The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 95: Respectable president

The area where Fang Senyan arrived was on the outskirts of Washington, DC. Because of the late start of the project, only five giant airships were produced. [WWw.YZUU 点 m] This should have been provided as a benefit to the government, and they will set up personnel to board the boat, but the government ’s main plan is still on the Ark and its own cottage plan to follow China, so it ’s not enough attention here. .

Due to the oolong that Fang Senyan had misreported before, the popularity here was not very strong. At this time, it was so cold that apart from the staff previously arranged, almost no ghosts could be seen ... Of the five giant airships that are ready to take off at any time, at least four have empty cabins.

Of course, at this time, the entire United States was only in the central and western San Francisco San Andreas fault area. A horrible strong earthquake occurred, and the chain reaction spread to the west coast of New York and Washington. It is also slightly milder. However, the developed information and five There is also a magnitude 6 continuous aftershock earthquake.

In addition, the terrible volcanic ash cloud derived from the super volcano eruption of Yellowstone Park also swept over, really if Charlie said that "even Washington's lights are extinguished"! The panic and confusion of people can be imagined.

Therefore, in this case, it is reasonable to say that this is also a place to escape. The root cause of the lack of popularity is because of the previous aftershocks, which also happened to have a horrific rift, and the three highways that lead to Washington here Cut off the waist! When the soldiers were in trouble, it was natural to make people inaccessible.

Presiding over everything here is the devil-type woman of the Magneto. This woman can change into any person's appearance. Even the fingerprints can be copied. The man who can marry her is really a blessing. His wife does not carry heavy samples every day ......... This woman is still pregnant with Fang Senyan. With respect, and has long been a headache for these tedious administrative affairs, so I handed over the management right of this sub-base.

At this point, of course, Fang Senyan's starting point was to save more people, but he remembered it well. [] Washington and New York will be hit by a strong earthquake that collapsed the White House before being flooded with seawater.

Therefore, with the help of this kind of senior management talent, workers are allowed to continue to operate the filling device. Inflate another giant airship that has been completed but not yet inflated, and the imitation version will be incorporated into the airship formation.

Overtime in the midst of the end of the world ... Faced with such a vicious demand from capitalists ... These workers are definitely unwilling, but their families are also on giant airships that have been lifted off. You can only do it bit by bit.

In the waiting time, Fang Senyan also paid attention to the channels that are still being broadcast around the world, and found that almost all leaders of the countries participating in the Ark plan have flew to Zhuo Ming Valley, and the two heads of stay are the United States. The President and the Prime Minister of Italy, US President Wilson insisted on staying with the people, and the Italian Prime Minister stayed to pray for a miracle ... and just ten minutes ago, something strange happened, and the Italian Prime Minister was actually hijacked It's up!

Fang Senyan at this time thought of the news that some crazy Charlie was also rescued, and he immediately concluded that the end of the world was coming. It should be of great benefit to save these elites who have a high reputation among human beings.

After thinking about this, Fang Senyan found that another giant airship had been filled with enough gas, and then he simply organized it into a joint formation, and then climbed to a height of 1,000 meters, sailing towards Washington slowly. I believe it is unnecessary to ask the Pentagon at this time. Ask those bureaucrats for permission to fly.

At this time, the disadvantages of the giant airship were clearly displayed, that is, the speed of movement was surprisingly slow, especially in the case of headwinds, and the only three engines needed to propel this behemoth, which could reach three per hour. The speed of ten kilometers per hour was really exhausted.

During this voyage ... ……. A strong earthquake occurred. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

A magnitude 9.4 earthquake finally struck Washington, the capital city of the United States! !!

House of Parliament. The iconic building, which is equivalent to the Monument to the People ’s Heroes in China, the Washington Monument, which has a height of 169 meters, also collapsed. As for the Statue of Liberty, it has also collapsed.

Despite the shocking intensity of the earthquake, Fang Senyan is not worried that no one can be rescued. There are 500,000 people in Washington, and there are sufficient signs and enough time for people to escape before the strong earthquake strikes. Instead, he is now worried about the chaos caused by too many people.

