The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 75: Tsinghua University Diploma (Single Singles' Day 2)

Similarly: "Captain Jack" in Pirates of the Caribbean is not invincible, but even if he dies, a "Captain Tom" may run out to perform his role. So usually, the contractor will exchange their adventures instead of buying ...

After finishing all the piecemeal things, the hour limit for staying in the space should be almost reached. Fang Senyan boarded the elevator and returned to the real world in accordance with the old rules. Within five minutes, he crossed the barriers of time and space and returned to the ground floor of the three-story city of Pingyu.

Although this is not the first time that he has experienced such a thing, Fang Senyan still has the illusion of being alive, and can't help but stand still for a while. But this state was quickly destroyed by a sharp cry!

"You're doing it here!"

Fang Senyan turned back, and saw a woman who was as thin as a broomstick looking at him aggressively. She wore a white apron with "Houji chicken essence" around her waist. She took a stainless steel spoon containing soy sauce on her left hip and her right hand. He came over with a violent question holding the submachine gun.

"I ... I'm looking for the toilet."

"The latrine is on the second floor! The idlers are here!"

Fang Senyan could only escape from the wasteland. When he walked far away, he could still feel the woman's hot eyes burning on his back ... He shook his head with a smile and went to the first floor to leave the city with his hands empty. After leaving the air-conditioned shelter, suddenly The direct sun drenched in sweat. At this time at noon, Fang Senyan couldn't help but turned into a stall next to him, asked for a stir-fried rice noodle, and picked up two bottles of white-skinned Pearl River beer from the freezer next to him, using his teeth After biting it, I blew a bottle when I looked up, and finally I knew a little about the stuffiness.

With the slight intoxication, Fang Senyan gently tapped his fingers on the table, but his mind was already on the next schedule. The last time I received the call of the Nightmare World in two and a half weeks in the real world, and according to some information he collected before, even the contractor who received the call of space after a full interval of two months. If such a long time is not used reasonably, it will be a complete waste.

Fang Senyan exhaled comfortably, using chopsticks and beer on the table to list the things he needed to do now:

One: Inquire about the whereabouts of the senior uncle and Sanzi, and then merge with them

2: Complete the mission on the soul equipment "Endless Vodka" and lift its seal

Three: Collection title: The wines listed by the master of wine tasting.

Four: do Hua Huafei, remove the hidden dangers of yourself and others.

Among these things, in terms of Fang Senyan's personal emotions, he definitely wants to do the first thing first. The flesh and blood is displaced, and there is no message. As long as it is a person, the heart must be extremely anxious. But now Fang Senyan is likely to be caught in the country and wanted by the country. There are too many places for the second senior to go. Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and other places may be their destinations. The direction of the wind when Fu Yuan sailed was decided, and although the uncle was loyal and honest, he also saw more people's sinister heart. After suffering a big loss, he naturally knew that he was far away from the sphere of influence of flying shirts. So ... Fang Senyan can only regret pressing this desire in his heart.

So there is no doubt that unlocking the soul equipment of "endless vodka" should be urgent. This piece of equipment can not only greatly increase Fang Senyan's strength, but also subtly complement his title "Drunk Man", and also can improve Fang Senyan's current shortcoming: mobility! And in the process of unlocking "endless vodka", you can also collect the liquor listed by the master tasting achievements.

As for Huashanfei, the root of this person is in Fangcheng. If he leaves there, this guy will have no foundation. Therefore, Fang Senyan is not afraid of him running, if you want to find him, you can find it at any time, but only if you can handle the Vietnamese gangsters hired by this guy. As far as Fang Senyan is concerned, he has not yet had a talented master to grasp the strength of being able to forcibly do Huahuafei in the real world, so the priority of this matter should be put to the end.

With this in mind, Fang Senyan also made a plan for his trip in the next few weeks. However, before that, in order to prevent the senior uncle from falling into the blouse with a small probability, Fang Senyan had to do one thing. After eating the Pho that the boss sent up, he went to the side. I bought a cheapest mobile phone in a chicken feather mobile phone store, took a card at random, and dialed the phone number in the flower shirt flying house that was written in my heart. After ten seconds, the flower shirt flying cold The voice rang in Fang Senyan's ear: "Who are you?"

