The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 57: Zandalari

> Mo An's bones are also very hard, so his insistence almost made Fang Senyan go against his principle of not treating women and children --- although these women and children can use an ak skillfully Kill ten people. M

Fortunately, Fang Senyan quickly transferred the pressure to Mo An. In the eyes of the rest, the death of his loved ones is often a heavy responsibility for Mo An. So, when Fang Senyan shot and killed the seventeenth man, his wife stood up and screamed madly:

"You should start with Mo An's family, his wife, son, father, brother !! Why didn't this **** get punished first?"

Fang Senyan said in front of his eyes:

"Good idea, but I don't know these people ... oh, you should be familiar with them."

Fang Senyan shamelessly used the pronouns "you" and "them" to successfully break the relationship between Mo An and his people.

Then Mo'an's "nine races" were selected, even the men who had **** with him were no exception ...

Not everyone can be indifferent to seeing their loved ones dying in front of him. Mo An's nerves seem to be surprisingly tenacious, but after seeing six people dead, he still feels the edge of his own endurance.

The threat from the Zandalari tribe in Benghazi, although large, is at least not imminent. At this time, Mo An had already regretted his behavior of trying to cheat a lot of money, and now he realized that the money was almost like coal, oh no, it was a hot hand like lava.

After the death of the seventh man, Mo An's favorite brother, he finally screamed:

"Stop! Stop, I tell you everything! Tell you everything you want to know!"

Fang Senyan smiled:

"Isn't that great? You see, I gave you three times the price, but you still have to push back three and four. If you knew this already, you would meet me in that store. Why should there be so many people dead and why not delay? So much time? "

Moan gritted his teeth:

"That's because you don't know the cruelty of the Zandalar tribe! They're all crazy!"

Fang Senyan said sharply:

"Since you don't want to do it, oh. You should be afraid to do it, then why charge me?"

Mo An was so impressed that he hadn't had the courage to say that I just wanted to hack you for a sum of money. Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"You see, it's all your fault. You underestimated my strength, so you wanted to deceive me. In fact, you just didn't realize it. That's why I can't be more scary than the Zandalar tribe?

Mo An paused. His sanity told himself it was absolutely impossible. How could a group of people reach a total population of 170,000. It is said that the Zandalar tribe who also owns Apache and missiles competes? But Fang Senyan didn't give him time to daze, and said directly:

"I'll give you ten seconds and give me the information that I have paid for the purchase."


Given the lessons learned here at Mo An. Therefore, Fang Senyan had no plans to use peaceful means to complete the task. The Zandalar tribe in Benghazi almost replaced the government's functions in the local area, and their cruelty could stop the children crying.

and so. What Fang Senyan was looking for, the Nigerian thick gold mask, was so generously placed on the desk of the tribal leader Zandalari.

Although for ordinary people, to take this thing through n sentries and n high-level anti-theft organs, it is almost a terrible nature, but to Fang Senyan, it doesn't seem that difficult.

"The only news we have now is that the target is on the desk of the tribal leader Zandalar. He is in the Zandalar building. It is a modern building covering an area of ​​more than 60,000 square meters. Damn more than seven thousand rooms! "Fang Senyan sighed:

"Besides that, we are completely confused, we do n’t know the topography of that **** place, we do n’t know the configuration of the organs there, we do n’t know the relevant firepower points, and we do n’t even know what ’s special about this thick Kuijin surface . This is not good news. To make matters worse, we are still in a hurry! Let us share our views. "

The reef simply made a "flat push" gesture.

Zi ’s opinion is to divide the troops and divide into four-way operations. It should not be difficult to get the full list of the core backbone members of the Zandalar tribe. Then three people went to assassinate those minions to cause confusion. Fang Senyan went straight into the palace and should be able to handle it.

After hearing Zi's plan. Fang Senyan only smiled bitterly, and she believed too much in himself, but Fang Senyan knew himself. He knew he was not suitable for this job. Even if he rushed in, he might not be able to escape. After all, there were Rocky and Binding. If the guy has a thorn in his back! It is too risky to do this kind of thing in such a situation.

