The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 23: Awaken! Cruel Professor Charles!

You can't really blame Toad's anger. He actually trusts the reef. The reason is that for the first time, the reef clearly had no obligation to save him, but the reef that did not play cards according to common sense took the initiative to rescue him.

So for the second time, Toad felt very reliable and really attacked boldly. I didn't expect to be sold at this time ... !! !!

This is like saying that a person who didn't hesitate to collect one million yuan and returned it to the original owner, but then he borrowed one hundred thousand yuan to return the money is a reason.

Toad's anger is not because of his injury, it is estimated that he could hardly believe the end of a person who has been deceived .... The **** feeling that it is so hard to trust a person and get hurt! .

At this time, the battle was almost nearing its end. The Hulk's eyes were all blind, and he escaped into the sea without knowing it. Grim among the four magical men was captured. It is estimated that he would be reduced to the end of the ordinary people. The remaining rubber captain Reed is entangled by two blood counts.

The Earl of the Blood Race learned the lesson of the slain fellow and was very cautious. He was entangled with him with no idea of ​​merits, but no doubt, and a group of fearless blood servants raised weapons and blasted, which was really painful.

In particular, there is a blood count, who looks extremely experienced in combat. He is holding a fallen communion knife. He often presses his little finger, heel, and back when shooting, and only needs to cut a layer to see blood. The accumulated curse damage accumulated in this way, if psoriasis and vitiligo overlap on Reed's skin, the damage can be considerable, which can be said to be unexpected.

This fallen holy weapon is so powerful. Fang Senyan is naturally hot, but after detection, it was found that this fallen holy thing can only be used by vampires, or it can only be used by the pious paladin after being purified by power, and they are also hit with Fang Senyan Not to the side, so I also cut off the thought of eating black.

However, Fang Senyan still underestimated the abilities of the leader of the magic four, after leaving a **** rubber arm. Reed screamed and fled into the submarine, then detonated the bomb without waiting for the others to come.

Obviously, Reed must have some backhand. Only then can he "find his own way of death". Looking at the dark and surging sea, no one really dares to catch up with it desperately.

Fang Senyan after this battle. Because of the death of a blood Count, and the toad was severely wounded, morale was a bit low, but when I returned to the meeting place, I found that their group of injuries was quite good.

The group of Wanci Wang led the most serious casualties. Seven mutants were killed, including Professor X's two generals, Huonan and Iceman.

It stands to reason that the Fire Man and the Ice Man are still young and should not go to war, but the Magneto King also appreciates the quality of the Fire Man to bring him on. Unexpectedly, the fire man found the thunderbolt among the magical four heroes! As a result, the thunderbolt made fire with fire, burning the fire man to ashes.

When the ice man saw that the fire man was killed, his eyes suddenly became red, and he rushed to the first glance, so it became cannon fodder ...

The Magneto King originally appreciated them for bringing them out. Did not expect to hurt them! Immediately I felt that my old face was dull, and I was going to run away, but the person Wang Wanci was facing was not weaker than his strong one! Batman!

In addition, the ability of Wanciwang is very restricted by the environment. In places such as used car factories, he is god. Where there is no metal or metal scarce, he is a slag. Therefore, the group of Wanciwang not only suffered the worst casualties, but also failed the mission.

The team led by another giant, Prince Dracula, completed the mission, but three counts died. Their opponents are Reborn, Blade Warrior, and Evil Knight. Both sides are defeated.


After this battle, both sides felt extremely heavy pressure.

After learning the list of casualties, Dr. Charles closed his eyes in pain, and determined after a while:

"No, I think we can negotiate with them. Isn't our airship designed to make at least many ships? Why can't we cooperate with each other?"

After hearing what Dr. Charles said, Prince Dracula suddenly said:

"Doctor, your idea is good, and unfortunately, it is not realistic."

Dr Charles said suddenly:


Prince Dracula sighed:

"In fact, as early as two years ago, I knew about the end of the world. In Europe, some people abandoned by the government have formed an organization called survival, and they have also begun to adopt methods to respond to the end.

Dr. Charles frowned:

"So why didn't you join?"

