The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 58: misfortune

> .. The interior decoration of the Zandalar Building is magnificent, and it can be said that it is not inferior to any of the world's top 500 corporate headquarters buildings. M

When the heart of the building was already in danger and everyone was in danger, the trembling sound from this woman made people goosebumps all over.

Sanzi took out his platinum P resource card in a luxurious ice fire poisonous dragon club, and strolled in front of this woman, seriously:

"Please verify our identity. We are experts sent by the United Nations Health Organization. Due to the sudden increase of gamma rays in sunlight, some viruses attached to certain antiquities in the form of fake deaths have recovered, leading to the outbreak of ancient viruses. Now, and now you already have a virus in your body, but it is still in the incubation period and there is no outbreak. Take us there, then there may be rescue! "

Sanzi's words are obviously many flaws, especially the platinum P resource card of the high-end club is also used to impersonate the work permit, and it is even more obvious that the aunt is not aware of Chinese characters.

Fortunately, although the decoration of this building can be compared with the top 500 companies in the world, the quality of the staff inside it is incomparable. Adding to the strong death atmosphere that spread throughout the building, it is naturally Destroyed all precautions.

The aunt was immediately confused by the Platinum P member's card, and she clearly regarded Sanzi as the only straw after falling into the water, and immediately grasped it fiercely:

"Okay, I'll take you there. I know where it originated!"

The reef actually pulled out an instrument, and said positively:

"How could you know? Don't mislead us!"

Aunt screamed and hissed exhaustedly:

"It must not be wrong, it must be that **** mask, please, please let me take you there!"

For this kind of party leading to the door, Fang Senyan was very unkind and mumbled and questioned whether the aunt would lead the wrong way and mislead his work progress. The non-stop counting of the windows falling here did not conform to the principle of daylighting. It is easy to breed bacteria, and poor ventilation there can easily cause a cold outbreak. The floor cleaner didn't give the force to cause the breeding of bacteria ... These topics are, to the aunt, "although they don't understand what they are talking about, they seem to be very powerful" .........

Chief Zandalari usually does not have much official duties to do, because this tribe has secretly ruled Benghazi for more than ten years, and everything has been on track. Even if something happens, his sons will perform He scrambled to share, so he didn't have much business to do. In his free time, this old guy is more willing to spend time in the largest local brothel.

and so. Chief Zandalar's office is actually a rally parlor. The study, and even mating areas, are the areas where the least use is for office work. So of course it is impossible to place anything valuable here. It's like we usually don't put our bankbook cash in the living room, which is a relatively public place.

So when Fang Senyan walked into Chief Zandalar's office, the resistance they encountered was far more unexpected than before, of course. Because of that dream, it wasn't that no one planned to smash the culprit mask to vent his anger, but was stopped by four guards, because although the current Zandalari died, the Nigerian thick thick gold mask lost its amulet on the surface. , But in fact it has another amulet, which is the expensive transaction price.

Before the new Zandalari Chief was elected and dealt with the thick mask of Rongkui, the four guards did not dare to bear the responsibility of losing the mask, so they stopped Fang Senyan and his party.

This is also the first battle that occurred after Fang Senyan and others entered the castle. It was also a battle of no suspense.

The thick mask of Rongkui looks very wide, but it has a certain range. How to say, the pig waist face in the legend must have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, then this golden mask is for the growth of a pig waist face shape Build it.

The corner of the mouth of the golden mask has two blood-stained fangs. Although the eye sockets have holes, there is an indescribable evil anomaly. The golden features on the golden mask are very deep and distinct, and it looks like a knife and axe, but the cheeks that are too wide have a tolerant majestic expression.

From the back, it seems that there is a strange layer of light inside the Nigerian thick gold mask, which is a fresh golden light that seems to be boiling. People love this light, so the gold standard system is common in all countries. If you look closely, you will also find that there are still a few small holes in the golden mask, and there seems to be another mystery.

