The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 20: Death toll

Although the Hulk's punch was almost thunderous, it seemed that a mountain was standing in front of it and it was about to be hit, but the blood race was like a fish swimming in the water, and it was dexterous to follow the air. The ripples and ripples inside diddge ingeniously.

The strong wind blew the black and red **** of the blood count. He tangled up very strangely along the Hulk's arm, and a silver knife with a complex rune on it had been cut gently between his fingers. , At a glance.

It is well known that vampires' weaknesses are silver, holy water, crosses, and garlic, so vampires with silver weapons are just as discordant as a brother with a dress.

However, there are always exceptions to everything. The origin of this silver knife is very prominent. In legend, it is Simon Peter's knife.

Simon Peter's name may be unfamiliar to everyone, but his other identity is well-known and extremely well-known! That is the head of the twelve disciples of Jesus!

The items used by such legendary characters can be compared with the Holy Grail, the Shroud, and the Gun of Longirus, at least it is a remarkable relic.

In fact, this is indeed the case. This small silver-knife knife was enshrined in the largest church in Europe, Sistine Notre Dame, for 470 years, and was finally brought out by an angry thorny monk. Heading straight into the headquarters of the dark Holy See at that time, it set off a **** storm among the blood!

Two princes died in that war (the blood can only be called a prince if they can rule a large city, similar to the mayor), seven dukes and counts can be counted as countless, after paying such a heavy price , And finally killed the thorny monk, this weapon was also seduced and fallen by its powerful blood tribe.

Although the blood race has faded, the fallen communion knife cannot be used by the Earl anyway. The only explanation is that he should be a rich second or a rich third generation. And he is not inferior to Prince Dracula!

The Hulk's fist encounters this "fallen communion knife", and it is completely divided apart. The blood and count's body and arms are stabbed in a twisted way that humans can never do. Out, the silver knife smashed into the Hulk's arm like a bamboo shoot, without any trace of fireworks, and it was done.

The wound is so small that it can be ignored if it is hairy.

However, the Zhonghuo Hulk suddenly became stiff all over his body, and a clear dead white appeared on the green skin immediately. It is like an aggregate of concrete that has condensed into an inorganic mass. The Hulk's footsteps suddenly took a few minutes, but he suddenly trembled suddenly, and the condensed and petrified surface suddenly cracked and cracked open. The flesh and blood wound inside was exposed, and the wound was the size of a washbasin! There will be smoke if it is corroded.

The severe pain made Hulk's teeth crunch, and the blood vessels on his forehead swelled with anger. It looks like a twisted and circling water pipe. His action actually accelerated again in this situation, ran a few meters before striding, grabbed the one-shot blood Count, and grabbed the left and right legs according to the old rules, and then tore it severely. Appeared, the unfortunate Count of the Blood Clan was actually torn in half again!

But among the screams, the bloodline's powerful life-saving ability has been reflected to the greatest extent. The corpse that was torn into two pieces suddenly exploded and turned into hundreds of black, fluffy bats, which were about to fly in all directions.

But at this time the Hulk was already inhaling deeply. His body was abnormally burly and strong, and it looked like a cube from afar. At this time, he inflated rapidly after deep inhalation, and his mouth seemed to have formed. Huge black hole. Make the Hulk's body swell and become fat. If a huge ball, both eyes almost swell out two or three centimeters outside the eye sockets!

Then the Hulk opened his mouth, time seemed to freeze, and ...

--------Roar! !! !! !!

"!!!" Seeing this, Fang Senyan immediately felt an unprecedented crisis. He didn't intend to be a fledgling bird, he immediately jumped back to the back of the breakwater, and covered his ears with his hands!

The shock wave of terror spread out in all directions. The first of these are the bats that are still spreading in the air, if there is a dark cloud, no doubt. They were like pustules that burst into pieces very simply, and blasted a cloud of blood mist in the air. Finally, these blood mists gathered together, condensing into the count's desperate mad roar, raising his hands Illusion, but even that illusion persisted in Hulk's roar for less than a second, and distorted and blasted away!

