The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 40: Memorial

Although Fang Senyan was domineering at this time, in the face of such a fierce blow, he still didn't have the courage to make a hard connection, and the back wall suddenly hit the back!

After a loud noise, a huge hole was opened immediately behind Fang Senyan. A cool wind blew. You can hear bricks, furniture, and other things falling down at your feet. Anyway, here is the seventh and eighth floor Height. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

When Fang Senyan rushed to the door again, the dust flashed red instantly, and a large amount of light was emitted like a torrential rain, but it was a bullet pouring out crazy! These locust-like bullets dragged a long flare behind them, hitting the target and causing a burst, Fang Senyan was caught off guard and took a few shots. He was beaten back and took several steps, and he was about to rush out. Dodge, I didn't expect the familiar tightness on my feet!

Obviously, you don't need to know to know, KD secretly calculated him again. If the concrete on the staircase came alive, it spread along his shoes and covered the calf, and then stuck, fixed, Fang Senyan roared suddenly, suddenly The right foot was pulled hard and pulled out on the floor, making a loud noise, and the stairs were stepped down to sink half a meter, if it was not for the steel bars inside it, I believe it would have collapsed long ago.

This kick, even Fang Senyan heard a scream from the concrete that clings to his feet, the hoarse and screaming sound, which sounds completely unlike humans, but it is a KD captive land The **** was badly hit.

It was just that Fang Senyan was delayed for nearly a second after all, and he immediately felt a great threat coming from him. At this time, he had two choices. One was to take honor potion immediately, and the other was to use the transmission of dark gold ring. Either option can crack the current crisis! But at this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly turned in his heart ... Many thoughts flashed in his heart:

"After approaching this building, I have suffered several previous attacks and cooperated very well ..."

"Then there should be a person who gives orders, and my every move was actually prejudged by him ..."

"The black hand was very cautious behind the scenes, and it can be said that it was a typical example of a miss. Then [] should not be him, but it should also be the person in charge of the battlefield situation in his place."

"It seems that this kind of action should indeed have a wise man sitting on the spot. But there should only be a wise man sitting on the town! There are many people who give orders, which may not be a good thing!"

".... How would I react if I were in an enemy position?"

These thoughts flashed in an instant. Fang Senyan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he chose to do nothing!

In the next second, an extremely dazzling beam of light spewed out of the dust and smoke, and the light was extremely condensed. When it was shot in an instant, there was a storm of power, and it hit Fang Senyan's chest all at once, and the light was extremely intense Come out, it's almost like that dazzling light emitted when welding! Even a hundred times, a thousand times, a million times! Almost dazzling. God for it!

Such a magnificent momentum can only be described by the concentrated energy bombardment of the main gun above the space fleet. This blow is simply the leaked energy and the collapse of the load-bearing structure of the building. Then collapsed!

The billowing smoke and madness surging, if the clouds rise! Almost within a kilometer, those ordinary people screamed and ran wild.

At this moment in the smoke, a heavily armored bronze mech was burning.

Fang Senyan, the shape of this mech, is no stranger to it, because it is the expensive machinery in Avatar ... exoskeleton system. The full name is ... that is augmented mobile platform. [] Is a medium-sized mobile exoskeleton operated by a single person.

But this thing looks much more powerful and delicate than the ordinary mech seen in Avatar! If the mech on the Avatar planet looks like a muscular but uncle who pulls a rickshaw, then the mech appearing at this time can only be described by heavily armed special forces.

KD is also a very good wise man. Under his suggestion, the team also got a lot of hidden plots and good things.

You know, the development of the Avatar planet is a large private consortium. The military weapons they receive are unlikely to threaten the government. Therefore, the various weapons appearing in the movie are actually behind the technology on the planet. Ten to thirty years.

And this powerful mecha was actually after the KD team entered the Avatar world and actually thought of a way to return to Earth with the Gullit on the Enterprise Ship. After more than three years of dormancy and successful arrival, they purchased it Arrival of premium goods! !!

