The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 96: Destruction and courage

Hearing Fang Senyan's explanation, President Wilson sighed in disappointment. It looked like he was getting old for years, and then sat down tired on the icy iron chair next to him and pressed his temple www.7ket with his fingers. After all, the airship is floating, so avoid accidentally hurting people during the danger of severe shaking. These furniture are fixed, so they are not very comfortable. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

Looking at this respectable president, I can't help but feel a little grateful. Obviously, compared with his predecessors, such as father and son President Bush, Zipper Door Clinton, and Water Nixon, this fellow Wilson really looks like a Saint. Zi pulled aside the assistant presidential female assistant Sally aside. Before long, Sally brought a basin of hot water and went to work in the cooking room at the back.

Soon, hot towels, sticky warm cocoa, and a large sandwich reinjected new energy into President Wilson. It stands to reason that under psychological and physiological pressure, the president was very tired at this time. But he still had to take a look at the lives of the rest of the giant airship before he was willing to rest. In order to show respect, Fang Senyan and his party accompanied him.

It must be said here that Fang Senyan's previous preparations were quite adequate. At this time, the staff on the airship was giving everyone a series of necessary supplies in good order, including a number plate, a set of toiletries, and a while The fibers are a little rough and stingy, but they are gray blankets big enough and thick.

In this case, even those who have just boarded the boat have lost all their property. but. At least they got a safe place to lie down and rest, a bed that might not be too comfortable but kept warm. In addition, because the rescued people exceeded previous expectations, some people could only make flooring in the corridor.

After seeing Fang Senyan and the president, many people were in tears with excitement, and even some people struggled to get in front of them and kiss their insteps. [Ye Zi] [Yu] You can see to what extent the prestige of the president and Fang Senyan has reached the survivors.

After accompanying the President to visit the two giant airships, President Wilson nodded in approval, despite maintaining a critical eye. Because this is a special time, all people are required not to go outside the cabin and move around at will. Dinner is fixedly issued in sequence by a special dining car, and only those with a license plate can eat. There are two huge aluminum barrels on the dining car.

As the so-called people depend on food, President Wilson naturally walked over to check the situation. I found that the first aluminum bucket was all compressed high-density biscuits. Everyone can get a cigarette box-sized piece, which will almost bite off the teeth when bitten. Inside an aluminum bucket Biscuits can serve at least a dozen cabins.

In the second aluminum bucket, there was a very hot thick soup, which was mixed with chopped carrots, a large amount of butter, meat floss, and corn kernels, and everyone was given washing equipment. Among them are military kettles and large lunch boxes, and everyone can get a full box.

President Wilson also asked for a dinner and ate it with the people, and by the way, listened to their voices and opinions. As far as the president is concerned, this dinner is definitely not a taste or something, but high-density compression The biscuit was soaked in the thick soup and eaten. It can be said that it is full, enough for an adult to eat, and the soup has a lot of butter, although it looks very greasy. However, it is still very helpful for restoring energy and resisting the cold. It can be seen that the organizers have taken a lot of thought.

During the meal, some discordant sounds also appeared, that is, some people are not used to eating such simple food. Therefore, despite the prohibition of food waste, it was discarded.

This behavior caught the attention of security personnel. [] And quickly punished ... The plate of the person who dumped the food was taken away and returned after 36 hours, which means that he will face the embarrassing situation of at least four meals.

In general, President Wilson is very satisfied with the orderly arrangement of the entire airship formation at the same time. At the same time, the general control room sent an emergency signal: the tsunami is about to come. Climbing and forcibly closing all external exports.

At the same time, the entire airship formation is constantly sending warnings in the form of broadcasting: I hope all passengers stay in their own cabins, do not go out, and hold solid things. In addition, if passengers have confidence in their own bodies, they can go A final farewell to our great, beautiful, spectacular, magnificent Washington near the porthole.

