The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 97: See also legend

In the cockpit of the giant airship, there is darkness all around. Lightning from time to time below will illuminate the ravaged land below tens of thousands of meters. The plateau is stubbornly resisting the erosion of the raging sea water, but with little effect. [Ye * zi] [Yu * you] And the volcanic ash is a group. If the tumor is generally low-level floating in the troposphere, even the electric light seems to be blocked by most. Such a grand and strange scene, ordinary people are afraid of life. It's hard to see.

In the bright light, a group of people sat around, high-powered communication instruments made a rustling sound, and the communication satellites launched into space before were still working faithfully.

With a sorrowful mood, a staff member debugged the high-power radio to the band agreed before the end of the day ... but here is a dead silence, only the rustle caused by the noise of the storm.

The black staff member's thick lips closed, and aimed at the microphone with anxiety and great pressure:

"Here is Air Force One, and here is Air Force One. There are 43,000 compatriots around me who have survived. They are in a good condition, have their own beds and can get heated food. If anyone listens When I arrive, please respond. If you have any difficulties, we will do our best to help. "

It was still quiet, it seemed only the echo of his husky and tired voice, everyone was waiting silently, but despair was rising slowly like a tide.

Suddenly, a calm voice broke the embarrassing silence:

"Here is Noah's Ark d, I'm Captain Stephen. Please forgive me directly-Air Force One should now be submerged in Zhuoming Valley, so please indicate your true identity. "

Presidential assistant Sally bent down and pointed at the microphone seriously:

"I am the chief secretary-general next to the president, Captain Stephen, you are putting the cart before the horse! Only aircraft carrying the President of the United States are eligible to be called Air Force One! The Boeing 747 codenamed s7m3b if Without the word of the President, it would not be worthy of this glorious title! "

The man across from him suddenly choked. [] The tone is also polite:

"Is there really a miracle? We lost contact with the White House during the quake that struck Washington."

Suddenly, another voice joined in:

"Here is A secret base in Alaska. I am Lieutenant General Agil. We were safe on the sea floor and the earthquake was very lucky to let us through because of the destruction of communication equipment. It also represents base d and e The base pays tribute to you. The number of survivors on our side is 160,000. Finally, is Mr. President really alive? "

The greeting from Alaska has just ended, and another voice comes:

"Here is the tuna formation. Repeat. Here is the tuna formation."

The tuna formation was a similar organization temporarily formed after the United States learned of China's cottage operation, and it was also the biggest hope for official rescue. I heard the news of the tuna formation. Everyone held their breath, because to be straightforward, the future of the United States' revival and its international status must all be based on the success of this plan.

"The damage rate for the tuna formation was 23.1%. The plan was basically successful! Repeat the previous question again. Is Mr. President still built?"

Upon hearing the news, everyone in the room cheered, and it was unexpected that at least millions of Americans survived. After hearing this news, a lot of news spread quickly in this encrypted channel. Message. There are official and private ones, but invariably all mentioned Mr. President.

To be honest, since President Wilson was determined to stay with the people and die, his prestige is almost comparable to the first president in American history. Such a strong personality charm has made his reputation in all Americans feel like they are in the sky. []

At this point, President Wilson finally sat at the table and said slowly with a husky and tired voice:

"I'm Wilson. I'm sailing in the sky twelve kilometers from the ground with the last 43,000 compatriots who have survived in Washington. I never hated the arrangement of fate like this, because it almost made this great The proud race was once facing extinction, and I have never been so grateful for fate, because it still gives us a glimmer of vitality in such a difficult situation. Long live the great United States of America ... 唔 ??? What? "With the husky, tired, but firm voice of President Wilson, a strange form suddenly appeared on the retina of Fang Senyan and others.

China: Comprehensive number of direct / indirect rescues ... people.

United States: Comprehensive number of direct / indirect rescues ... people.

Your team is grateful for Jackson Kluster.

