The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 71: Consumption, grinding, dragging!

The taste of the spirits was still the same, stimulating the taste buds like charcoal, but the burning sensation after swallowing the throat suddenly spread to the doctor's body. []

This could not help but make Dr. W miss the drunken joy and crying when he was young and frivolous. He also knows that the taste of spirits immersed in the throat through taste buds may be very GH very HAPPY, but the feeling of leaking through the esophagus and stomach bag into the internal organs must be a form of torture.

But the pain he expected did not come!

Instead, it was a burning sensation, which was a fiery refreshment, as if drinking a hot brown sugar **** soup when it was sore and dizzy, even the limbs had a body Kind of crispy warm.

The pain seemed to fade a little at this time, apparently because the nerves were paralyzed by alcohol, and the refreshing feeling still lingered on the body. Dr. W couldn't help but take another two sips in a row. As the drunkenness deepened, the pain became milder.

And he himself has also entered a state of simmering. This is a kind of relaxation and comfort that Dr. W can hardly explain. If he is in the cloud, he will be able to do more work with less effort.

"It's a pity ... it's gone." Dr. W turned the jug upside down, confirmed this cruel fact with his eyes, and then sighed deeply, and drank a bit of rudeness.

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"Wait fifteen minutes and you can try and drink."

After talking about Fang Senyan, he turned around and went out, while he pressed the headset. Began to receive the latest news ----- Although Zi did not send an emergency signal to contact him, but according to Fang Senyan's inference, the Rocky group of guys have begun to taste the various meals prepared for them. []

As soon as the dedicated encrypted channel was connected, Fang Senyan began to hear the reef shouting excitedly:

"Left, left, right, count ahead!"

"Very good! This shuttle bullet is enough for him. Wow! Rocky started, it's okay, I'll cut to the next one!"

"Change the armor-piercing shell. Change the smoke bomb! Turn on infrared scanning, wow, come and shoot two headshots!"

"Let me come, let me come."

Listening to this group of people shouting very unscrupulously. Most likely they thought they were playing a shooting game like CS, but the truth is: they were controlling remote-controllable weapons and aimed at Rocky's desperate attack.

There is no doubt that such an act of "just let me hit you and not let you hit me" is very mean and shameless, but it also boosts morale. Fang Senyan pressed the headset to the side of the channel:

"Are they in Zone F2 now? That's good. Give me the tunnel in front of me and let them choose to dig a hole or detour."

"OK, the detonation was successful! They seem to have chosen a detour, and it is not so easy to control the soil abilities. You can't expect Kurut fruit to exist everywhere, Brother Yan!"

"Detour? Are they going to Zone F3? It's great. The seeder defense system there should be installed, don't open the automatic mode, let people operate! Surprise them immediately" Fang Senyan immediately said.

With the highest authority at this time, he gave an order and immediately several confidential secretaries were ready to execute. To put it plainly, if not for the end of the 2012 apocalypse. Fang Senyan also couldn't catch the chance of such a big country willing to decentralize.

There is a right to not have to expire. Fang Senyan has such a rare opportunity at this time. Various kinds of poisonous tricks have been put out one after another. Be sure to make the group of Rockies difficult and exhausted! It would be best to be able to reduce their staff again with the help of institutions. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)


The steel file walking in front stopped suddenly, because there was already a fluttering floating thunder in the passage ahead. This thing is like a large pineapple that floats in the water, and there are flashing red dots around it.

The steel file immediately shrank, hiding behind the shield, and the French contractor behind him hit a frosty arrow.

Suddenly, the red dots around the floating mine suddenly extinguished, and a "beep" sound was emitted. The triangle iron pieces, steel balls, etc. contained in it were scattered in an indescribable manner, and in a narrow space. The insides staggered and sputtered each other, emitting a terrible cold light!

Even a line of fire was sketched on the wall next to him. A contractor who was hired couldn't avoid it, and his body was marked with several blood ports. Immediately, blood poured out happily. The unlucky Carlos even more It was wiped from the eyelids by a fragment of debris, almost blinded, and vision was greatly affected for a while.

