The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 72: conspiracy

The reason why Reef dares to say this is naturally that he is an MT, so he is not very afraid of the bursting ability of the steel file. Secondly, the reef's heartbreaking is actually a very abnormal group attack ability, especially now it is attached After getting priority, once it is slowed down, it will be difficult to get rid of the reef entanglement. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

Fang Senyan sneered:

"Don't worry too much. They are at least five kilometers straight from their destination. We have arranged six seeder defense systems on the road they must pass, and there are more organs and fire points. Now This guy hasn't exposed his weakness, it's just because he's not tired enough. When he gets tired ......... hum, it's hard to tell. "

Speaking of which, a yellow signal suddenly flashed out. According to the previous agreement, the yellow signal belongs to a very important internal affairs, and the red signal is an emergency situation of foreign invasion. After the yellow signal was turned on, it was Major Li's excited voice:

"Mr. Sailor, just after Dr. W drank your vodka, he fell asleep for a while. After waking up, he felt a lot more open-minded, and his mind was very clear. With the help of vodka, the last problem that troubled him was solved. What is left is the complicated calculation and workload, so you only need to delay for an hour and a half, then the research will be completed and the data will be transmitted in the first time. "

Fang Senyan smiled. In this way, the pressure on Rocky will be even greater, once people are doing things in tension. Then often, he will make some mistakes that he would not normally make. Sanzi suddenly said at this time:

"Brother, can we try to bury them alive?"

Fang Senyan shook his head slightly:

"This possibility is not high. At present, the passageway is only about 20 meters from the ground. It is too far away for this level of landslides to bury them alive."

"More importantly. Rocky's Kungunnier is indestructible. At present, it should just be that he is reluctant to waste the power of the spear. It does not mean that he cannot escape from the ground. [] To let them know how to retreat. I have The better way, the reason I chose the current one is because I do n’t want to scare him away with grass and snakes. If it is possible, why not try to explode this legendary weapon? "

After hearing this, Sanzi realized Fang Senyan's ambitions and stopped talking.

At this time, the air in the underground bunker was very dirty, and a large number of people were smoking in exhilaration. The light blue smoke staggered together, and it almost seemed to be on fire. Fang Senyan put his finger on the table and slowly pierced his eyes. He closed his eyes and looked like the old **** was there. It seemed to be enjoying second-hand smoke. After nearly ten minutes, he said:

"Where have they gone now?"

"It has already broken into D2 area and is about to enter D3 area!" A technician reported.

Fang Senyan said silently for a while:

"These guys are advancing very fast. It seems that they have adapted to the various traps and ambushes I laid down, hum, are you ready for the request I made earlier?"

A technician nodded:

"No problem! It's ready. The thirty-seven machines that have been urgently mobilized before now are enough to keep Mr.'s request."

"Very good." Fang Senyan stood up. Squinting his eyes, it was as if the hunter stared at the prey in the trap, and looked closely at the line of Rocky that was speeding up in the display. Obviously, these people have figured out the laws of most traps. And started to accelerate.

In fact, for Rocky, their super strong team. Fang Senyan was able to use the manpower and weapons of the plot forces to plan for the situation, and the layout delay has delayed them for such a long time, which is really very rare.

Faced with the radical progress of Rocky at this time, Fang Senyan also sneered: "It looks like they are in a hurry, it is simply better. [叶 * 子] [悠 * 悠] At this time, it was we who shot The best time for you ... Push the time forward five minutes, and then move the location to the underground passage three kilometers south, you can hear Carlos's angry cry:

"Damn, why is this so! The time to complete the task was shortened to only ninety minutes! This, this ... why ?!"

Of the four remaining members of the hired "life and death" team, only two accompanied Rocky into the underground. The ability of the two remaining outside was sniper and blasting expert. The two of them were obviously not suitable for the underground passage. When fighting internally, they hid in a hidden place outside as a response.

The hired guys hope that the Rocky group will retreat because Rocky is very generous in their shots. In short, their compensation has been reached, but the steel file laughed indifferently:

"The shorter the mission time, it only means that the rewards will be increased. The same is true for the institutions set up by the Chinese! It is worth mentioning after clearing the rules! We can succeed at most in half an hour Moving forward to the destination, it's better now that the space will give us extra rewards. "

Rocky's face, like the metal engraving, is full of indescribable harshness:

"I always feel something is wrong."