Fang Senyan hasn't studied this thing for too long. He only needs to confirm whether this precious cultural relic is hidden like a crystal skull. However, he suddenly feels a weird thing. Yes, his fingers seem to have touched The surface of Rou Kui's golden mask, but in fact it can't go in for a couple of milliseconds. It is as if there is a layer of invisible and transparent film in between, so that Fang Senyan cannot really touch the body of the mask.

"What's the situation?" While Fang Senyan was wondering, there was a sudden loud noise in the cabinet next to him, and a tall, very black man appeared from the inside. This black man's body was both explosive, strong and agile, like Like the famous star in the BA, Garnett, stepped out.

But this black man's dull eyes, dead gray skin, and slightly mechanical movements have betrayed his identity. This should be a puppet, similar to the voodoo returning souls. Sanzi Hezi's voice came at the same time:

"Brother I, I feel like something is being called!"

"Sailor, there is a wave in space, not to summon things from the rest of the plane, but to teleport things from somewhere in the world! We have a layer of invisible shields on our side, blocked at least, at least It takes three minutes to help you. "

Fang Senyan's face was also gloomy at this time, his body was tense all over.

He is not a person with a persecution disease, but the previous situation appeared unstoppable in his mind ………. A completely unexpected car accident, then the team was divided and isolated, and a unit was set on fire ... .. The difference is that the person who was previously excluded was himself, and the teammates who were activated and isolated were teammates, but now he has changed to the role of trying to survive! Teammates can only watch beside!

The over-reacted Fang Senyan stepped forward suddenly, hitting a full-fledged uppercut and hitting the chin next to the soul corpse. Fang Senyan had already launched the attack with all his strength. He actually hit the guy fiercely. His flesh flew immediately, hitting the top floor of the upper floor, and smashing the beautifully decorated chandeliers. The slump was rotten, and then slammed back to the ground, and the flesh and blood were already blurred on the body, and it was visibly visible that the sensen bones outside the body were stabbed after the fracture, and they were immature!

However, the soul corpse apparently ignored the pain, and once supported the body mechanically, trying to climb up, Fang Senyan immediately kicked his head and slammed his head towards the rear for 70 or 80 degrees. Six meters.

The mahogany bookcase next to it was caught by the dead corpse and used as a tool for balancing the center of gravity. This action caused the mahogany bookcase to fall down suddenly, and the book has been tilted to a place that has never been seen since it was bought. . But the corpse of the soul just propped up less than forty-five degrees, Fang Senyan had already swooped up fiercely, after bending his elbow, hit him on the left chest with a heavy hammer.

With a horrific force of more than a hundred points, this blow can clearly hear the sound of "clicking" ribs broken. Even the dead corpse could not withstand such a violent wound, and spewed an oily liquid like bitumen, but Fang Senyan immediately shoved it back into his throat with a book.

On the cover of that book, the avatars of Jobs and Bill's covers are showing a decent smile, but they are slowly being tarnished by the body fluid of the returning corpse. And this time Fang Senyan planned to solve this trouble once and for all, stepped out and walked behind him, and then poked the guy's head 180 degrees!

The crisp sound of the cervical spine indicates that the connection between the brain and the spinal nerves has been completely cut off, so this returning corpse will not pose any threat to Moriyan ~ ~ but Fang Senyan still kicked him out with one kick A few meters.

But at this time, there was another light shining on the golden mask, and a cracking sound suddenly came from the wall on the right side of the reception room. Then, a huge palm shining with sharp nails slammed up, and the smoke burst into flames. Rising, very dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, a huge African male lion emerged from the inside, but this thing didn't look like anything new. From the dry eyes and dry hair, it can be seen that it should be similar to the existence of undead creatures. , Strange power, fearless, cruelty is its concentration.

But at this time, Fang Senyan also understood why the **** golden mask was made into a very rare "horizontal shoe face" shape, because this stuff should not be specifically designed for humans, because this stuff like male lions As soon as it appeared, it flew to the face of the lion automatically! Then stick tightly on it, forming a weird combination:

A giant lion wearing a dazzling golden mask! !!


Recommend a book: Please search for the book of kidnapping all human beings, both in creativity and writing style. To be continued ..

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