer of the flying Dutchman who had stayed there had evaporated. In the air.

With the previous return experience as a pavement, Fang Senyan closed his eyes directly and waited until the very strange weightlessness on his body disappeared before reopening.

At this time, he returned to the environment that seemed to be cosmic space. The background was dark and deep. The only light source was the stars in the distance. Every time I saw this scene, it was difficult for Fang Senyan to self-control. a feeling of. When the surrounding environment was completely clear, the little stars in the distance suddenly gathered together, forming a soft beam of light projected on Fang Senyan.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan felt an indescribable pain from all over his body, as if all the muscle tissue had been forcibly peeled and torn apart! Fortunately, the pain came and went fast, it just disappeared after only five or six seconds. This is the case, but Fang Senyan couldn't bear the cold sweat and gasped.

His body was still shrouded in the soft starlight. But the starlight seems to form a barrier, with dozens of indescribable black gas lingering outside, changing from time to time to form the human distorted face called! Apparently the curse that David Jones passed on to him was forced alive by Space.

The black gas quickly faded in space, and then turned into nothingness. At this time, the star light slowly dissipated, and then immediately in front of Fang Senyan began to present a full 3D microscopic projection. This time, the first time he played the battle with the invincible fleet, followed by the scene where Lord Fokker Sally was killed, the bells and the goblet of ash fly out, and finally the black beard held up the magic sword Laughing arrogantly, then stopped.

The following information emerged from the air:

"Scene: Pirates of the Caribbean"

"Difficulty: Easy (Grade D)"

"Impairment of pain: 50%"

"Extra enhancement of personal ability: 0%."

"Current scene exploration: 15.33%"

"New title earned: Drunk, Pirate leader

"Quest theory discovery: 32%

"Completed task evaluation: B +, Note: The lowest level is E, and the highest level is Perfect SSS.

"Mission completion evaluation reward: free attribute points, 3 points (randomly selected world weighted 20% has been included).

"Quest theory excavation degree Mission completion evaluation reward: 700 general points (randomly selected weighted 20% of the world has been included), failed to reach the reward threshold for obtaining potential points.

"The character's remaining free attribute points are: 3 points."

"You can assign this free point to your basic attribute points (strength / agility, etc.) at any time to strengthen your body."

"Hint: you survived the ancient curse inherited from the Caribbean, so you get a 1% increase in critical strike rate, evasion rate and hit rate at the same time."

"Eh?" Fang Senyan looked at this series of information and suddenly felt a bit surprised. He gave up fighting in a team, and he didn't expect to get a lot of money in the summary of the clearance. In fact, 32% of the mission theory is explored, and the 700 common points of rewards have fully demonstrated the dissatisfaction of this space.

For Fang Senyan, relying on the clues and opportunities he gained in space, if he was originally engaged in joint operations with the same team as Kerry, then it should be obvious that he should be able to interact with the main character of Jack Sparrow Digging deeper into the plot, and then finding and obtaining a large number of side missions, and then completing it with the strength of the team, unfortunately he focused his exploration on bells and wine glasses. For Fang Senyan personally, this is already the limit, but as a team, it is far from enough and it is highly possible to do better, so the 32% mission theory exploration degree given by the space is not wrong at all .

As for him, if he cooperates with the team of "Zi", then there is no doubt that the task of the team of Zi will be perfectly achieved! Even more tasks can be discovered. The space is that regardless of the difficulty of Fang Senyan's cooperation with the rest of the contractor, its default judgment criterion is that all contractors should work together to explore the entire world under the most extreme cooperation. degree.

However, it is worth noting that the evaluation of the completion of Mori's other party Mori's mission has reached B +! And this gives a full 3 points of free attribute points reward! Well, to make a simple analogy, it is like a student did only one-third of the homework that he should complete when he completed the homework assigned by the teacher, but the quality of the one-third of the homework was compared by the teacher. satisfaction.

Fang Senyan immediately found the most critical point in his mind. There was no doubt that he had participated in many times and changed the main storyline in the world:

The killing of Lord Fokker Sally, a plot character, directly led to the face of Pirates of the Caribbean and the neutral port of Tutuga.

The destruction of bells and wine glasses changed the fate of Armand, who should have been one of the Seven Pirate Kings. Even if Armand could still become the Seven Pirate Kings, his success would inevitably be delayed for many years.

Although David Jones' cursed plot mission was passively involved by Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan also slightly changed his fate. At least David Jones was a blood relative of the Fok family killed indirectly, so he still retained half of them. His body ~ ~ Blackbeard has been tirelessly searching for that magic sword, and Fang Senyan's intervention has saved him at least ten years of searching time!

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, a touch of joy appeared in his eyes, and nodded slightly. If this is the case, then the focus of the next entry into the world should be on this. There is no doubt that if you follow the storyline of the relevant world to fight, the difficulty will inevitably decline significantly. But this obviously also does not meet the requirements of space, and the evaluation of necessary task completion will become extremely low. Since I can make achievements in this area, of course, in the future, there is a direction that I can deliberately work for.

At the same time, the Nightmare Mark continued to send reminders.

"In the settlement of insights ... you have used a total of 14 insights in this world! You will pay 1400 universal points for this."

"Your current universal point is 3200 points. After deduction, your current universal point is 1800 points."

"The important quest item you got: Morgan Fokker's diary cannot be taken out of this world. The next time you enter, it will automatically return to your mark storage space."

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