He held Kungunnier with his backhand, and the immersed white light suddenly flashed out, but it was the passion of Loki's face spreading along the blood vessels.

Carlos saw Rocky's face and could not help but relieved:

"Boss, I think the steel file is right, you can relax. It shouldn't let you take any more shots. Don't you always worry about the bondage? If we are with the steel file, he is a secret Saints, would you dare show up? No matter how strong the sword Abofis is, we can't do it together! "

Rocky frowned:

"I think the worst thing is this. The last time I fought with Binding, this guy turned against my Kungunir with his empty hands. Although this forced his final hole card out, but anyway, I also Don't understand why shackles give up his greatest advantage? "

"The situation at that time was also very weird. I felt that the barriers of time and space were forcibly penetrated, and I knew that most of them were bound to transmit space at all costs. It stands to reason that only when extremely critical things happen, the **** I would risk doing it back to space, but after I rushed over, the **** was in its heyday, and then he fought with me. "

"It's a little weird." Gang File groaned after hearing it. "I think it's possible. The priest who masters the magic sword Apophis is likely to be attacked, so the **** ran over like burning a butt, Then the priest's injury is relatively serious, so of course I dare not expose it to you. As for why you do n’t use the magic sword Apophis, it is justified, because the dark saint is originally a person walking on the edge of the rules of space. The same is true of the magic sword Apophis. When the two are combined for a long time, it is easy to attract space attention, and Binding has just used the illegal ability, and of course it is afraid to commit crimes. "

After listening to the steel file's statement, even a person feels that it can be explained, but Loki couldn't help frowning:

"It is also possible that the servant of the priest is killed ..."

Carloston vetoed Rocky's claims, and he said seriously:

"Boss, you don't know the metamorphosis of that priest, if you want to kill that priest instantly before you come to help, to be honest. Unless you are two together!"

After listening to Carlos' words, Rocky smiled bitterly and felt that there was something wrong with her guess. At this time, the steel file also looked at Rocky, frowning and yelling:

"Our task now is to kill that Dr. W !!! If this task is completed, the reward will be quite generous. Rocky, your heart is chaotic. Without going all the way, breaking through all the decisions, how can you be qualified to take control of Kunguni Er? "

Rocky took a deep breath:

"Yes, I understand."

At this time, the steel file rushed forward again, and raised the shield arrogantly and rushed to a temporary shelter built in the front. The roar of the machine gun could not slow the impact of the steel file in the slightest. In front of the awakened, even the regular army armed to the teeth will be killed if they are destroyed!

However, just when they had captured this temporary bunker, a dying soldier had yelled and pressed a red button. A sharp explosion suddenly appeared in the passageway ahead, and mud and stones rolled down. Actually blocked this channel again!

Immediately shocked by the job, he hurriedly looked at the mission radar again and found that if he was going to make a detour, then he had to go back to the F area from the beginning and go to another fork! Once again, the distance will not be talked about. If this extra number is enough, the enemy will be able to bury F bombs that collapse the channel.

At that moment, Rocky's eyes flickered, and his whole body stirred up with fierce vitality. Even the steel file stepped back with a calm face, and then Rocky held Kungunier with his backhand and drank. With a sudden thunder, there was a pious hymn sound ~ ~ in the air, and the eyes were stung by the fierce light.

A flash of light, all invincible!

The landslide close to 30 meters in front was actually pierced by Kungunir, and a one-person-high passage appeared in the pile of rubble. The wall of the passage was smooth and flawless, but there was still a fiery residual temperature.袅袅 Smoke.

When a group of people saw Rocky's great power, he didn't applaud and compliment, but he was dazzled, because at the end of the tunnel that was forced out of Rocky, you can find that there were faint engineering lights over a hundred meters away. People are laying explosives.

A man suddenly swooped up in shock and anger, but at this time, the explosive was probably installed, and the soldier pressed the detonator without hesitation! The terrible landslide happened again. Blocked their way to Rocky!

At this point the steel file was angry and shouted:

"Throw again!" RQ

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