The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 41: KD's death

KD is not such a person who is easily fooled, but Fang Senyan didn't want to hide it! Seeing that Fang Sen's rock is like a tiger hunting, it is generally fiercely rushed up, KD is not a person to stand by, and he has always been commanding and dispatching from a distance, and the consumption is minimal. []

So in the face of Fang Senyan's flutter, the light on his body flashed, and he used the honor potion to fill up the mental power, and then screamed loudly, all over his body were bursting out, seemingly endless electric light, Then start gathering!

However, at this time, KD suddenly found a very fatal thing, because at this time Fang Senyan has begun to control the disease outbreak on his body, so various negative states are also revealed on the body, which is for the legal system contract One of the most horrible things for people is high fever ------- Enable the enemy to continue to have a high fever, and double the mental energy consumption when releasing any ability!

At this time, KD's ability to show the same goal is very overbearing. For him, even in the heyday, he can only barely perform. However, once the negative effects of high fever are added, he immediately falls into a Very awkward situation.

That is the MP value is not enough blue!

It ’s true that the wise man has lost everything. Fang Senyan put too much pressure on KD, so it is not uncommon for KD to make the most basic and simple mistakes at this time. He just felt that his eyes were dark, and he suddenly vomited blood come out.

The AMP exoskeleton defense that lost the energy protection was actually very fragile, and Fang Senyan slammed the porthole fiercely. He swooped in in a rampant way and grabbed KD's throat and lifted it hard!

Fang Senyan's feet were stunned. The AWP exoskeleton robot was attacked from the inside and immediately creaked. Several circuits also burst out of dazzling electric sparks. They flickered and jumped in the cabin, as if they were being attacked. A dead snake struggling to stubbornly chop off his head. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

KD exhausted his whole body. His face turned red, and a few words came out of his throat:

"You kill me, you can never find the man who controls all of this behind the scenes!"

Fang Senyan did not answer. There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, but he did not hesitate to point KD at the steel wall next to him and slammed it hard. KD was suppressed by his terror. There is no room to fight back! !! KD screamed bloodily in the trembling and screaming:

"Don't kill me, don't kill me !! That man is monitoring our every move through satellites. He has a strange ability to plunder the luck of others around him and bless him, and then use the luck of plunder to confront the enemy, Run out of the opponent ’s luck, so if you want to find him, you just need to investigate. If you find a lot of people in bad luck, you will be able to find him! "

Fang Senyan slammed hard again, knocked KD into the dying state, and then smiled and said:

"I know that you will never tell lies now, because the purpose of telling this information is not good intentions, nothing more than hope that I take the initiative to find that guy. Then he killed me to avenge you, so ... ..... you can die too! "

The muscles on KD's face twitched and he wanted to talk, but Fang Senyan showed no mercy. With a force in his hand, he cracked his neck bone with a click!

KD, the wise man, is also the best choice. However, Fang Senyan, who was in the middle of the day, was desperate to crack the trick, killing him on the spot.

KD's biggest mistake was that he was too confident in the Yamato gun he had transformed himself! So when Fang Senyan escaped with a sigh of death, he seemed to be caught by surprise and was suddenly collapsed by Fang Senyan.

At this time, the guy Gullit had run hundreds of meters away, and the guy was running in a very vicious direction. He actually rushed to the gathering place of the distant curse annihilation. []

Obviously, Gullit knew that he might not be able to escape Fang Senyan's pursuit, so he had to pull his back before he died! The group of people who cursed Dao had a deep hatred with them before. Fang Senyan was a companion who was killed and hurt so much that he would kill them. But those who can restrain him must also be the target of quick removal!

Because they have to stay in this world for a while, who wants to be completely paralyzed without knowing it? After Fang Senyan's fight with the cursed people, Gullit can still survive and escape. It is definitely not impossible ...

Regarding Gullit's psychology, Fang Senyan watched the fire from the hole, and he would no longer be forced by the sinking water, leaving Gullit to escape. Seeing that the other party was approaching the square, the television broadcast truck used to carry the twin brothers had experienced it vividly, but Fang Senyan frowned, because he felt that there was a vicious feeling of Longtan Tiger's Cave in front of her.

