The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 22: Disfigured toad

> The two blood races have been left and right in the shadow of the dark night, quietly lurking to the sides of the striding Hulk, the bats are already good at short-distance flight and ultrasonic detection, so even if there is no piano, then they It is also the least affected, not to mention the help of having a cheating instrument. {Rainbow Literature Network aihonGwenxuom}

Fang Senyan and others are already watching the key elements of the earth element Grim! Get it!

Suddenly, a twisted and fantastic wave appeared from Qin's body, straight into the sky! !!

And this wave was reflected from the sky in an instant, and hit the Hulk and Earth Element Grim.

The two were shaking violently, because the Hulk was still striding, but the body was suddenly stiff, so it fell down sharply, as if it was a cargo truck out of control and hit the road Side average!

In the process of Hulk planting and fighting, the two blood races were rushing out, distorting the body in a posture that humans could not do, and at the same time they caught the hand of the fallen Saint that the Hulk randomly pinned on his boots. Table knife!

Fang Senyan looked tight in his heart, these two idiots really have to forget about this thing.

Fortunately, after the two blood races fought each other, the guy on the right succeeded in grabbing the sacred thing, while the guy on the left was annoyed by a strange cry, grabbing the box containing the puppet element backhand. Finally completed the task.

The Hulk was anxious at this time, but he could only watch, watching it as if falling into a boundless nightmare, his consciousness seemed completely separated from the body! I can only watch my head hit the rock in front!

The reefs on the shore collapsed, and the muddy water was blurred. The Hulk's remaining eyes were blurry, and he couldn't catch a hand to wipe the muddy water. At this time, a weird figure fell from the sky and stepped on the ground. The Hulk's nostrils immediately smelled a unique and unpleasant smell. He immediately opened his mouth and yelled:


But in the next second, the Hulk only felt that the remaining eye was cold! Then came the boundless darkness. The horror is that there is a cold and sweet feeling deep in the eye socket, and it quickly extends into the deep brain! !!

That kind of darkness is a desperate collapse that would make Hulk's heart full of despair! !!

Fortunately, at this time, the control of the body returned to the Hulk's body, and suddenly changed from a normal person to a blind person. The kind of panic and despair in mind was beyond description, whether it was a superhero or an ordinary person. The Hulk screamed violently, and his two large arms waved wildly. Seems to fly something. Then he aimed in one direction and rushed straight out. He actually rushed into the vast sea, and was instantly engulfed by the fierce waves.

After the Hulk rushed into the sea water. The abrupt turbulence in that place stirred up, rolling up a huge wave of more than ten meters, surging. The slamming on the breakwater, even everyone felt a shock from the earth shivering at the same time under their feet!

At this time, even Fang Senyan didn't have the courage to go to the sea to hunt and kill, so the life and death of the Hulk was at the mercy of death.


While attacking the Hulk, Fang Senyan's five attacks also fell on Grim.

At this time, Grim was to peel off the body surface soil armor formed by the power to maintain the existence of the tyrannical "sphere", so his defense was not added at this time.

The first person to take the shot was of course Fang Senyan, who had the assault skills. The light of the pretty demon pupil flashed, and he was already aiming at Grim and colliding. In the course of the collision, Fang Senyan was hit by several pieces of broken rocks, which was also full of blood, but the expression on his face was also indifferent.

He reached Grim on his head, but the three-second stun effect that was originally attached was also held for less than one second. Fortunately, Grim was also paralyzed by Qin's mind at this time, although his heart was anxious like anything of. But the body is unable to respond.

The light shone, and the reef activated the special effects on his dark gold shield, and then the right hand's horrible claws were also severely cut off. Fang Senyan's West +13 also stabbed up, at the same time. Two-headed Cyclops's throwing stones, black buddies' grenades. The force of the posture collided. The acupuncture all focused on him!

Grim screamed madly in an instant. Blood was radiated from his nostrils and ears. At this time, he felt the threat of death deeply! In particular, the original force barrier of posture. Acupuncture, the immense power stored in it, penetrated deeply into his body like a syringe, and then exploded violently, making Degrim's eyeballs have a This kind of pain is going to be exploded!

In the midst of severe pain, a large number of stone thorns suddenly exploded on the ground centered on Grim. If the waves were violently undulating, the Fangsen Rock and the reef were bombed. When facing such an attack, The reef instinctively chose to dodge the defense, but Fang Senyan completely ignored it, and suddenly came forward!

