The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 19: Hulk

Looking at Qin's face in front, Fang Senyan explained patiently: "Why did the government use all human power to build four Noah's arks? Because they don't know the details of the disaster, they can only follow the worst possible situation. To design, according to the information you provided, after the construction of each ark, it can defend high temperatures of more than 1000 degrees, can withstand the severe cold of minus 80 degrees, can withstand the pressure of 10,000 meters below the water, and can supply 50,000 For a full five years of living needs, more than 90% of these designs are actually wasted. [] "

Fang Senyan then sighed: "Unfortunately, I have no way to tell the government the truth. First of all, why do they believe me? Secondly, if you believe me, the more people are rescued, the more difficult it will be, oh no, It should be the power of futurism to correct mistakes! "

"It sounds very reasonable," Qin said coldly. "But I don't believe you have no desire at all. Why don't you dare open your heart and let me watch your memory."

Fang Senyan opened his hand with tears of tears and laughed: "I ’m not letting go, but you have no way to get in, okay? My history has said that it is so special that you can't imagine, there is a protective barrier on memory, even Your teacher, Professor X, the old man, how can you push it to my head? "

Qin said coldly, "After all, you just don't dare."

Fang Senyan smiled and said, "I have nothing to dare, and I can let it go for detection at any time. As long as you have the ability to open the blockade."

Qin's two eyes suddenly flashed out a sharp light! !! She actually read Fang Senyan's memory again at this time! Fang Senyan is of course indifferent. For the plot characters, all space-related information is blocked.

More importantly, Fang Senyan has also encountered psionics who are more powerful than Qin before to read the memory, once at the Queen's Festival of Divination in Tizgan in the Caribbean world, and once when fighting the fool's test body not long ago. . [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

The cruel truth is that those who dare to do so suffer.

Great loss.

The only exception is Professor X, but this should be related to the old man accepting it when he sees it.

When he was struggling to read Fang Senyan's memory, Qin's mental power was also passing away quickly. Fang Senyan had the old **** in it, so let this girl suffer a bit and let it go. But at this moment, the sound of the distant sea seemed to be making a sound.

He turned his head. In the eyes, Qin's face was pale and her eyes were dizzy. Obviously she did her best, but in her pupil, there were three indescribable cage-like railings. The most strange thing was that the back of the railing was actually black Flame of anger is burning!

Seeing such a vision, Fang Senyan's heart moved and immediately thought of this woman! Her strength was mediocre at this time, but her second personality was a powerful black phoenix. Level 5 mutant! !! You know, even Magneto and Professor X are just Level 4 mutants.

At this time, she was only because Professor X had locked her sub-personality with a mental cage in advance. Once it broke out, there would be huge variables! Thinking of this, Fang Senyan did not hesitate to slap up! A crackling sound knocked her dull back into her master. Then he said earnestly: "What is wrong, the enemy is here!"

After Qin took a slap, the red marks on her face were clearly visible. She actually did not speak revenge unexpectedly, but just silently stunned, as if still reminiscing the indescribable feeling of the second personality just now! Then she covered her head. Then pointed to the west and issued a warning, more than ten seconds later, a small submarine floated out. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

Immediately after that, there were five people who appeared on the shore pedal. One of them carried a very strange-shaped suitcase. The suitcase looked like a huālei magnified hundreds of times. It is a special box containing the tadpole elements described by Dr. Octopus.

A man is about to start, but a suppressed nervous voice has come from the headset that he wore beforehand: "Please note that the person carrying the box is Bruce Banner! This is a powerful monster, besides that In addition, the person who walked at the end should be the rubber man Reed? Richards in the Fantastic Four. "

"Bruce Banner?" Fang Senyan was also shocked.

This guy is also a scientist who accidentally exploded during a gamma ray test to protect his colleagues from being exposed to a large amount of gamma radiation. As soon as his angry heartbeat accelerates, he will become a violent Hulk!

The strength of the Hulk is very amazing. There is a starfish gene that can be regenerated, and it will grow back even if the head is cut off; there is a chloroplast that can strengthen its own power through light; the more angry, the stronger the power. It is estimated that this guy is at least a level character with Wanciwang. Wolverine and the like are not enough for him to play. Fang Senyan also did not expect that he would encounter this kind of hard bones for the first time!

