The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 74: The secret of LV Four! (Single Singles Day 1)

After Fang Senyan and Hegel Cheng concluded, the general point on his body soared to a point, and the potential point was 9 points, which was considered to reach a historical high. Fang Senyan spent a full five hours bargaining with others in the trading market, so in There is not much time left in the space. [Bookmark:] After hurriedly strolling around the market again, he was ready to rush to strengthen the basic capabilities. Who knew that when he came to a newly opened booth, his eyes were suddenly attracted by something.

Butcher's Bone Axe

Origin: Blacksmith Shop, Temple Town, Arizona

Equipment Rarity: Light Blue

Attack 3 ~ 16

Material: Shengyi

Weight: 11.2 kg

Durable Attack: Slow

Equipment use conditions: strength must be above 9 points, physical strength above 6 points

Equipment parts: left-handed / right-handed

Weapon effect "parry": You can use this weapon to parry the enemy's melee physical attack. If the parry is successful, then you will reduce the damage by% ~%.

When your Strength + Stamina attributes are higher than the attacker, the absorption damage ratio is% ~%.

If your Strength + Stamina attributes are lower than the attacker, the chance of absorbing damage is% ~ 15%. In addition, there are various factors that affect parry.

Note: Each time the parry is completed, the durability of the weapon will be reduced by 5 ~ points. When the durability value is o, this equipment will be directly damaged without repair. You can get healing energy in space or in special plot characters in some nightmare worlds.

Axe weapons have additional special effects: 1% reduction in hits and 2% increased critical strike chance.

Combat effectiveness score for this equipment: 9

Comments: The large axe surface can easily parry the enemy's attack.

To be honest, for many users, this weapon feels a bit cocky, mainly because of its slow attack and no bright spot of attack power. Of course, it is also a highlight to increase the passive weapon special parry and crit chance by 2%, otherwise it will only lose the life of the store.

And Fang Senyan fancy this axe is that it can have a chance to parry the enemy's passive special effect. Although this special effect may be the cost of the complete destruction of the weapon, for Fang Senyan who lost the cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton, such an offensive and defensive weapon is very suitable for him, under the high strength bonus This weapon, despite its low attack, can still do good damage when facing most enemies. By that time, Fang Senyan used the axe with his left hand and held the powerful rifle ambition with his right hand. I believe that he can cope with most situations.

However, for all advantages and disadvantages, this light blue weapon is obviously also sought after by many people. When Fang Senyan saw it, a large group of people were surrounded by the contractor's booth, and it seemed that the contractor seemed to be Anxious to leave, I also held an auction-like event on the spot, which directly explained that the highest bidder got it. Fang Senyan looked at this, and he gritted his teeth and squeezed in to take part in the shoot. However, the contractor was very interested in the light blue first aid kit that he had just acquired. The one-handed axe was taken into the hand at the cost of the first aid kit plus a little more common.

Next, Fang Senyan naturally strengthened his basic abilities. His basic abilities at this time were:

Basic Melee LV1

Basic footsteps LV2

Basic Stamina LV1

Advanced Basic Ability: Capture LV1

Among them are advanced basic capabilities: the first three basic capabilities must be upgraded to LV2 before this advanced ability can be upgraded to LV2.

Fang Senyan inquired about the Nightmare Mark and walked north of the Nightmare Space. After reaching the level of the wall in the space, Fang Senyan's nightmare imprinted a light on the chest, then paid a common point, and a door naturally opened in front of him. Fang Senyan entered a soft light after entering. In the secret room, lines of text floated in front of him in the form of a 3d holographic image, and Fang Senyan reached out a little to get relevant services.

Obviously, Fang Senyan's biggest shortcoming in melee is still the degree, so although the basic steps have been strengthened to LV2, he still chose to strengthen this attribute directly related to the degree. The obtained hint is that you need to pay points for general points + 1 potential point. After selecting "OK", Fang Sen Yancheng obtained the improvement of this attribute.

However, Fang Senyan soon appeared, and the cost of strengthening the basic footsteps of LV3 to LV4 has seen a large increase. Actually, it needs +2 potential points, and the equivalent currency is doubled directly! After thinking about it, he chose to continue to tentatively strengthen the basic footsteps. After the basic footsteps were strengthened to LV4, he actually got an extra hint:

Basic Footsteps LV4: Increases the owner's chance to dodge enemy attacks by 3%, and increases the basic mobility of the owner by 8%.