After Grimsch exhibited this trick, the rock under his feet turned into a mud, and it was about to be swallowed up, but Fang Senyan at this time activated the auxiliary ability on the dark gold ring. After that, he came to Grim's side across a gap of tens of meters, his hands around his shoulders!

Grim's look at Fang Senyan can be said to be full of hatred in an instant, of course, also full of despair in an instant!

Where does Fang Senyan care about this sloppy look, it is simply pulled out like a radish, carrying a lot of dirt and stones, and tossed into the air high! At this time, her hair was flying high, and the ridiculous laughter of the Sith Demon sounded in the air. There was a sharp and sharp breath in the darkness, and it instantly penetrated Grim's body.

At the same time, the black brethren's lightning spears also roared and shattered in the air. The two-headed Cyclops did not throw stones at this time. The one-eyed eyes above the two heads shone deeply, and finally focused on Grim's head!

The blood and blood in the sky was violent, and Grim fell to the ground, but in an instant he bounced back and rushed to the sea desperately. Obviously holding the same idea as the Hulk, but when it was more than ten meters away from the sea, something strange happened. The guy actually stopped and covered his chest curiously.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Senyan has caught up and raised his knife high again. Because of the previous stone attack, there is also a layer of strange blue light on his body, which is the remarkable trigger of the rapid beast hormone injection. Sign.

The light of the knife shone, and West was severely chopped into the body three times by +13. The terrible sound of cutting musculoskeletal came dull. Even if it was a legend, such a terrifying power was also a terrible blow!

But Grim persisted into the sea. How could Fang Senyan be willing at this time? A gritted tooth also rushed in, and the rest of the people did. The two blood races had a strong sense of dark power, and Qin was also responsible for monitoring the overall situation. At the same time, they felt that when Fang Senyan plunged into the sea, he was furious. The sea seemed to be quiet for a moment, ruled by darkness and mystery. The sea seemed to have numerous thick tentacle tendrils, rolling and entangled Grim, as tight as squeezing!

Eclipse Beast! !!

Facing such a violent offensive, the pupils of the two blood races and Qin also contracted a bit at this time, and they certainly felt the horror of this blow.

Grim's original unyielding will and crazy spirit were instantly shattered!

A large amount of blood sprayed out, dyed the sea water bright red, and rushed into the sea. Fang Senyan climbed the breakwater step by step toward the big wave, and behind him was the dying Grim body, and then threw it to The large, burly figure in the darkness.

The two-headed Cyclops made a "ha ha" weird, as if getting a toy, and holding Grim in his hand like a doll, tossing it around, Fang Senyan couldn't help but think of the unfortunate sorrow of the iron arbiter. Of course, he is not good at disturbing the small one-eyed "Yaxing", but he pulled Sanzi over:

"Tell this kid to give Grim a good deal, and the Cyclops' method of processing food is too cruel and cruel. Everyone can't do it."

San Zai said rudely:

"Brother Yan, the Cyclops is not an ogre --- Moreover, the current favorite is the old Beijing chicken roll with chili. If you take human meat in the past, he will only throw it into the trash bin ------ -This child will only hone himself with Grim ’s power, then absorb it, and Grim will not die in the end, but just lose the power and become an ordinary person. "

"Old Beijing Chicken Roll ......... I rely on it!" Fang Senyan rolled his eyes and said, "This kid eats better than me! And ~ ~ can eat at least one hundred of his body Right. "

At this time, there was a quarrel sound in the distance. If you look closely, it is a large toad with a swollen face. This tadpole looks really terrible. It is estimated that the face and bones have been broken. Half of the toad eyes bulged.

It turned out that after Toad had blinded the Hulk's other eye, the reef had promised him to hold the next blow, and as a result ... everyone on the ace team was setting fire to Grim. Therefore, the unlucky toad was sold shamefully. Fortunately, after the Hulk's eyes were blinded, the toad finally avoided the key, but it looked disfigured!

"Oh my gosh, my handsome look turned out like this!" Said the toad, short and thick, blistering with tears in tears.

The reef knew that it was in a bad position, so he could only open his hands to Fang Senyan for help ...


Here I would like to thank my moderator for his serious and responsible st. Of course, it would be happier to call him g. Zhu Nai get the school sister soon.

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