For Fang Senyan who had hid behind the cover, he still felt like a nuclear explosion in the battlefield. A large number of stones, bullets, and corpses flew over his head, flying a few miles away. One hundred meters, and the strong wind that comes with it is like a knife scraping across your cheek, as if you were riding against a twelve-level wind, and your breath was choked.

With a roar of the Hulk, the power was actually as good as it was, completely cleared! Incidentally killed the most troublesome blood count! Rao is as powerful as he is, and he has to rest after sending out this horrible blow.

But suddenly there was a flash of black shadow in the distance, and a surprising arc was drawn with a parabolic trajectory of a mortar, spanning a distance of at least fifty meters, and hit the Hulk in front.

"This man ..." Fang Senyan suddenly felt in his heart, he immediately bounced off the ground and sprinted forward.

After the dark shadow fell in front of the Hulk, it was a dwarfed leg with a festering dwarf on his face. This is the powerful man of Wanci Wang, a mutant toad. His strength may not be too strong, but patient and The ability to seize opportunities is rare.

The toad slammed heavily in front of the violently breathing Hulk. The frog-like transverse pupils revealed cruel and spiteful eyes. The giant arm of Hulk had been severely blocked by the waist, but the toad had already issued With his strongest attack, lightning also popped his tongue out!

Frogs don't look like very lively animals, but according to scientists, when a frog in South America starts hunting, its tongue can pop up three times faster than a bullet! Although the hit of the mutant human toad is limited in distance, the attack speed is still far beyond human imagination, and it is more than ten times that of ordinary frogs. This can be said that once shot, the case is not false!

The seemingly soft tongue penetrated into the right eye of the Hulk, and penetrated deeply, without reaching the brain! When they retracted, they even tore out the eyeballs, even after going through this series of processes, the Hulk's right eyelid didn't have time to close. Such a small detail is enough to explain what kind of tourmaline fire the toadman's blow was.

Of course, if his tongue is caught by the eyelid of the monster Hulk, then believe that this green-skinned monster can tear his tongue out of his mouth by relying only on the force of closing the eyelids.

The huge pain spread to the Hulk's whole body. He struck out three consecutive fists, and Toad was extremely difficult to avoid. Although Hulk slammed the ground on the ground with every punch, the splashing dirt and the raging air waves were There is no way to evade. Under the increase of the Hulk's power, even these aftermaths of damage caused the toad's mouth to overflow with green blood.

"The fourth punch ... It's over, I can't flash!" Just as Toad was thinking in despair like this, a figure had slammed into it and blocked him. Toad suddenly felt a sense of collapse.

He never felt the face of this man named Reef ever so cute. Therefore, even if he lifted the shield to block the movement to the Hulk, he became very chic. After seeing this scene, Toad seized the opportunity, the strong muscles on the two thighs were tightly tightened, and a huge driving force erupted. He instantly shot more than thirty meters with a parabola and disappeared into the darkness. among.

At the same time, the Hulk's fist blindly slammed into the reef's hot sun shield.

This dark gold shield immediately issued a "creaky" dull sound ~ ~ as if the classic car swayed away, and the dark gold light on its surface was scattered. But in any case, I finally caught up with this punch. But Fang Senyan and Zi also clearly saw that the life of the reef was almost as if they were being chopped off, and a lot of them were deducted! He was also backed up by the blast of this punch, and the empty door opened wide.

It was at this moment that Reed, the rubber man, started to attack, and two long rubber arms seized the opportunity, as if flying from the sky, and pinched towards the reef's shoulders. However, at this time, a blood servant who was spreading his hands and feet in vain struck him, and his frightened scream immediately made it the focus of the battlefield.

The blood servant seemed to be sent to Reed, but apparently Reed's target was not him, so the rubber man immediately caught the blood servant with his left hand and effortlessly moved him to the green. The giant's feet tossed.

The painful Hulk stepped on his back, stepped his spine out of a horrible obtuse angle, and there was no grieving hiss. The Hulk had already pulled his hair by the fist and let out his fist. It also struck his head with a heavy hammer! One, two, three ...

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