Fang Senyan suddenly missed Ronnie on the planet of Elops. If this guy was by his side, everything would be as simple as a hot red knife encountering butter.

As for Ronnie's personal willingness to do this, Fang Senyan does not consider this issue. It is a good thing to be willing to go. If he doesn't want to go, it will naturally become a matter of time after a few feet ..... I do n’t know why The matter is very stubborn, but it is very corporal punishment of superiors in the army.

Sanzi said that he could use the power of Kurutuo to dig into the tunnel. The key to the problem was the inaccurate positioning. Fang Senyan could not find the study room where the golden mask was placed. What is the use of digging?

At this time, the old Charlie proposed a plan, which was full of the wickedness of the sword to go from side to side, and of course there was a large-scale spread of death. However, the effect is also extremely obvious. It is surprising that the Zandalar tribe can actively send out the thick golden mask of Fangkui. After Fang Senyan heard it, he was silent for a while and nodded.

In hot Africa, most people have the habit of nap, because the tropical sun is extremely hot during the afternoon, so they simply rest in the shade to avoid the power of the scorching sun.

When Fang Senyan arrived in Benghazi, it was eleven in the morning, and it was just over an hour from the massive siesta.

Then ...... with the help of Professor X and Qin, the advanced demon Freddie, he smiled and walked into people's dreams at the same time ... To be more precise, he walked into Zanda In the dreams of the people in the building, Freddy can now enter the dream of twenty people at one time! "

These twenty people died completely within one to seven minutes. No matter how advanced medical methods are, they can only find the cause of "cardiac paralysis".

Then the demon Freddie began to choose the next batch of victims.

Within a short period of half an hour, the number of people who died of "heart palsy" reached a staggering 110, and then Freddie stopped. However, before closing, he still entered the dreams of 30 people and then induced and influenced them. The dreams of these 30 people are different, but there will be a clear common point, that is, the thick mask of thick Kui, and Before the dream ended, the mask tried to slaughter them in the way they feared most ...

It is conceivable that this incident will cause a terrible uproar in the Zandalar building like a group of iron plates.

One hundred and ten corpses with different positions and different genders are totally random bodies.

Thirty witnesses were terrified, with different positions and genders.

The thick golden mask of Jukui instantly became the devil's relic.

But the stubborn old Zandalari rejected the will of the people very, very resolutely. In fact, he has done this many times. The stubbornness of the elderly is almost harder than the uncut granite. Hundred lives changed?

So ..... the second wave of deaths continues to strike, because there is no natural opportunity to catch the morning break, so the number of deaths this time has been reduced to forty, but the death list has been added to the current old Zandalar Eleven people who were scared to be about to lose their minds once again testified that Rongkui's golden mask tried to kill himself in the worst way in his dream.

This time there is chaos in the entire building ~ ~ This is not only because of the death chaos caused by the mask, but also because of the vacuum chaos that emerged after the moment of power out of control!

Old Zandalar's body was very healthy until his death. Although he was fifty-eight years old, there was no sign that he could not live to be sixty-eight, seventy-eight, or even eighty-eight. So from the bottom down, power is evenly distributed among the sons.

This means four words: division, civil strife.

Fang Senyan and his party walked into the Zandalar Building as doctors. The guards at the entrance were useless, and when they entered the building, they even heard gunfire. So far, Fang Senyan didn't know where the golden mask of Rongkui was placed, but I believe that after so many things, someone will rush to take them there.

"Hey! You infected!" Jiao Ji grabbed a woman next to him, anxiously: "I'm a member from the United Nations Health Organization! I heard that the horrific killing virus also appeared here, take it fast Let's go where the virus originated! "

The woman's face turned blue immediately, because of the authority brought by the white coat, she could hear the three words very clearly: "Feeling .... Dye .....?" The woman trembled.

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