"Hell, our manpower seems to be a little less. Would you ask for help?" A thought passed in Fang Senyan's mind.

Because the enemy was unprepared for the first attack this evening, in order to pursue maximum efficiency, they were divided into three divisions.

In this group of people, in addition to Fang Senyan, there are three blood counts, plus Qin and the mutant toad, the latter of which has an amazing jumping power, and its tongue has terrible lethality. At this moment, it seems that there are only two legends who have appeared, let alone those who have not yet appeared?

The point is, their target element is in the hands of the Hulk. If this ca n’t be beaten and run, who can stop it, except for Wang Wan and Professor X?

When Fang Senyan hesitated for a while, the battle was already started by the impatient blood races. These proud creatures have been bound for a long time. It can be said that the superiority of the high-level race in their hearts has always existed. At this time, the enemy appeared , So what are you waiting for?

A scream screamed loudly, and the sound fell into Fang Senyan's ears. It was just a bit harsh, but for the enemy, it was an unbroken ultrasonic attack from a blood count, and it was even seen. As the invisible ultrasonic waves flew across the ground, the water and stones on the ground made a whispering sound, and then they were stirred and shattered in horror.

The person who walked in the forefront should be just an ordinary person. Under the action of powerful ultrasound, his body was blown up flat and face down, and then his clothes were torn apart, and the whole person was like The disconnected kite was blown away from a distance like that, and in a short time, it would fall into the sea of ​​more than ten meters.

But at this moment, the rubber man Reed reacted in the first time, he suddenly aimed at the rear and stretched out his right hand, and if the right hand was stretched like an rubber in an instant, he caught this bad luck The guy's feet saved him from the line of life and death.

To be honest, in this kind of ghost weather, if you fall into the sea, even Fang Senyan who hasn't entered the space is fierce! Not to mention such an ordinary person? If it weren't for Reid's superpowers to save him, this guy would immediately feed the fish.

Immediately afterwards, fierce gunshots rang from all directions, and all the shots were blood tributaries: blood servants.

The blood race usually has three choices when biting people. The first is to **** blood, and then to inject venom at the prey. This is called the first embrace, breeding the next generation of vampires, and the other is to inject their own blood.

Then it is the blood servant who is injected into the blood, who is not afraid of death, loyal, and does not know the pain and tiredness, but needs to be re-infused every other year.

The three blood counts brought all of them are His Majesty's most elite blood servants. Although there are only fifteen or six people, the firepower controlled is almost better than a company! It can be said that hundreds of kilograms of metal storm ammunition were released in an instant. The smoky, smoke filled, and even the fire spread on the waves!

However, when shooting to the highest peak, a huge green figure suddenly blasted out against the metal storm, and the bullet struck his body, which was actually splashed by Mars, and flew. Immediately, he rushed to the nearest giant blood slave who held the flamethrower and smashed his fist.

The big man raised his hands and wanted to parry ~ ~ The two blood slaves next to him also pulled out the samurai sword and cut it down to try to save Wei, but although the knife light was sharp, the sharp knife cut on Hulk's skin, Such as the defeat, only two white marks were dragged out.

At this time, the Hulk made a clever move that was completely different from its bulky appearance. He turned into a pinch, grabbed the big man's left foot from below, pulled it out of balance, and then One hand grabbed his right foot and tore it fiercely, and it was violently torn it in half!

A lot of things that looked like blood and oil came out, and the gurgling flowed to the ground. It can be clearly seen from the torn section that the blood slave's internal organs also showed a clear mutation, as if there was a The texture of the meat, and the strangeness of the plastic, the disgusting dark red dark purple tissue keeps writhing. Its vitality is also very tenacious. By this time, it has not died completely, and it is struggling like a fish leaving the water.

One of his own confidants was killed, a blood count was furious and screamed, swooping down like a bat, the nails on his ten fingers were sharp and the fangs in his mouth were clearly visible. The Hulk didn't look at him directly. When he punched out, the air was squeezed with a thunderous sound. (To be continued ...)

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