The soldiers who controlled the seeder defense system were embarrassed when they saw the enemy's blasts of mines. They suddenly became so excited that they directly held down the button of spreading mines and applied frantically to fill them. All poured out in an instant. Until the high-temperature warning appeared and the loading device protested, then they looked at the enemies in front of them with the invitation to enter.

At this time, the channel was very wide, and it was already densely lined with this kind of approach to automatically track it. The exploding pineapple mines were crowded in the space. It seemed like headless flies were flying around, even more abnormal. Also began to release poisonous smoke to interfere with sight!

"What to do?" Carlos looked at Rocky for help, and their group could only retreat, and then avoided the corner.

Rocky took out a mobile phone-sized radar and looked at it. There is a simple 2D map like the legendary game above. It can be seen that there is a red light point A at the far end of the map, which is their mission goal, and they are now The position is point B, which is marked with a triangle. Several paths from point A to point B are also clear. Of course, the specific situation is unknown, such as ambush.

This thing is the exchange of Rocky's rank privileges. After each promotion, he will get several fixed privileges, and then draw a few privileges from a series of privilege lists. For example, after promoting Major General, the total privileges reached 200 points, then the fixed privileges will occupy about 100 points, and then each of the optional items in the privilege list is about 10 to 50 points, and you can combine them at will.

The mission radar that Rocky got was a rare item in the optional privilege list, which can roughly indicate the position of the mission target, which is very suitable. It is also because this rare option is very expensive, so he does not have enough points to Take the option to shield the satellite. And Rocky's team also has a very fixed division of labor. People with this rank ability have not entered the world, so they are so passive as they are now.

"It's not going to go straight to the ground," Rocky said coldly. "But at present, this channel is the closest to the target. If we change the remaining channels, it will be as difficult to walk as possible, so I do not advocate a change of path."

"So ..." Carlos said suddenly.

"I'm going on." There is a ray of fierceness in the steel file's eyes, yes, this is the time for MT to play, and use his body to make a **** way for the team! Suddenly his hands were raised, then he aimed at the stone wall next to him and slammed in. He can use a heavy two-handed tower shield with one hand. Even though he has talented support, it is absolutely impossible without high-power support. Therefore, this insertion has always been deeply submerged in the forearm.

All I could hear was the sound of Gregor from the stones, and then the steel file's arms strengthened, and the whole passage shook, making an overwhelming moan, and then collapsed and collapsed with the huge roar. Came down.

When the stone fell like rain, the steel file snarled loudly, exposing the muscles of the steel cast knot, and then already holding a boulder with a diameter of more than one meter in his arms, and then directly raised it and pointed it tossed out. !!

I only heard a series of loud noises and explosions. Obviously, the floating mine had been detonated by a loud noise. Then the steel file held the giant shield, hands crossed and rushed forward. I felt that the two sides were originally The huge shield protected him rigorously from left to right, impervious to wind, and rushed out more than 20 meters, throwing out a giant shield suddenly!

This giant shield was originally thrown during a fierce run. The blood-colored light shone, and it rotated at high speed. A huge gap of seven or eight meters long was ripped out of the wall, and then penetrated deeply into the rear wall. It is even more broken. UU reading will completely hide the soldiers who control the seeder defense system hidden in the secret room! Immediately after the light flashed a few times, a series of explosions occurred.

Suddenly, such a powerful power broke out, and the steel file couldn't help breathing for a few times, but his eyes were more fierce and fierce, but at this time, a finger www.7ket reached out and gently touched the screen. Press, freeze the frame ... Did you find his weakness? Fang Senyan looked at the steel file fixed on the screen.

Posture shook her head slightly:

"No, this person can be said to be a combination of offense and defense, with extremely rich combat experience, and it looks absolutely not easy to shoot. The first shot is shocking and powerful. It is like a heavy infantry in the cold weapon era, a steel tortoise."

The reef suddenly said:

"This guy may have explosive skills, but in general, its speed should be short board. If Kurutuo can cooperate with me, then it is not difficult for me to hold him back." RQ

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