Prince Dracula slowly said:

"I would like to join with my offspring. Unfortunately, the survival organization is dominated by Countess Bartoli. She is also a prince and has many ideas, such as bathing with blood and making iron virgins (this thing. It is very **** and violent. It can be understood as a pair of plate armor. The inside of the plate armor has a large number of hollow iron spikes. Push the victim into it and close the seal plate armor. The hollow iron spike punctures the victim's body, blood Flowing out of the hole of the iron thorn). "

"If I want to join, then we must change our concept of hiding in human beings, not harming human life, killing as fun, and becoming their slaves! This is absolutely unacceptable, even if it is death. Let us yield. "

Dr. Charles frowned:

"We can eliminate the survival organization from the partners."

Dr. Octopus and Magneto also sighed and shook their heads at the same time:

"Charles, it looks like cooperation is almost impossible now. You think about it, the rest of the organization has been preparing for a long time in order to prepare for the end, and we have to use our hasty plan to convince the rest to prepare carefully. Plans for months and years-even if the leader is convinced, the rest will definitely think it is controlled by your brain waves. "

Charleston froze, Fang Senyan said at this moment:

"Professor, why do you persuade our plan to be superior to them?"

After thinking about it, Professor Charles said seriously:

"Because we have the information you provided and know the details of the disaster when the end of 2012 comes! So we can make targeted arrangements."

"D." Fang Senyan looked at Professor Charles' eyes and said:

"Professor, you believe me, that's because you can see the most tangible evidence from my mind! Wanci Wang believes me, because he knows your character and behavior! Dr. Octopus believes you, because he .... No choice, oh, because he is as upright as you ... Dr. Dracula (this is a quirk of Dracula, he likes others to call him doctor) believe me, because of the Karen family, He also has a bloodline that can read mental abilities, such as Edward Carron with unlimited potential (can the protagonist have weak potential?) "

Having said that, Fang Senyan slowly said:

"But the rest of the people, why do you believe me? At this time, each ark under construction by the remaining forces may have pinned the hopes of thousands of people, and even to some extent, it has determined the masters of the earth after the disaster. Great power !!! "

"Professor, if you come to persuade the remaining forces to cooperate, at this moment of life and death, people will only be guessed at the disadvantages. Then you are using your unique and powerful super power to seize power and seize resources. You will never think of really cooperating. . "

Professor Charles covered his face with both hands, and finally sighed in pain and exhaustion:

"Yes, I know, you're right."

Fang Senyan nodded, watching him seriously:

"Mr. Charles Francis Xavier, within two kilometers of this conference room, there are many unarmed human beings. They have no resistance and may not be worth mentioning to the rest, but they are Our loved ones, friends, lovers, the greatest motivation to survive and struggle in this world. "

"And these humans are surrounded by factories that make escape tools when the end of the world comes! Now, these two most precious things should and must be within your surveillance! The war has begun, the enemy Revenge is likely to come at any time, and any mercy may be the murder of our loved ones, our lives! "

Professor Charles took a deep breath ~ ~ He felt that everyone in the room was looking at him, and his eyes were heavy enough to cause ordinary people to collapse, but Professor Charles could not dodge because, His lover, his children, also live here!

"I see." Professor Charles's eyes suddenly became cold. Suddenly, Qin suddenly realized that the professor had already hypnotized himself into the second personality. It was a cold personality that abandoned mercy and sorrow!

It is worth mentioning that it was this sub-personality that killed Charles's twin brother when he was a fetus, forcing it to escape as a spiritual body! And Professor Charles immediately said coldly:

"Workers in the third workshop, Mark, Sansted, Widow, and Kasley, are 45% likely spies, and they are recommended to be executed. Hack, Bobby, and Tony in the sixth workshop tried to steal confidential information in order to For confidentiality, execution is recommended. "

Professor Charles then turned to Prince Dracula:

"Dr. Octopus requested the abduction of the following researchers, please send someone to do this work, and take them to my room after the abduction, and I will brainwash them. If nothing is wrong, then the meeting will be adjourned." (To be continued) )

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