Fang Senyan said lightly:

"Flower shirt flying, do you still want to get back the goods?"

At this moment, the pupil of the flower shirt on the other side of the phone had shrunk. He was scorching the goods worth tens of millions in the past few days, and almost lost his family. There was also a **** east tiger who was suffering from the loss of his son. Really domestic and foreign difficulties! After hearing Fang Senyan's words, he could not restrain the roar immediately:

"Fang Senyan, you, a street-fashioner! What do you want?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Senyan's mouth, shrugging, and answering the question:

"Talk to you next time."

Then I hung up the phone very simply, and threw it backhand into the trash can next to it.

"Uncle senior, they are all safe at the moment." Fang Senyan easily reached such a judgment.

Because if Huashanfei had a hostage in his hands, then his answer must be: "You 龘 * still want your brother and uncle alive, so you can exchange the goods." And with such a phone as the bedding, Fang Senyan has You can be sure: even if Huashuangfei catches the senior uncle again, they will at most suffer only from the flesh without the genius and life-threatening danger, because at this time, Huashuangfei just loses red eyes. Gambler, whoever hopes to have a comeback, must seize it and never let it go!

I went back to the top of Iizotori Island to clean up, leaving the words "All is safe" in a conspicuous place. If the seniors and uncles come here, they can receive the message at a glance, and most people will read it. It's foggy. Then he made a simple makeover, and got a motorized three-wheeler in Pingyu Town and came to the county seat. There is no doubt that Fang Senyan found the advertisements on the telephone poles and the walls about "certificate application and carved seals" very smoothly, and then a phone call was made.

Fang Senyan said on the phone that he wanted to buy a diploma of Tsinghua University, and the opposite was very quotation: ordinary 800, Seiko, perfect. Fang Senyan also didn't have a talented master how to bargain, and directly said that he wanted a perfect one. The person who made the false testimony directly reported the address lazily and let him pick it up! Obviously, the local public security department's supervision in this area is quite lax, or the guy behind the false certificate is quite tough.

The address given by the man was somewhat remote, and Fang Senyan asked several people along the way before turning into a withered alley. Most of the houses in the alleys are crooked and tiled houses, and both sides of the alleys are covered with gutters. The black water inside emits an extremely disgusting smell, and the ground is even more broken. "A very stinky black water shot from the gap, and your pants were soaked with moisture, even if it was dry, it gave off a nasty smell.

At the end of the alley, Fang Senyan looked around and finally, covered his nose and knocked on the door of the right yard according to the house number nailed to the side wall. After waiting for a while, a promise was heard. The man who opened the door was a man with a shirt in his pants. This man was not bad, but his jaw was too sharp, and his eyes were a little loose, so he felt this person. Very oily. When he saw Fang Senyan, he smiled:

"Little brother is here to get a certificate, come here."

Then he pulled in Fang Senyan with one hand and closed the back door incidentally. Fang Senyan deliberately made a little cringe:

"Is the certificate I want ready?"

"That's it!"

"I want the perfect version."

"It must be perfect, it is guaranteed to be truer than it really is!"

While they were making boring dialogues, they walked into the yard, and suddenly came out from the side. Two guys who were not serious at first sight, and their tattoos on the arms blocked Fang Senyan's turning back. Living. Fang Senyan called out and was afraid:

"What are you doing! What do I need?"

One of the tall men sneered "www" from the nostrils ~ ~ and lost a wrinkled paper head! Spiked Road:

"Perfect version of Tsinghua University diploma, give money!"

Fang Senyan glanced at it, and saw the crooked five words on the white paper:

"Tsinghua diploma ..."

And it is estimated that after writing Tsinghua two words, the ball-point pen will run out of water, and the next three words will be written in pencil. Fang Senyan looked at this waste paper, which was too dirty, and said silently:

"This is what you call a Tsinghua diploma?"

"That's right! Uncle managed to make it." The two men seem to be familiar with the current situation and are very skilled. They have rolled up their sleeves and forced Fang Senyan in front of them. Obviously, they just don't pay Robbery idea. "Give money, don't let me get it!"

Fang Senyan, who looked frightened, suddenly raised her head, showing her teeth and smiling:

"Sorry, it seems you grabbed my line."

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