This AMP exoskeleton system can take four people, but it has replaced the main battle tank status. No matter whether it is survivability or energy output, it far exceeds the exoskeleton system on the planet Avatar. And KD got another big killer in the Galaxy World, that is the drawing of the Yamato gun! Yes, it is the drawing of the gun of Yamato on the Terran Ultimate Weapon Cruiser in StarCraft!

Needless to say, KD tried to combine the two together, and after a series of transformations, they became their team's strongest killer. The power is very scary! The cost of just launching it once is also prohibitive. The main thing is that the Yamato gun is installed on a huge large object such as the Star Cruiser. Although the output is reduced after being transformed by KD, it is also quite unsuitable to match the AMP exoskeleton system, as if it is an 80 kg Caucasian male dog. A female Chihuahua on a kilogram ...... when the estrus comes, it is a tragedy.

Because Fang Senyan's momentum is too strong, and Gullit knows that there is only one chance. If the attack is missed, the opponent's legal awakener has the ability to cut off time and space. It can be said that this attack is determining Life and death, so Gullit has unprecedentedly increased the power of the Yamato gun!

Of course, the price paid was the worst. At this time, KD's AMP exoskeleton system seemed very embarrassing. Several key places were burning. The alarms in the control room were squeaking and fire extinguishers. Nitrogen is constantly sprayed, but not only that, the barrels of the Yamato guns mounted on the shoulders of the AMP exoskeleton system are directly dissolved like candles, and the red hot metal drips.

The energy display scale in the cockpit also slipped to red, and there were crackling electric sparks on the dashboard, which seemed to burst at any time, and the KD three looked extremely tired.

This is also very normal. The AMP exoskeleton system uses a large-scale killer such as a naval gun. Then the energy system is the main burden. In order to increase the power, then aiming, testing, calculating, modulating the balance, and controlling the launch time, all To control the occupants' mental strength, the three of them all seem to have only relatively bitter smiles at this time.

"No!" Pulzbila suddenly lost her voice. "Why didn't we receive a prompt to kill?"

KD has the answer:

"That ’s because he is in a state of dying? This guy can be so valued by your Excellency, it is impossible without life-saving means. After ten seconds, the energy is restored to 25%, then the vital sign radar will re-operate, and we can naturally He searched out from under the ruins and killed him. The equipment on this man is very small ... "

KD just said here, the whole AMP suddenly trembled, and the thick bullet-proof glass that was already densely cracked slammed into a thousand points of crystal! A scorched arm stretched in and grabbed Przybilla's chest. Instantly, a dark green faint light appeared on the palm of the hand, and he was ripped out by him fiercely.

Pulzbila made a sudden move, a leg stuck in the window, and was just torn off by blood! He screamed suddenly, but then, a cold fist hit his face and smashed it ...

A few crackling sounds of "Papapapap"! Just listening to this voice, you can imagine how the head was smashed like a egg!

Puldbira ......... dead!

The dust gradually annihilated, revealing a scorched, black figure. This figure stood there, Yuan Yuanyue, standing there. There was a feeling of suppressing the earth. The fire suddenly flashed, and the figure pulled out a branch. The cigar, after igniting, took a deep breath, and threw it on Pulzira's body.

Fang Senyan turned his back on KD and Gullit in the AMP exoskeleton system ~ ~ It is not unavoidable to sacrifice Mogansha, apparently he is sure that they must be killed.

Gullit's breathing was very heavy, KD's face was as gray as usual, the muscles on his face kept beating, and he was holding the weapon in his hand. It was meant to create an atmosphere of **** fighting, but it sounded from time to time. The coughing and sneezing sounds were also great. Fang Senyan stared at the cigar on the ground for a while, sighed, and turned around.

He looked at Gullit coldly, and said wisely:

"Great energy cannon, almost killing me here."

Fang Senyan said, while raising his fist slowly, Gullit suddenly drew his gun at Fang Senyan's crazy pull trigger, but Fang Senyan was hitting the west at this moment, and rushed to KD! He had previously made a slight momentum and could not expect to hide KD, but he deceived Gullit, otherwise, if he turned and fled by the chance of killing KD himself, then chasing it really took a lot of effort ... Today I wanted to make three changes, but this chapter is too obscure. So I owe one more and make up tomorrow. (To be continued) RQ

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