As the formation of the airship slowly moved forward, many people on the airship covered their mouths and wept. A bird's-eye view of the earth, the continental plate below Washington's entire urban area was lifted up, and then divided into a dozen scattered plates by the horrible abyss crack, and the side by the sea has slowly sunk into it.

In the gloomy light, witnessing this glorious and prosperous civilization built by human beings is being trampled and destroyed, it is really anxious.

Fang Senyan stood at the front of the mother boat and looked down. He was glad to see the center of downtown Washington. The White House Plaza was still in good condition. This area is located in a place There are seven or eight square kilometers of fragmented plates, which means that the respectable black American president is still alive and it looks like tens of thousands of people have survived.

Although the volcanic ash cloud is still in the sky, and the sky is still famous for ash and snow, the buzz of the giant airship engine and the bright searchlight column still make the survivors cry in tears, even shouting loudly, even Ignite everything that can be lit around.

After sailing above the White House Square, Fang Senyan let the airship drop the air anchor, and the entire airship formation was laboriously fixed here, but it still maintained a height of thirty meters and did not lower the gangway, because this will undoubtedly happen The unprecedented tragedy is enough to make most people lose their minds in the face of survival.

At this time, the airship began to use tweeters to direct people to line up and prepare for orderly boarding. At the same time, several people from Fang Senyan pulled a rope directly and jumped off the airship. Of course, they were caught when they came. Surrounded by people. At the request of Fang Senyan, he soon met the respectable black president Wilson who was with the people.

At this time, the president seemed rather embarrassed, because he was always encouraging human life and saving the wounded, so his body, his hair, and his eyes were covered with a lot of dust. His voice was also very hoarse. When he patted it casually, his body would vacate There was a cloud of soot, and even the eye circles sank. Coupled with the signs of his thick black lips, it even looks a little funny like a chimpanzee.

However, Fang Senyan looked at him, but his heart was full of respect, and he reached out to President Wilson and said:

"I'm here to help you, Mr. President, but before that, I need your help. We are in a hurry and can't delay anymore."

President Wilson nodded:

"I will do my best."

Fang Senyan said very politely:

"Then I'll make a long story short. Although the size of the airship is huge, but the carrying capacity is limited, we must apply the precious load to people as much as possible, not the rest! So I need to organize the survivors in the square. , Not only to orderly boarding, everyone is also not allowed to carry items weighing more than one kilogram, this requires your prestige to convince them. As for food and cold protection tools, we still have a lot of storage, should be able to To ensure the basic survival of people, I must thank you for your enlightenment here. "

President Wilson nodded:

"I need a loudspeaker and then convince them that it should not be a problem."

Fang Senyan then hesitated:

"There is one more thing, a very cruel thing ......... The wounded who cannot move are destined to be abandoned because of the shortage of drugs and food, our load capacity is limited, and there are many healthy people waiting for us to save. Of course, if there are wounded in the care of our families, we will not force them to be abandoned. "

The president was silent for a while and nodded.

In the face of life and death, since people saw the hope of survival and the president's mobilization, they soon appeared orderly. Most of the people who escaped from their lives were in tears, but they were carrying one. On the limit of kilograms, although the penalties for violations are deprivation of boarding power, many people still try the law in person, but after shooting and killing several people on the spot, no similar phenomenon occurred. It is not unreasonable for the so-called "Repeated Code for Troubled Times" ~ ~ After saving the survivors around the White House area, the airship formation has been stuffed with four ships and then started to take off again. President Wilson is not necessarily a dead person, just for the belief in his heart to be with the people, so he logically boarded the center mothership.

He then hoped that Fang Senyan would be able to send the carried people to a safe area, and then return to Washington to save people. After hearing this request, Fang Senyan could only shake his head and smirk, and then called out a computer 3D animation to explain him :

That is, the big earthquake in the coastal city is actually a sign that the second stage of the end of the world is coming, and the crust of most of the earth has begun to move, which will provide sufficient energy for the tsunami. During the formation of the tsunami, the earthquake will actually appear at the bottom of the ocean, so there will be a relatively calm buffer period on the land. Therefore, if people are put down the giant airship now, their only end is a few hours later Drowned by a huge wave over a thousand meters ... wow haha, no one can guess my mind, but for the enthusiasm of Naimen, we will add a chapter tomorrow. RQ

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