The tide in the distance is vast and turbulent. It is piled up in the sky like dense clouds and slammed in madness. The highest wave overlooks the landing site in a bird's eye view. It is drowned without suspense, and everyone is watching silently. Below, on the peak of the waves, there is even a conventional armed aircraft carrier that symbolizes humanity's most powerful. It was wrapped and washed away. The stars and stripes logo on it was clearly visible, and then ... White House! !!

The tears of President Wilson slipped silently along the densely wrinkled old cheeks at this moment, which once represented the capital of the world's most powerful country. With such a fragmented and broken form, it was brought to nothingness in an unprecedented tide!

At this moment, this old black man, this president who can look down on life and death with his own nationals and share their hardships! Tears are falling on her face, and she is crying completely out of order! !! !!

This sadness spread to the whole boat in an instant, crying one after another.

The horrendous waves surged across in an instant, and directly wiped out the architectural and historical civilization that has soaked the efforts of generations. Looking at it, there is a vast expanse of white ocean, and the color is really desperate! In the distance where the sky and the ocean meet, the dark clouds of the black ink entity stand almost like a mountain, surging wildly, and revealing faint electric light.

Fang Senyan felt such an atmosphere of loss, sadness, and despair, and instinctively felt that he should say something, and went to President Wilson seriously: "Mr. President, Washington may be buried deep in the sea, but these three Why does the word make us horrified, why does it make us burst into tears? The meaning behind it, the spirit it represents! It is definitely not the four words of sadness. If we miss it, please engrav it in the memory It's enough, but if we are suffering from its demise, why not rebuild the new Washington with both hands in the future? Rebuild a more magnificent city, you know, before 17 AD, this was a wasteland beside the Potomac River! "

President Wilson raised his eyes, although his red eyes were still full of tears, but if he looked carefully, his fists tightened again.

Fang Senyan continued: "According to accurate information, the flood will cover the earth for at most ten days, and then it will recede. At that time, we are facing a brand new earth. Mr. President, you have repeatedly emphasized a sentence I don't agree. You say that you are the last president of the United States of America, but I believe that as long as there are people alive, as long as everyone has the dream of rebuilding their country, then the United States of America will not perish! "

Everyone looked at Fang Senyan, and even President Wilson looked at him in surprise. Then, the assistant to the president, Sally, took the lead in tears and clenched his palms, followed by the rest of the people, and finally President Wilson. Also joined in.

Fang Senyan saw a group of people restored their morale, knew that his speech had worked, smiled slightly, and yelled into the mechanical cabin: "Hey, Sand, we are too slow to float! It must be in those terrible thunder and lightning The clouds flew over their heads before they came. "

Shante is a technician trained by Dr. Octopus, and has served on the boat for a total of 300 hours, so he shouted very skillfully: "I am doing this! Now our altitude is 3,700 meters , When the storm and thunderstorm are coming, the strong winds they bring will make us rise faster! "

In the next half hour, all passengers experienced the feeling of shuttle through thunderstorm clouds, thinking about lightning and high winds looting through a thin bulkhead ~ ~ The feeling must be very exciting.

Fortunately, the **** of luck still visited them. Only one giant airship was struck by lightning, but it still could barely fly. Soon, the airship rose to a distance of 12 kilometers from the ground as expected. In this, Latitudes are already at the top of the troposphere.

So you can see the dark cumulonimbus clouds full of water vapor below, the electric light is shining, and they are boats that follow the current and move quickly in the strong wind. This is also within the previous design plan. The strong wind does not pose a threat to the large and strong airship airbags. It seems that no matter how turbulent the current is, there is no way to let a hollow sealed can box sink into the water forever. .

At this time, the entire airship formation has entered a stable period, and their period of drifting in the air is expected to exceed seventy-two hours, and then the angry earth will slowly converge on its anger. The vast majority of people on the airship formation are also sleeping in fatigue and fear, and Fang Senyan is drinking thick and bitter coffee with President Wilson and has not fallen asleep because they have more important things to do now.

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