Tip: You have upgraded the basic steps to LV4, and touch the relevant conditions, please draw an extra special effect brought by the basic steps LV4.

Tip: You will randomly select one of the following special effects as an additional special effect for your basic footstep LV4. The time limit is ten seconds. If there is no action at that time, the space will assign one of the attributes for you.

a: The damage of the owner falling from a height is reduced by 33%.

B: The owner increases the dodge chance by 2%.

c: The owner increases the basic mobility by 2%.

d: The owner's reduction is reduced by 33% in harsh terrain deserts, swamps ...

e: The owner's chance of being hit by a melee attack increases by 2%, and the dodge rate against long-range attacks including spells and long-range physical attacks increases by 4%.

F: Owner's chance of being hit by a ranged attack increases by 2%, and dodge rate against melee attacks increases by 4%.

"It was possible to extract an additional special effect?" Fang Senyan was a bit surprised, he immediately thought of one thing, that is, if the rest of the basic ability is improved from LV3 to LV4, such similar bonus special effects will appear !! Because there was a time limit of ten seconds, Fang Senyan immediately chose the extraction, and the final set was e: the owner's chance of being hit by melee attacks increased by 2%, and the evasion rate of long-range attacks including spells and long-range physical attacks increased by 4 %.

Finally, the final attributes of the basic footstep LV4 of Fang Senyan are:

Basic Footsteps LV4: Increase the owner's 5% chance to dodge enemy attacks, and increase the master's basic movement by 8%.

Additional special effects: Owner's chance of being hit by melee attacks is increased by 2%, and the dodge rate against long-range attacks including spells and long-range physical attacks is increased by 4%.

After random attribute extraction, Fang Senyan got the hint of the Nightmare Mark. That is, if the contractor is not satisfied with the special effect, he can also pay GM points + 1 potential points to reduce the basic steps to LV3, the special effect obtained disappears, and then the contractor raises the basic steps to LV4 again, and naturally can get a chance to draw again! !! !!

Obviously, if the contractor has a lot of money at hand and wants to pursue some extreme attributes, he can repeatedly train in this way and finally obtain the attributes he is satisfied with. For Fang Senyan, the result of this extraction was quite satisfactory to him-of course, even if he was not satisfied, he did not dare to wash the point and start again. At present, the general points on his hand are only left. There are only 6 points left. After thinking about it for a while, Fang Senyan spent a total of general points and 2 potential points to increase the basic melee and basic endurance to LV2, which can be considered to meet the requirements to improve the advanced basic ability: capture fighting expertise.

However, it will cost more to upgrade the advanced basic ability: Grappling fighting specialization from LV1 to LV2, it takes a whole point of general points + 3 potential points! After Fang Senyan gritted his teeth, he reluctantly learned it. However, after the upgrade, the improvement of the capture combat specialization is also quite significant: Fang Senyan's melee attack damage / dodging / blocking / parry have been increased from the original 7% to%, which is also worth the money.

After this crazy consumption, Fang Senyan's universal point has shrunk back, the potential point has also become 1, and he has re-entered below the poverty line ~ ~ He also went to the space at this time After strolling around the bar, I also tried to sell some related intelligence experiences, but after contacting a few contractors, I realized that this move did not have any benefit other than genius in addition to exposing his strength. Because the world everyone experiences is in a dynamic state of change, most of the information is different from person to person, and there is a great chance that the information bought will be useless by geniuses.

To give a very simple example: In the world of Terminator, Sarah Conner exists, and it is difficult to kill her, but she is not ruled out. And Fang Senyan also just heard the example of a contractor who made her. So after killing her, John Connor, the leader of the Human Liberation Army, was not born, and the plot was stuck, and Skynet completely ruled the earth? Of course not, the Nightmare Space will automatically adjust, and the leader of the Human Liberation Army will be replaced by another person. He plays the same role as John Conner, but his personality and behavior may be different. If you spent a lot of money on a hidden mission about John Conner ... but there is no such person in the Terminator world you have experienced, wouldn't it be like crying without tears and wanting to return it?


Happy Singles' Day, let my update accompany you through this festival, and I wish you goodbye to this festival.

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