And this place is obviously a public place, but there is no one at this time. It is unpredictable, as if the biochemical crisis has started, and it seems that the square in front is not a square at all. Shone, but did not make any sound! The center of the vortex is the TV broadcast truck.

It was only that Gullit was exhausted, and at the same time, his perception could not be compared with Fang Senyan at all, so he didn't know that he was almost going to die on his own, and suddenly entered the whirlpool.

Suddenly, a sound came directly into his ear, and when I heard it, it was instantly switched to the deep darkness, and the sound seemed to go through countless interspersed twists and turns, and there was a kind of double mysterious gloom.

"Too tired to live ........."

"What else are you fighting for?"

"Just die!"

"Dead, dead!"



Gullit only felt a headache, but there was still a clear line of mind in his heart, and he ran with his head buried, hoping to escape as soon as possible, but suddenly a dark flash flickered in front of his eyes, and a corpse was looming out of the vehicle next to him. In the process of rushing out, it quickly rotted and scorched, and finally the body quickly turned into ashes, leaving only the head!

The head that lost the body is flying at a very fast speed, and it can be seen that it has fangs and grin, and it is a flesh that has not been rotten! Very scary.

Although Gullit is a guy who is good at driving, he is also a wakener. He immediately took a breath in panic and hurried to the side, but after taking this breath, there seemed to be ten million needles in his chest. It was extremely painful during the jab of madness. He looked at it and flashed it. The phantom of the skull swirled around in the air, and it was stalked obliquely, and it bit his throat!

Suddenly, a very cold feeling spread all over Gullit's whole body. He yelled. At this moment, the entire person lost control of the body, and the body was stiff. It was even moving half a root. The ability to finger www.7ket can't do it! The skull actually exerted its strength slowly and hung him slowly in the air, and then there appeared countless skulls flailing and tearing his flesh.

Gullit spent a lot of energy during the siege of the ace team before. When the Yamato ship gun was previously launched, he used the honor potion to fill up the mental power. He is the controller of the AMP exoskeleton. The Ma Tuo gun was fired after it was turned on to its maximum power. Although it successfully hit Fang Senyan, it was also broken and scrapped. Therefore, as a controller, Gullit focused on man-machine integration, and the damage suffered was not light. At this time, only the remaining After less than 40% of his life value, he died in the hallucination.

In Fang Senyan, after seeing Gullit running forward, he suddenly became stupid and usually hit a police car directly. There was a crackling noise, and the police window was scattered naturally, but that originally fell. Pieces of blood-stained glass actually floated, and then frantically interspersed around Gullit's body, killing him alive, and shaving it into a bone in less than five minutes!

Fang Senyan's eyebrows fluttered. He came at this moment with the momentum of killing five people. Although he seemed to be embarrassed, the fighting spirit and fighting spirit have climbed to the peak. This Gullit can be said to be in his eyes. The thought of being killed first was that Hukou snatched food to commit his taboo. Take a deep breath now, and walked over there!

Every time Fang Senyan settled down at this time, it was like a huge monster such as Kurutuo ~ ~ The ground was violently shaking! You can hear the sound of pouring cups and plates falling from nearby coffee shops. He walked slowly forward alone, but there were faint changes that would turn the world upside down!

This is the biggest difference between the breeder hunter and the awakened one. The former is looking for his own way, while the latter is already finding his own way, and is about to advance valiantly! Rampage! Go forward! In addition, Fang Senyan accumulated a lot of hair, and after he woke up, he gained his own waking skills. At this time, he used war to support the war and blood sacrifice hatred. Naturally, he has fully exerted the features of the elders with dual attributes.

Seeing Fang Senyan's appearance, the conjecture hidden in the dark also appeared. At this time he began to use a black cloth headshot, and there were blood stains at the corners, and he said sharply to Fang Senyan:

"You retreat, live! You come, die!"

When this guy was talking, Fang Senyan noticed that the TV broadcast car was on fire, and then he was about to run away quickly. Fang Senyan frowned, as if two knives were slashing sharply. The two people were On the list of kills, second only to Pulzbila, and he has to stay in this world for at least two or three weeks, how can he sit idly by and watch this hidden danger escape? (To be continued) RQ

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