Your team is grateful to Dr. Gordon.

Your team has won the friendship of Mr. g, an international leader.

Your team has won the friendship of international leader Mr. Wilson.

Calculating ... Ace team has completed a glorious deed: Saviour! In the end of 2012, successfully saved the lives of 5 million people who should have died! "

"Complete the evaluation of this glorious deed: b, the merit value of all members of the team +10."

The glorious deed is the ultimate secret hidden in each world, it is extremely difficult to find and has uniqueness. Once a contractor completes the glorious deed, the rest of the contractor cannot achieve this goal.

You have triggered the relevant conditions, all of you will get an additional bonus of +1 points, but your clearance evaluation rewards will be emptied.

May I ask if you choose this reward. (whether)

In non-combat situations, legend can increase the owner's reputation among any of the characters in the nightmare world. +1 legendary degree = When you increase the reputation of any faction, the required reputation value is reduced by 10%, the discount when you trade with all plot characters + 10%, and you have direct access to certain noble plot characters The right to dialogue.

In combat status, +1 legend will increase your evasion rate and hit rate by 5% at the same time!

In the summary of the level, +1 legend can get you extra evaluation!

At this time, everyone was shocked. They never expected that they would always adhere to Fang Senyan's rescue policy, and finally they could get such a powerful reward! Legend Degree!

Although the legend seems to have been working for a long time on Fang Senyan, it is only because Fang Senyan has experienced too much difficulty in the world after becoming a hunter, but in fact, it is only " In the level summary, the +1 legend can get you extra evaluation "This is suppressed.

The rest of the legendary attributes have been playing a role in silence.

As a matter of fact, the legendary attributes of the rest of the people's eyes on Fang Senyan have been around for a long time. Compared to this, what is the reward for clearing the clearance? In addition, if you can bring the ethnic group of Wuge Girl out of the Lord of the Rings world, you can still get a little legend. This thing is also expected to be achieved soon. .

Next, Fang Senyan also received a reminder to complete the main task with a low evaluation, and the reward was just 5,000 universal points. From this reward, we can see how serious Fang Senyan's perfunctory mind is.

After that, the space gave them an hour of preparation, and then they had to be ready to return. However, Fang Senyan also did not intend to cause any human evaporation, but intended to explain a lot of things, and transferred to President Wilson before leaving.

There is no doubt that according to the information now available, the rise of China, which has tens of millions of people successfully surviving the 2012 disaster, is inevitable, and the United States retreats from the position of world supremacy with no doubt.

So Fang Senyan did not have any psychological burden when doing these things. Without prejudice to the interests of China, his purpose is to hope that the people living at the bottom live better ... That's it, this is the mother boat above. Map of all grain reserves locations and structures. Because it is about fifteen days to stay in the sky, considering that passengers will definitely have some irrational emotions and changes, so a timely provisional armed forces will be established. "

"I see." Although the eyes of the president's eyes were already exhausted, he still tried to listen to Fang Senyan's words, and even said that he was afraid that he would forget them, and he wrote them down with pen and paper.

"I don't know what Mr. President thinks about mutants and bloodlines that do not actively attack human beings? Fang Senyan suddenly tentatively said ~ ~ We welcome all forces with goodwill, even if they are the strongest in the country During this period, they also tried to give them the respect and treatment they deserve, let alone now? "

After hearing the president ’s answer, Fang Senyan nodded with satisfaction. In his opinion, Professor X had no experience in politics after all. His specialty was to soothe the soul, so Fang Senyan felt that the post-disaster reconstruction was left to the light road President Wilson, they, Professor X rushed to get in trouble, the more help the more help.

On the contrary, what is most suitable for Professor X is religion. He can use his own spiritual tentacles to soothe people's psychology, which is similar to the Pope. Such a system of separation of church and state should be the most suitable for the disaster.


I originally planned to add another chapter, but something was delayed during the day, so I'll add it today. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.) RV

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